8,424 research outputs found

    Towards lightweight convolutional neural networks for object detection

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    We propose model with larger spatial size of feature maps and evaluate it on object detection task. With the goal to choose the best feature extraction network for our model we compare several popular lightweight networks. After that we conduct a set of experiments with channels reduction algorithms in order to accelerate execution. Our vehicle detection models are accurate, fast and therefore suit for embedded visual applications. With only 1.5 GFLOPs our best model gives 93.39 AP on validation subset of challenging DETRAC dataset. The smallest of our models is the first to achieve real-time inference speed on CPU with reasonable accuracy drop to 91.43 AP.Comment: Submitted to the International Workshop on Traffic and Street Surveillance for Safety and Security (IWT4S) in conjunction with the 14th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance (AVSS 2017

    Mobile Video Object Detection with Temporally-Aware Feature Maps

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    This paper introduces an online model for object detection in videos designed to run in real-time on low-powered mobile and embedded devices. Our approach combines fast single-image object detection with convolutional long short term memory (LSTM) layers to create an interweaved recurrent-convolutional architecture. Additionally, we propose an efficient Bottleneck-LSTM layer that significantly reduces computational cost compared to regular LSTMs. Our network achieves temporal awareness by using Bottleneck-LSTMs to refine and propagate feature maps across frames. This approach is substantially faster than existing detection methods in video, outperforming the fastest single-frame models in model size and computational cost while attaining accuracy comparable to much more expensive single-frame models on the Imagenet VID 2015 dataset. Our model reaches a real-time inference speed of up to 15 FPS on a mobile CPU.Comment: In CVPR 201

    Receptive Field Block Net for Accurate and Fast Object Detection

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    Current top-performing object detectors depend on deep CNN backbones, such as ResNet-101 and Inception, benefiting from their powerful feature representations but suffering from high computational costs. Conversely, some lightweight model based detectors fulfil real time processing, while their accuracies are often criticized. In this paper, we explore an alternative to build a fast and accurate detector by strengthening lightweight features using a hand-crafted mechanism. Inspired by the structure of Receptive Fields (RFs) in human visual systems, we propose a novel RF Block (RFB) module, which takes the relationship between the size and eccentricity of RFs into account, to enhance the feature discriminability and robustness. We further assemble RFB to the top of SSD, constructing the RFB Net detector. To evaluate its effectiveness, experiments are conducted on two major benchmarks and the results show that RFB Net is able to reach the performance of advanced very deep detectors while keeping the real-time speed. Code is available at https://github.com/ruinmessi/RFBNet.Comment: Accepted by ECCV 201
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