1,974 research outputs found


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    Against the background of the growing significance of Business Process Management (BPM) for Information Systems (IS) research and practice, especially the field of Business Process Modeling gains more and more importance. Business process models support communication about as well as the coordination of processes and have become a widely adopted tool in practice. As the understandability of business process models plays a crucial role in communication processes, more and more studies on process model understandability have been conducted in IS research. This article aims at investigating underlying theories of research into business process model understandability by means of an in-depth analysis of 126 systematically retrieved research articles on the topic. It shows in how far process model understandability research is multi-theoretically founded. Identified theories differ regarding addressed subject matters, their coverage, their focus as well as the underlying notion of model understanding, which is exemplarily demonstrated and discussed in this article. Moreover, implications of the findings are discussed and an outlook on future business process model understandability research and on the integration potential of theories in this field is given

    Object-Oriented Paradigms for Modelling Vascular\ud Tumour Growth: a Case Study

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    Motivated by a family of related hybrid multiscale models, we have built an object-oriented framework for developing and implementing multiscale models of vascular tumour growth. The models are implemented in our framework as a case study to highlight how object-oriented programming techniques and good object-oriented design may be used effectively to develop hybrid multiscale models of vascular tumour growth. The intention is that this paper will serve as a useful reference for researchers modelling complex biological systems and that these researchers will employ some of the techniques presented herein in their own projects

    Do Process Modelling Techniques Get Better? A Comparative Ontological Analysis of BPMN

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    Current initiatives in the field of Business Process Management (BPM) strive for the development of a BPM standard notation by pushing the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). However, such a proposed standard notation needs to be carefully examined. Ontological analysis is an established theoretical approach to evaluating modelling techniques. This paper reports on the outcomes of an ontological analysis of BPMN and explores identified issues by reporting on interviews conducted with BPMN users in Australia. Complementing this analysis we consolidate our findings with previous ontological analyses of process modelling notations to deliver a comprehensive assessment of BPMN

    Understanding understandability of conceptual models - what are we actually talking about? - Supplement

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    Investigating and improving the quality of conceptual models has gained tremendous importance in recent years. In general, model understandability is regarded one of the most important model quality goals and criteria. A considerable amount of empirical studies, especially experiments, have been conducted in order to investigate factors in-fluencing the understandability of conceptual models. However, a thorough review and reconstruction of 42 experiments on conceptual model understandability shows that there is a variety of different understandings and conceptualizations of the term model understandability. As a consequence, this term remains ambiguous, research results on model understandability are hardly comparable and partly imprecise, which shows the necessity of clarification what the conceptual modeling community is actually talking about when the term model understandability is used. This contribution represents a supplement to the article „ Understanding understandability of conceptual models – What are we actually talking about?” published in the Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2012) which aimed at overcoming the above mentioned shortcoming by investigating and further clarifying the concept of model understandability. This supplement contains a complete overview of Table 1 (p. 69 in the original contribution) which could only be partly presented in the conference proceedings due to space limitations. Furthermore, an erratum concerning the overview in Table 2 (p. 71 in the original contribution) is presented

    Evaluating Visual Realism in Drawing Areas of Interest on UML Diagrams

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    Areas of interest (AOIs) are defined as an addition to UML diagrams: groups of elements of system architecture diagrams that share some common property. Some methods have been proposed to automatically draw AOIs on UML diagrams. However, it is not clear how users perceive the results of such methods as compared to human-drawn areas of interest. We present here a process of studying and improving the perceived quality of computer-drawn AOIs. We qualitatively evaluated how users perceive the quality of computer- and human-drawn AOIs, and used these results to improve an existing algorithm for drawing AOIs. Finally, we designed a quantitative comparison for AOI drawings and used it to show that our improved renderings are closer to human drawings than the original rendering algorithm results. The combined user evaluation, algorithmic improvements, and quantitative comparison support our claim of improving the perceived quality of AOIs rendered on UML diagrams.
