5 research outputs found

    On Equivalence of Anchored and ANOVA Spaces; Lower Bounds

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    We provide lower bounds for the norms of embeddings between γ\boldsymbol{\gamma}-weighted Anchored and ANOVA spaces of ss-variate functions with mixed partial derivatives of order one bounded in LpL_p norm (p∈[1,∞]p\in[1,\infty]). In particular we show that the norms behave polynomially in ss for Finite Order Weights and Finite Diameter Weights if p>1p>1, and increase faster than any polynomial in ss for Product Order-Dependent Weights and any pp

    On efficient weighted integration via a change of variables

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    In this paper, we study the approximation of dd-dimensional ρ\rho-weighted integrals over unbounded domains R+d\mathbb{R}_+^d or Rd\mathbb{R}^d using a special change of variables, so that quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) or sparse grid rules can be applied to the transformed integrands over the unit cube. We consider a class of integrands with bounded LpL_p norm of mixed partial derivatives of first order, where p∈[1,+∞].p\in[1,+\infty]. The main results give sufficient conditions on the change of variables ν\nu which guarantee that the transformed integrand belongs to the standard Sobolev space of functions over the unit cube with mixed smoothness of order one. These conditions depend on ρ\rho and pp. The proposed change of variables is in general different than the standard change based on the inverse of the cumulative distribution function. We stress that the standard change of variables leads to integrands over a cube; however, those integrands have singularities which make the application of QMC and sparse grids ineffective. Our conclusions are supported by numerical experiments

    Very Low Truncation Dimension for High Dimensional Integration Under Modest Error Demand

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    We consider the problem of numerical integration for weighted anchored and ANOVA Sobolev spaces of ss-variate functions. Here ss is large including s=∞s=\infty. Under the assumption of sufficiently fast decaying weights, we prove in a constructive way that such integrals can be approximated by quadratures for functions fkf_k with only kk variables, where k=k(Ρ)k=k(\varepsilon) depends solely on the error demand Ρ\varepsilon and is surprisingly small when ss is sufficiently large relative to Ρ\varepsilon. This holds, in particular, for s=∞s=\infty and arbitrary Ρ\varepsilon since then k(Ρ)<∞k(\varepsilon)<\infty for all Ρ\varepsilon. Moreover k(Ρ)k(\varepsilon) does not depend on the function being integrated, i.e., is the same for all functions from the unit ball of the space

    Effective dimension of some weighted pre-Sobolev spaces with dominating mixed partial derivatives

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    This paper considers two notions of effective dimension for quadrature in weighted pre-Sobolev spaces with dominating mixed partial derivatives. We begin by finding a ball in those spaces just barely large enough to contain a function with unit variance. If no function in that ball has more than Ρ\varepsilon of its variance from ANOVA components involving interactions of order ss or more, then the space has effective dimension at most ss in the superposition sense. A similar truncation sense notion replaces the cardinality of the ANOVA component by the largest index it contains. Some Poincar\'e type inequalities are used to bound variance components by multiples of these space's squared norm and those in turn provide bounds on effective dimension. Very low effective dimension in the superposition sense holds for some spaces defined by product weights in which quadrature is strongly tractable. The superposition dimension is O(log⁑(1/Ρ)/log⁑(log⁑(1/Ρ)))O( \log(1/\varepsilon)/\log(\log(1/\varepsilon))) just like the superposition dimension used in the multidimensional decomposition method. Surprisingly, even spaces where all subset weights are equal, regardless of their cardinality or included indices, have low superposition dimension in this sense. This paper does not require periodicity of the integrands

    Efficient implementations of the Multivariate Decomposition Method for approximating infinite-variate integrals

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    In this paper we focus on efficient implementations of the Multivariate Decomposition Method (MDM) for approximating integrals of ∞\infty-variate functions. Such ∞\infty-variate integrals occur for example as expectations in uncertainty quantification. Starting with the anchored decomposition f=βˆ‘uβŠ‚Nfuf = \sum_{\mathfrak{u}\subset\mathbb{N}} f_\mathfrak{u}, where the sum is over all finite subsets of N\mathbb{N} and each fuf_\mathfrak{u} depends only on the variables xjx_j with j∈uj\in\mathfrak{u}, our MDM algorithm approximates the integral of ff by first truncating the sum to some `active set' and then approximating the integral of the remaining functions fuf_\mathfrak{u} term-by-term using Smolyak or (randomized) quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) quadratures. The anchored decomposition allows us to compute fuf_\mathfrak{u} explicitly by function evaluations of ff. Given the specification of the active set and theoretically derived parameters of the quadrature rules, we exploit structures in both the formula for computing fuf_\mathfrak{u} and the quadrature rules to develop computationally efficient strategies to implement the MDM in various scenarios. In particular, we avoid repeated function evaluations at the same point. We provide numerical results for a test function to demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm