16 research outputs found

    Structured Multi-Hashing for Model Compression

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    Despite the success of deep neural networks (DNNs), state-of-the-art models are too large to deploy on low-resource devices or common server configurations in which multiple models are held in memory. Model compression methods address this limitation by reducing the memory footprint, latency, or energy consumption of a model with minimal impact on accuracy. We focus on the task of reducing the number of learnable variables in the model. In this work we combine ideas from weight hashing and dimensionality reductions resulting in a simple and powerful structured multi-hashing method based on matrix products that allows direct control of model size of any deep network and is trained end-to-end. We demonstrate the strength of our approach by compressing models from the ResNet, EfficientNet, and MobileNet architecture families. Our method allows us to drastically decrease the number of variables while maintaining high accuracy. For instance, by applying our approach to EfficentNet-B4 (16M parameters) we reduce it to to the size of B0 (5M parameters), while gaining over 3% in accuracy over B0 baseline. On the commonly used benchmark CIFAR10 we reduce the ResNet32 model by 75% with no loss in quality, and are able to do a 10x compression while still achieving above 90% accuracy.Comment: Elad and Yair contributed equally to the paper. They jointly proposed the idea of structured-multi-hashing. Elad: Wrote most of the code and ran most of the experiments Yair: Main contributor to the manuscript Hao: Coding and experiments Yerlan: Coding and experiments Miguel: advised Yerlan about optimization and model compression Mark:experiments Andrew: experiment

    ELRT: Efficient Low-Rank Training for Compact Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Low-rank compression, a popular model compression technique that produces compact convolutional neural networks (CNNs) with low rankness, has been well-studied in the literature. On the other hand, low-rank training, as an alternative way to train low-rank CNNs from scratch, has been exploited little yet. Unlike low-rank compression, low-rank training does not need pre-trained full-rank models, and the entire training phase is always performed on the low-rank structure, bringing attractive benefits for practical applications. However, the existing low-rank training solutions still face several challenges, such as a considerable accuracy drop and/or still needing to update full-size models during the training. In this paper, we perform a systematic investigation on low-rank CNN training. By identifying the proper low-rank format and performance-improving strategy, we propose ELRT, an efficient low-rank training solution for high-accuracy, high-compactness, low-rank CNN models. Our extensive evaluation results for training various CNNs on different datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of ELRT