2 research outputs found

    Towards optimal kernel for connected vertex cover in planar graphs

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    We study the parameterized complexity of the connected version of the vertex cover problem, where the solution set has to induce a connected subgraph. Although this problem does not admit a polynomial kernel for general graphs (unless NP is a subset of coNP/poly), for planar graphs Guo and Niedermeier [ICALP'08] showed a kernel with at most 14k vertices, subsequently improved by Wang et al. [MFCS'11] to 4k. The constant 4 here is so small that a natural question arises: could it be already an optimal value for this problem? In this paper we answer this quesion in negative: we show a (11/3)k-vertex kernel for Connected Vertex Cover in planar graphs. We believe that this result will motivate further study in search for an optimal kernel