3,431 research outputs found

    Mortality risk factors in primary Sjögren syndrome:a real-world, retrospective, cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: What baseline predictors would be involved in mortality in people with primary Sjögren syndrome (SjS) remains uncertain. This study aimed to investigate the baseline characteristics collected at the time of diagnosis of SjS associated with mortality and to identify mortality risk factors for all-cause death and deaths related to systemic SjS activity measured by the ESSDAI score.METHODS: In this international, real-world, retrospective, cohort study, we retrospectively collected data from 27 countries on mortality and causes of death from the Big Data Sjögren Registry. Inclusion criteria consisted of fulfilling 2002/2016 SjS classification criteria, and exclusion criteria included chronic HCV/HIV infections and associated systemic autoimmune diseases. A statistical approach based on a directed acyclic graph was used, with all-cause and Sjögren-related mortality as primary endpoints. The key determinants that defined the disease phenotype at diagnosis (glandular, systemic, and immunological) were analysed as independent variables.FINDINGS: Between January 1st, 2014 and December 31, 2023, data from 11,372 patients with primary SjS (93.5% women, 78.4% classified as White, mean age at diagnosis of 51.1 years) included in the Registry were analysed. 876 (7.7%) deaths were recorded after a mean follow-up of 8.6 years (SD 7.12). Univariate analysis of prognostic factors for all-cause death identified eight Sjögren-related variables (ocular and oral tests, salivary biopsy, ESSDAI, ANA, anti-Ro, anti-La, and cryoglobulins). The multivariate CPH model adjusted for these variables and the epidemiological features showed that DAS-ESSDAI (high vs no high: HR = 1.68; 95% CI, 1.27-2.22) and cryoglobulins (positive vs negative: HR = 1.72; 95% CI, 1.22-2.42) were independent predictors of all-cause death. Of the 640 deaths with available information detailing the specific cause of death, 14% were due to systemic SjS. Univariate analysis of prognostic factors for Sjögren-cause death identified five Sjögren-related variables (oral tests, clinESSDAI, DAS-ESSDAI, ANA, and cryoglobulins). The multivariate competing risks CPH model adjusted for these variables and the epidemiological features showed that oral tests (abnormal vs normal results: HR = 1.38; 95% CI, 1.01-1.87), DAS-ESSDAI (high vs no high: HR = 1.55; 95% CI, 1.22-1.96) and cryoglobulins (positive vs negative: HR = 1.52; 95% CI, 1.16-2) were independent predictors of SjS-related death.INTERPRETATION: The key mortality risk factors at the time of SjS diagnosis were positive cryoglobulins and a high systemic activity scored using the ESSDAI, conferring a 2-times increased risk of all-cause and SjS-related death. ESSDAI measurement and cryoglobulin testing should be considered mandatory when an individual is diagnosed with SjS.FUNDING: Novartis.</p

    Childhood-onset of primary Sjogren's syndrome:phenotypic characterization at diagnosis of 158 children

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    Objectives. To characterize the phenotypic presentation at diagnosis of childhood-onset primary SS.Methods. The Big Data Sjogren Project Consortium is an international, multicentre registry using worldwide data-sharing cooperative merging of pre-existing clinical SS databases from the five continents. For this study, we selected those patients in whom the disease was diagnosed below the age of 19years according to the fulfilment of the 2002/2016 classification criteria.Results. Among the 12083 patients included in the Sjogren Big Data Registry, 158 (1.3%) patients had a childhood-onset diagnosis (136 girls, mean age of 14.2years): 126 (80%) reported dry mouth, 111 (70%) dry eyes, 52 (33%) parotid enlargement, 118/122 (97%) positive minor salivary gland biopsy and 60/64 (94%) abnormal salivary US study, 140/155 (90%) positive ANA, 138/156 (89%) anti-Ro/La antibodies and 86/142 (68%) positive RF. The systemic EULAR Sjogren's syndrome disease activity index (ESSDAI) domains containing the highest frequencies of active patients included the glandular (47%), articular (26%) and lymphadenopathy (25%) domains. Patients with childhood-onset primary SS showed the highest mean ESSDAI score and the highest frequencies of systemic disease in 5 (constitutional, lymphadenopathy, glandular, cutaneous and haematological) of the 12 ESSDAI domains, and the lowest frequencies in 4 (articular, pulmonary, peripheral nerve and CNS) in comparison with patients with adult-onset disease.Conclusions. Childhood-onset primary SS involves around 1% of patients with primary SS, with a clinical phenotype dominated by sicca features, parotid enlargement and systemic disease. Age at diagnosis plays a key role in modulating the phenotypic expression of the disease.</p

    Lessons to be Learnt from Real-World Studies on Immune-Related Adverse Events with Checkpoint Inhibitors: A Clinical Perspective from Pharmacovigilance

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    The advent of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) caused a paradigm shift both in drug development and clinical practice; however, by virtue of their mechanism of action, the excessively activated immune system results in a multitude of off-target toxicities, the so-called immune-related adverse events (irAEs), requiring new skills for timely diagnosis and a multidisciplinary approach to successfully manage the patients. In the recent past, a plethora of large-scale pharmacovigilance analyses have characterized various irAEs in terms of spectrum and clinical features in the real world. This review aims to summarize and critically appraise the current landscape of pharmacovigilance studies, thus deriving take-home messages for oncologists. A brief primer to study design, conduction, and data interpretation is also offered. As of February 2020, 30 real-world postmarketing studies have characterized multiple irAEs through international spontaneous reporting systems, namely WHO Vigibase and the US FDA Adverse Event Reporting System. The majority of studies investigated a single irAE and provided new epidemiological evidence about class-specific patterns of irAEs (i.e. anti-cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 [CTLA-4] versus anti-programmed cell death 1 [PD-1] receptor, and its ligand [PD-L1]), kinetics of appearance, co-occurrences (overlap) among irAEs, and fatality rate. Oncologists should be aware of both strengths and limitations of these pharmacovigilance analyses, especially in terms of data interpretation. Optimal management (including rechallenge), predictivity of irAEs (as potential biomarkers of effectiveness), and comparative safety of ICIs (also in terms of combination regimens) represent key research priorities for next-generation real-world studies

    Vaccine safety issues at the turn of the 21st century

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    Global gains in vaccination coverage during the early 21st century have been threatened by the emergence of antivaccination groups that have questioned the effectiveness of vaccines to generate public distrust of vaccines and immunisation programmes. This manuscript summarises six key topics that have been at the centre of global discussions on vaccine safety during the early 21st century: thiomersal in multi-dose non-live vaccines, aluminium adjuvants used with several non-live vaccines, autism and auto-immune conditions as possible consequences of vaccination, a risk of immune overload with increasing numbers of vaccinations, and detrimental non-specific effects (NSEs) of vaccination. For each topic, we describe the hypothesis behind the public concern, the evidence reviewed by the WHO's Global Advisory Committee for Vaccine Safety (GACVS) during 1999-2019, and any significant new data that has emerged since GACVS conclusions were made. Although the scientific evidence on these issues overwhelmingly supports the safety of vaccines, communication messages to caregivers and providers need to condense and convey scientific information in an appropriate way to address concerns contributing to vaccine distrust. In addition, there is need for further studies specifically designed to address both positive and negative NSE of vaccination. The role of GACVS will be increasingly important in evaluating the evidence and engaging the global community in promoting and assuring the safety of vaccines in the decades to come as we move into an era in which we use new vaccination platforms, antigens and formulations

    Multiple Sclerosis: Are Protective Immune Mechanisms Compromised by a Complex Infectious Background?

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    The immunological background of multiple sclerosis (MS) manifests as an altered reactivity against a diverse range of infections, particularly with the Epstein-Barr virus. Although this could be only an epiphenomenon of a more generalised dysfunction of the immune system in MS, it is also possible that a complex infectious background forms the basis of a specific immune dysregulation finally causing the disease. It is thus suggested that the complex infectious background bears the key for an understanding of the immune pathogenesis of the disease. It appears probable that improved standards of hygiene cause regulatory defects in the immune system, allowing the abnormal expression of human endogenous retroviral (HERV) genes. On the basis of epidemiological observations we describe how a failure of expansion or an eclipse of a subfraction of self-antigen-specific CD8+ T cells mediating immune repair, and a deleterious mode of action of HERV gene products, could underlie the pathogenesis of MS

    Identification of clinically relevant genetic variation in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases using genome-wide approaches

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    Rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are six of the most prevalent immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) and are associated with a high socio-economic impact. There is compelling evidence that IMIDs are genetically complex diseases. To date, however, the genetic component of IMIDs has been only partially explained. Identifying new clinically relevant variation is therefore of major clinical interest. The objective of the present thesis was to identify new genetic variation underlying IMIDs. The research activity here presented is the result of analyzing high-throughput genomic data from a large cohort of IMID patients collected by the IMID Consortium. Using genome-wide approaches and functional analyses, we have identified new genetic variants associated to IMID susceptibility, IMID clinical phenotypes and specific treatment outcomes. Taken together, these findings contribute to better understanding the genetic basis of IMIDs and suggest more specific and preventive therapeutic strategies.L’artritis reumatoide, la psoriasis, l’artritis psoriàsica, el lupus eritematós sistèmic, la malaltia de Crohn i la colitis ulcerosa són sis malalties inflamatòries mediades per immunitat (IMIDs) d’elevada prevalença i amb un fort impacte socioeconòmic. Totes elles comparteixen un component genètic important. No obstant, a dia d’avui, només s’ha caracteritzat una part dels factors genètics de les IMIDs. La identificació de factors genètics clínicament rellevants presenta doncs un gran interès clínic per tal d’incorporar la informació genètica a la pràctica mèdica. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi és identificar noves variants genètiques associades a les IMIDs. La recerca que es presenta és el resultat d’analitzar dades genòmiques d’una gran cohort de pacients amb IMIDs, els quals es van obtenir a través del consorci IMID Consortium. Mitjançant estratègies d’anàlisi de genoma complet i estudis funcionals, en aquesta tesi s’han identificat noves variants genètiques associades al risc de desenvolupar IMIDs així com als seus fenotips clínics i tractament. Aquesta tesi contribueix significativament a la caracterització del component genètic de les IMIDs i, des d’un punt de vista clínic, suggereix noves estratègies terapèutiques