9,599 research outputs found

    Orbit Characterization, Stabilization and Composition on 3D Underactuated Bipedal Walking via Hybrid Passive Linear Inverted Pendulum Model

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    A Hybrid passive Linear Inverted Pendulum (H-LIP) model is proposed for characterizing, stabilizing and composing periodic orbits for 3D underactuated bipedal walking. Specifically, Period-l (P1) and Period -2 (P2) orbits are geometrically characterized in the state space of the H-LIP. Stepping controllers are designed for global stabilization of the orbits. Valid ranges of the gains and their optimality are derived. The optimal stepping controller is used to create and stabilize the walking of bipedal robots. An actuated Spring-loaded Inverted Pendulum (aSLIP) model and the underactuated robot Cassie are used for illustration. Both the aSLIP walking with PI or P2 orbits and the Cassie walking with all 3D compositions of the PI and P2 orbits can be smoothly generated and stabilized from a stepping-in-place motion. This approach provides a perspective and a methodology towards continuous gait generation and stabilization for 3D underactuated walking robots

    Complex oscillations in the delayed Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation

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    Motivated by the dynamics of neuronal responses, we analyze the dynamics of the Fitzhugh-Nagumo slow-fast system with delayed self-coupling. This system provides a canonical example of a canard explosion for sufficiently small delays. Beyond this regime, delays significantly enrich the dynamics, leading to mixed-mode oscillations, bursting and chaos. These behaviors emerge from a delay-induced subcritical Bogdanov-Takens instability arising at the fold points of the S-shaped critical manifold. Underlying the transition from canard-induced to delay-induced dynamics is an abrupt switch in the nature of the Hopf bifurcation

    Input to State Stability of Bipedal Walking Robots: Application to DURUS

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    Bipedal robots are a prime example of systems which exhibit highly nonlinear dynamics, underactuation, and undergo complex dissipative impacts. This paper discusses methods used to overcome a wide variety of uncertainties, with the end result being stable bipedal walking. The principal contribution of this paper is to establish sufficiency conditions for yielding input to state stable (ISS) hybrid periodic orbits, i.e., stable walking gaits under model-based and phase-based uncertainties. In particular, it will be shown formally that exponential input to state stabilization (e-ISS) of the continuous dynamics, and hybrid invariance conditions are enough to realize stable walking in the 23-DOF bipedal robot DURUS. This main result will be supported through successful and sustained walking of the bipedal robot DURUS in a laboratory environment.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figure

    Wild oscillations in a nonlinear neuron model with resets: (II) Mixed-mode oscillations

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    This work continues the analysis of complex dynamics in a class of bidimensional nonlinear hybrid dynamical systems with resets modeling neuronal voltage dynamics with adaptation and spike emission. We show that these models can generically display a form of mixed-mode oscillations (MMOs), which are trajectories featuring an alternation of small oscillations with spikes or bursts (multiple consecutive spikes). The mechanism by which these are generated relies fundamentally on the hybrid structure of the flow: invariant manifolds of the continuous dynamics govern small oscillations, while discrete resets govern the emission of spikes or bursts, contrasting with classical MMO mechanisms in ordinary differential equations involving more than three dimensions and generally relying on a timescale separation. The decomposition of mechanisms reveals the geometrical origin of MMOs, allowing a relatively simple classification of points on the reset manifold associated to specific numbers of small oscillations. We show that the MMO pattern can be described through the study of orbits of a discrete adaptation map, which is singular as it features discrete discontinuities with unbounded left- and right-derivatives. We study orbits of the map via rotation theory for discontinuous circle maps and elucidate in detail complex behaviors arising in the case where MMOs display at most one small oscillation between each consecutive pair of spikes

    Cycle expansions for intermittent maps

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    In a generic dynamical system chaos and regular motion coexist side by side, in different parts of the phase space. The border between these, where trajectories are neither unstable nor stable but of marginal stability, manifests itself through intermittency, dynamics where long periods of nearly regular motions are interrupted by irregular chaotic bursts. We discuss the Perron-Frobenius operator formalism for such systems, and show by means of a 1-dimensional intermittent map that intermittency induces branch cuts in dynamical zeta functions. Marginality leads to long-time dynamical correlations, in contrast to the exponentially fast decorrelations of purely chaotic dynamics. We apply the periodic orbit theory to quantitative characterization of the associated power-law decays.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure
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