327 research outputs found
Safety and side effects of propofol in clinical practice - literature overview
Introduction and purpose
Since people have been conducting surgeries to improve their health, they have always faced the problem of pain that these actions inevitably bring. Propofol as an anesetic is one of the solutions to these problems. Due to the widespread use of this drug, its side effects are often observed. This paper aims to gather the available knowledge about the adverse reactions of propofol in clinical practice and to present ways to reduce the risk of their occurrence described in the literature.
Material and methods
The following review of the work was based on viewable data obtained from the PubMed database and Google Scholar. The key words used in the search were: propofol, propofol infiusion syndrome, propofol bradycardia, propofol infusion pain, propofol neuroprotection, propofol hypotension.
Studies indicate a number of possible solutions to reduce the risk or intensity of individual side effects. . There are many possibilities, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological, fulfilling this task – administration of propofol simultaneously with drugs of other groups responsible for sedation, replacement of propofol with another sedation drug in selected situations, cold compresses, analgetic usage of vibrations. These methods require further research and the development of appropriate protocols for use in clinical situations
Choice, control and reflection : the notion of agency in migration studies
Artykuł niniejszy poświęcony jest wykorzystaniu kategorii sprawstwa w badaniach migracyjnych. Przyjmuję w nim założenie sprawstwa w ramach struktury społecznej oraz dualizmu struktury i sprawstwa wywiedzione z koncepcji Margaret Archer. Wskazuję na różne sposoby rozumienia i przejawiania się strukturalnych uwarunkowań zarówno na poziomie makrospołecznym (polityka migracyjna, polityka edukacyjna), jak i na poziomie mezo- i mikrospołecznym (uwarunkowania lokalne, rodzinne) oraz intrapsychicznym, a także ukazuję próby uzyskania lub odzyskania sprawstwa przez uczestników badania. Koncentrując się na subiektywnym aspekcie sprawstwa, analizuję pod tym kątem biografie wielokrotnych migrantów. Wykorzystane w artykule wywiady biograficzne pochodzą z projektu badawczego poświęconego słabo znanej w polskiej literaturze kategorii migrantów, jaką są osoby migrujące w dzieciństwie ze swoimi rodzicami dyplomatami, pracownikami międzynarodowych korporacji czy specjalistami wyjeżdżającymi na zagraniczne kontrakty. Osoby te, określane w literaturze mianem Third Culture Kids, coraz częściej stają się przedmiotem zainteresowania badaczy migracji.This paper is focused on the use of the notion of "agency" in migration studies. I take the perspective of "agency in the frames of social structure" and of the dualism of agency and structure inspired by Margaret Archer’s theory. I indicate different ways of understanding structural conditions and their manifestations on the macro-, meso- and micro level, as well as in the intrapsychic dimension. I also analyse diverse ways of gaining and keeping sense of agency in one’s life. Concentrating on the subjective aspect of agency I explore biographies of serial migrants. The narrative interviews analysed in this paper were conducted in the frames of a research project dedicated to Third Culture Kids, i.e. people who migrated in childhood and youth with their parents, who followed mobile careers. This category of migrants, rather unknown in Poland, attracts more and more interest on the part of researchers
To hide, to disguise, to camouflage : troubling visibility of sound amplifying instruments
In the 19th century, the ear trumpet became a ubiquitous attribute of deaf people. This large clumsy device was synonymous with deaf issues such as misinterpretation and other communication difficulties, leading to deafness being seen as a funny impairment, in contrast to blindness. Deaf users wanted to hide these stigmatizing devices, therefore producers invented sophisticated ways of disguising them as hats, fans or even chairs. Similarly, producers of the new electric hearing aids of the time followed this trend by designing them in the form of bags, jewelry, and glasses (it was still better to be shortsighted than hard-of-hearing). The miniaturization afforded by transistors consequently served the same aim. However, trumpets and especially hearing aids reflect the social and cultural emancipation of deaf communities that took place over the course of the 20th century; from aids bashfully hidden to instruments available in vivid colors and styles (e.g. with animal patterns or in punk styles) and decorated with specially designed jewelry used by the “proud Deaf”. The article is based on twofold empirical research: object-oriented analysis of the ear trumpet and hearing aid collection at Thackray’s Medical Museum (Leeds, Great Britain), and analysis of hearing aid advertisements published in Volta Review since 1910
Acne is a medical and social problem
Acne is one of the most common dermatoses. It is a chronic inflammatory disease of pilosebaceous units. The pathogenesis of the disease consists of: hyperproliferation of hair follicle opening cells and the formation of microcomedones closing its opening. Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands and increased sebum production. Inflammatory reaction induced by Cutibacterium acnes. Acne most often occurs between the ages of 11 and 30. Acne changes affect adults more and more often. Statistically, the incidence of acne vulgaris is comparable, but more severe course is more common in men. The most prone to acne are areas rich in sebaceous glands - face, including the T-zone, back, chest. The clinical picture is dominated by blackheads, pustules, papules, cysts, nodules, and inflammatory infiltrates. The etipathogenesis of acne is complex, and finding the cause is very difficult and time-consuming.
Regardless of age, people suffering from acne experience great discomfort, which has a very negative impact on their self-esteem and quality of life
The growing importance of high-efficiency ultrasound in diagnosis and management of dermatological diseases
Introduction: High-frequency ultrasonography (HF-USG) uses frequency above 20 MHz, which allows to visualize skin layers and measure their thickness. As it is simple, non-invasive and reliable technique, it has become a relevant tool in the field of dermatology along with other methods like for example dermoscopy. It can be used not only for the evaluation, diagnosis and management of various skin diseases, but also for analysis of the healthy skin structure
Aim of the study: The aim of this review is to present information on the use of high-efficiency USG and its application in dermatology.
Materials and methods: The literature available in the PubMed and Google Scholar data bases was reviewed, using the following keywords: "dermatologic ultrasound", "skin ultrasound, "HFUS dermatology".
Conclusions: HFUS has given many opportunities in dermatology. Although ultrasound is not a new thing and it has been used in the field of dermatology for more than four decades, its significance has evolved with improvements in technology. We already have some pathognomonic sonographic features for skin lesions, but this amount will definitely increase due to the growing popularity of HFUS devices in clinical practice
The brain in the humanities. The neural trends in the work of Stanislaw Przybyszewski
Wychodząc od refleksji o rozbieżnościach między humanistyką i nauką, autorka wskazuje na możliwość poszerzenia neuronauki o krytykę neurologiczną utworów literackich, opartą na kulturowej teorii kultury i koncepcji umysłu ucieleśnionego. Nową strategię stosuje wobec twórczości Stanisława Przybyszewskiego, poszerzając pole jej tradycyjnych odniesień, takich jak psychoanaliza, psychopatologia czy symbolika mistyczno-gnostyczna. Analizie poddaje listy, eseje i poematy z okresu berlińskiego, odwołując się do publicystyki z przełomu XIX i XX w. („Prawda”, „Zdrój”). Interesuje ją głównie przestrzeń wyobraźniowa i architektonika myślenia zaznaczająca się w utworze, różnicuje analizowane fragmenty pod względem stopnia referencji, dzieląc je na „neurologiczne stylizacje” (maszyna elektryczna, gangliony, węzeł syntetyczny, nici) i „neurologiczne kopie”. Ostatecznie, pisarskie refleksje na temat funkcjonowania mózgu prowadzą autorkę do wniosków o nowym obrazie podmiotu i dominacji metafor mózgowych w kulturze (kłącze).Starting from a reflection about differences between the humanities and science, the author indicates the possibility of expanding the neuroscience on neurological literature criticism, based on the cultural theory of culture and concepts of embodied mind. She applies this new strategy to the works of Stanislaw Przybyszewski, expanding its traditional fields of references such as psychoanalysis, psychopathology or mystical Gnostic symbolism. She analyzes letters, essays and poems from the Berlin period, referring to journalism at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth century („Prawda”, „Zdroj”). She is interested mainly in imaginary space and tectonics of thinking, distinguished in the work, she distinguished the analyzed fragments in terms of the reference to „neurological styling” (an electric machine ganglia, synthetic knot, thread) and „neurological copies”. Finally, the writer’s reflections on the functioning of the brain, leads the author to the conclusion about the new image of the subject and domination of brain metaphors in culture (rhizome)
System informacyjny w ochronie zdrowia
Autorzy omówili główne pojęcia związane z dokumentowaniem zdarzeń, określanych jako medyczne. Scharakteryzowali znaczenie elektronicznego rekordu medycznego. Podkreślili, że dane składające się na rekord dotyczą nie tylko przebiegu procesu terapii chorego, ale także wyników jego badań diagnostycznych (w tym także obrazowych), wykonanych przez personel medyczny procedur, zastosowanych leków, stylu życia pacjenta, a także uzyskiwanych przez pacjenta usług mających jakikolwiek związek z jego zdrowiem. Następnie omówili najważniejsze składowe projektowanego Systemu Informacyjnego w Ochronie Zdrowia. Podkreślili, główne założenia systemu czyli funkcjonalność, wydajność, niezawodność oraz konieczność posiadania odpowiedniej infrastruktury informatycznej, a także oprogramowania pozwalającego na współpracę z innymi systemami w obszarze wymiany danych, w zakresie oraz formie zgodnej z przyjętymi standardami. W dalszej części artykułu scharakteryzowano System Informacji Medycznej.The authors discussed the main concepts related to the documentation of events, referred to as medical. They characterized the meaning of electronic medical record. They emphasized that the data included in the record concern not only the course of the patient's therapy process, but also the results of diagnostic tests, procedures performed by the medical staff, drugs used, the patient's lifestyle, as well as services obtained by the patient that have any connection with his health. Next, they discussed the most important components of the planned Healthcare Information System. They emphasized the main assumptions of the system, i.e. functionality, efficiency, reliability and the necessity to have an appropriate IT infrastructure, as well as software allowing for cooperation with other systems in the area of data exchange, in the scope and form consistent with the adopted standards. The following part of the article describes the Medical Information System
Parodie, trawestacje, uwertury – znaczenie zabiegów stylizacyjnych w szkolnych etiudach Marka Piwowskiego
The subject of the article Parodies, travesties, overtures – meaning of styling treatments in Mark Piwowski’s school films are Marek Piwowski’s early, short films and the stylistic and parodic elements he used. As the starting point of the discussion, Katarzyna Maka-Malatynska adopts the findings of Jerzy Ziomek and Ryszard Nycz, and their definition of parody. Using categories of literary and film studies, the author examines four school films of the creator of The Cruise. Acknowledging parody as the first degree of mockumentary after Roscoe and Hight, she proposes that Piwowski’s first films be seen as mockumentary, which could result in a new interpretation of his later works.The subject of the article Parodies, travesties, overtures – meaning of styling treatments in Mark Piwowski’s school films are Marek Piwowski’s early, short films and the stylistic and parodic elements he used. As the starting point of the discussion, Katarzyna Maka-Malatynska adopts the findings of Jerzy Ziomek and Ryszard Nycz, and their definition of parody. Using categories of literary and film studies, the author examines four school films of the creator of The Cruise. Acknowledging parody as the first degree of mockumentary after Roscoe and Hight, she proposes that Piwowski’s first films be seen as mockumentary, which could result in a new interpretation of his later works.
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