249 research outputs found

    Adaptive sampling by histogram equalization: theory, algorithms, and applications, 2007

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    We present the investigation of a novel, progressive, adaptive sampling scheme. This scheme is based on the distribution of already obtained samples. Even spaced sampling of a function with varying slopes or degrees of complexity yields relatively fewer samples from the regions of higher slopes. Hence, a distribution of these samples will exhibit a relatively lower representation of the function values from regions of higher complexity. When compared to even spaced sampling, a scheme that attempts to progressively equalize the histogram of the function values results in a higher concentration of samples in regions of higher complexity. This is a more efficient distri-bution of sample points, hence the term adaptive sampling. This conjecture is confirmed by numerous examples. Compared to existing adaptive sampling schemes, our approach has the unique ability to efficiently obtain expensive samples from a space with no prior knowledge of the relative levels of variation or complexity in the sampled function. This is a requirement in numerous scientific computing applications. Three models are employed to achieve the equalization in the distribution of sampled function values: (1) an active-walker model, containing elements of the random walk theory, and the motion of Brownian particles, (2) an ant model, based on the simulation of the behavior of ants in search of resources, and (3) an evolutionary algorithm model. Their performances are compared on objective basis such as entropy measure of information, and the Nyquist-Shannon minimum sampling rate for band-limited signals. The development of this adaptive sampling scheme was informed by a need to effi-ciently synthesize hyperspectral images used in place of real images. The performance of the adaptive sampling scheme as an aid to the image synthesis process is evaluated. The synthesized images are used in the development of a measure of clutter in hyperspectral images. This process is described, and the results are presented

    Space-based Global Maritime Surveillance. Part I: Satellite Technologies

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    Maritime surveillance (MS) is crucial for search and rescue operations, fishery monitoring, pollution control, law enforcement, migration monitoring, and national security policies. Since the early days of seafaring, MS has been a critical task for providing security in human coexistence. Several generations of sensors providing detailed maritime information have become available for large offshore areas in real time: maritime radar sensors in the 1950s and the automatic identification system (AIS) in the 1990s among them. However, ground-based maritime radars and AIS data do not always provide a comprehensive and seamless coverage of the entire maritime space. Therefore, the exploitation of space-based sensor technologies installed on satellites orbiting around the Earth, such as satellite AIS data, synthetic aperture radar, optical sensors, and global navigation satellite systems reflectometry, becomes crucial for MS and to complement the existing terrestrial technologies. In the first part of this work, we provide an overview of the main available space-based sensors technologies and present the advantages and limitations of each technology in the scope of MS. The second part, related to artificial intelligence, signal processing and data fusion techniques, is provided in a companion paper, titled: "Space-based Global Maritime Surveillance. Part II: Artificial Intelligence and Data Fusion Techniques" [1].Comment: This paper has been submitted to IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazin

    An Analysis of multimodal sensor fusion for target detection in an urban environment

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    This work makes a compelling case for simulation as an attractive tool in designing cutting-edge remote sensing systems to generate the sheer volume of data required for a reasonable trade study. The generalized approach presented here allows multimodal system designers to tailor target and sensor parameters for their particular scenarios of interest via synthetic image generation tools, ensuring that resources are best allocated while sensors are still in the design phase. Additionally, sensor operators can use the customizable process showcased here to optimize image collection parameters for existing sensors. In the remote sensing community, polarimetric capabilities are often seen as a tool without a widely accepted mission. This study proposes incorporating a polarimetric and spectral sensor in a multimodal architecture to improve target detection performance in an urban environment. Two novel multimodal fusion algorithms are proposed--one for the pixel level, and another for the decision level. A synthetic urban scene is rendered for 355 unique combinations of illumination condition and sensor viewing geometry with the Digital Imaging and Remote Sensing Image Generation (DIRSIG) model, and then validated to ensure the presence of enough background clutter. The utility of polarimetric information is shown to vary with the sun-target-sensor geometry, and the decision fusion algorithm is shown to generally outperform the pixel fusion algorithm. The results essentially suggest that polarimetric information may be leveraged to restore the capabilities of a spectral sensor if forced to image under less than ideal circumstances

    Estimating foliar and wood lignin concentrations, and leaf area index (LAI) of Eucalyptus clones in Zululand using hyperspectral imagery.

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    Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.To produce high quality paper, lignin should be removed from the pulp. Quantification of lignin concentrations using standard wet chemistry is accurate but time consuming and costly, thus not appropriate for a large number of samples. The ability of hyperspectral remote sensing to predict foliar lignin concentrations could be utilized to estimate wood lignin concentrations if meaningful relationships between wood and foliar chemistry are established. LAI (leaf area index) is a useful parameter that is incorporated into physiological models in forest assessment. Measuring LAI over vast areas is labour intensive and expensive; therefore, LAI has been correlated to vegetation indices using remote sensing. Broadband indices use average spectral information over broad bandwidths; therefore details on the characteristics of the forest canopy are compromised and averaged. Moreover, the broadband indices are known to be highly affected by soil background at low vegetation cover. The aim of this study is to determine foliar and wood lignin concentrations of Eucalyptus clones using hyperspectral lignin indices, and to estimate LAI of Eucalyptus clones from narrowband vegetation indices in Zululand, South Africa Twelve Eucalyptus compartments of ages between 6 and 9 years were selected and 5 trees were randomly sampled from each compartment. A Hyperion image was acquired within ten days of field sampling, SI and LAI measurements. Leaf samples were analyzed in the laboratory using the Klason method as per Tappi standards (Tappi, 1996-1997). Wood samples were analyzed for lignin concentrations using a NIRS (Near Infrared Spectroscopy) instrument. The results showed that there is no general model for predicting wood lignin concentrations from foliar lignin concentrations in Eucalyptus clones of ages between 6 and 9 years. Regression analysis performed for individual compartments and on compartments grouped according to age and SI showed that the relationship between wood and foliar lignin concentration is site and age specific. A Hyperion image was georeferenced and atmospherically corrected using ENVI FLAASH 4.2. The equation to calculate lignin indices for this study was: L1R= ~n5il: A'''''y . 1750 AI680 The relationship between the lignin index and laboratory-measured foliar lignin was significant with R2 = 0.79. This relationship was used to calculate imagepredicted foliar lignin concentrations. Firstly, the compartment specific equations were used to calculate predicted wood lignin concentrations from predicted foliar lignin concentrations. The relationship between the laboratorymeasured wood lignin concentrations and predicted wood lignin concentrations was significant with R2 = 0.91. Secondly, the age and site-specific equations were used to convert foliar lignin concentration to wood lignin concentrations. The wood lignin concentrations predicted from these equations were then compared to the laboratory-measured wood lignin concentrations using linear regression and the R2 was 0.79 with a p-value lower than 0.001. Two bands were used to calculate nine vegetation indices; one band from the near infrared (NIR) region and the other from the short wave infrared (SWIR). Correlations between the Vis and the LAI measurements were generated and . then evaluated to determine the most effective VI for estimating LAI of Eucalyptus plantations. All the results obtained were significant but the NU and MNU showed possible problems of saturation. The MNDVI*SR and SAVI*SR produced the most significant relationships with LAI with R2 values of 0.899 and 0.897 respectively. The standard error for both correlations was very low, at 0.080, and the p-value of 0.001. It was concluded that the Eucalyptus wood lignin concentrations can be predicted using hyperspectral remote sensing, hence wood and foliar lignin concentrations can be fairly accurately mapped across compartments. LAI significantly correlated to eight of the nine selected vegetation indices. Seven Vis are more suitable for LAI estimations in the Eucalyptus plantations in Zululand. The NU and MNU can only be used for LAI estimations in arid or semi-arid areas

    An Examination of Environmental Applications for Uncooled Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Instruments

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    Advancements in system design for thermal instruments require assessment of potential environmental applications and appropriate data processing techniques. A novel multi-band thermal imaging system was proposed by DRS Leonardo for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Earth Science Technology Office Instrument Incubator Program, for which these criteria were assessed. The Multi-Band Uncooled Radiometer Imager (MURI) is a six spectral channel instrument designed to collect images in the thermal infrared, specifically in the range of 7.5 to 12.5 μm. The work detailed in this thesis characterizes the ability of a thermal imager with an uncooled microbolometer focal plane array to provide valuable data for environmental science applications. Here, a pair of studies using simulated data demonstrates the ability of a multispectral instrument such as MURI to detect enhanced levels of atmospheric methane using a novel approach that performs similarly to a state of the art algorithm when applied to MURI data. The novel method is evaluated using a controlled concentration simulated dataset to determine the extent of its detection capabilities and its dependence on atmospheric conditions. The methane investigations reveal the system is capable of detecting a 20 m thick CH4 plume of 10-20 ppm above background levels when column water vapor is low using both the NDMI and matched filter approaches. Additionally, land surface temperature and emissivity retrieval techniques were applied to experimental MURI data recorded during initial test flights to assess their accuracy with MURI data. Utilizing split window and Temperature Emissivity Separation make this examination distinct as this establishes that proven methods can be applied to uncooled multiband imager data. Application of these methods to MURI data demonstrated the system is capable of temperature retrievals with Root Mean Square Errors of less than 1 K to measured reference values and surface emissivity retrievals within 2% of reference database values. The definition and application of the Normalized Differential Methane Index in this thesis demonstrates a novel approach for detection of enhanced plumes of methane utilizing a multispectral system with only a single band allocated to methane absorption features
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