6 research outputs found

    Training Adversarial Agents to Exploit Weaknesses in Deep Control Policies

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    Deep learning has become an increasingly common technique for various control problems, such as robotic arm manipulation, robot navigation, and autonomous vehicles. However, the downside of using deep neural networks to learn control policies is their opaque nature and the difficulties of validating their safety. As the networks used to obtain state-of-the-art results become increasingly deep and complex, the rules they have learned and how they operate become more challenging to understand. This presents an issue, since in safety-critical applications the safety of the control policy must be ensured to a high confidence level. In this paper, we propose an automated black box testing framework based on adversarial reinforcement learning. The technique uses an adversarial agent, whose goal is to degrade the performance of the target model under test. We test the approach on an autonomous vehicle problem, by training an adversarial reinforcement learning agent, which aims to cause a deep neural network-driven autonomous vehicle to collide. Two neural networks trained for autonomous driving are compared, and the results from the testing are used to compare the robustness of their learned control policies. We show that the proposed framework is able to find weaknesses in both control policies that were not evident during online testing and therefore, demonstrate a significant benefit over manual testing methods.Comment: 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Weakly Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Highway Driving via Virtual Safety Cages

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    The use of neural networks and reinforcement learning has become increasingly popular in autonomous vehicle control. However, the opaqueness of the resulting control policies presents a significant barrier to deploying neural network-based control in autonomous vehicles. In this paper, we present a reinforcement learning based approach to autonomous vehicle longitudinal control, where the rule-based safety cages provide enhanced safety for the vehicle as well as weak supervision to the reinforcement learning agent. By guiding the agent to meaningful states and actions, this weak supervision improves the convergence during training and enhances the safety of the final trained policy. This rule-based supervisory controller has the further advantage of being fully interpretable, thereby enabling traditional validation and verification approaches to ensure the safety of the vehicle. We compare models with and without safety cages, as well as models with optimal and constrained model parameters, and show that the weak supervision consistently improves the safety of exploration, speed of convergence, and model performance. Additionally, we show that when the model parameters are constrained or sub-optimal, the safety cages can enable a model to learn a safe driving policy even when the model could not be trained to drive through reinforcement learning alone.Comment: Published in Sensor

    Rethink the Adversarial Scenario-based Safety Testing of Robots: the Comparability and Optimal Aggressiveness

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    This paper studies the class of scenario-based safety testing algorithms in the black-box safety testing configuration. For algorithms sharing the same state-action set coverage with different sampling distributions, it is commonly believed that prioritizing the exploration of high-risk state-actions leads to a better sampling efficiency. Our proposal disputes the above intuition by introducing an impossibility theorem that provably shows all safety testing algorithms of the aforementioned difference perform equally well with the same expected sampling efficiency. Moreover, for testing algorithms covering different sets of state-actions, the sampling efficiency criterion is no longer applicable as different algorithms do not necessarily converge to the same termination condition. We then propose a testing aggressiveness definition based on the almost safe set concept along with an unbiased and efficient algorithm that compares the aggressiveness between testing algorithms. Empirical observations from the safety testing of bipedal locomotion controllers and vehicle decision-making modules are also presented to support the proposed theoretical implications and methodologies