2,574 research outputs found

    Kronecker Graphs: An Approach to Modeling Networks

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    How can we model networks with a mathematically tractable model that allows for rigorous analysis of network properties? Networks exhibit a long list of surprising properties: heavy tails for the degree distribution; small diameters; and densification and shrinking diameters over time. Most present network models either fail to match several of the above properties, are complicated to analyze mathematically, or both. In this paper we propose a generative model for networks that is both mathematically tractable and can generate networks that have the above mentioned properties. Our main idea is to use the Kronecker product to generate graphs that we refer to as "Kronecker graphs". First, we prove that Kronecker graphs naturally obey common network properties. We also provide empirical evidence showing that Kronecker graphs can effectively model the structure of real networks. We then present KronFit, a fast and scalable algorithm for fitting the Kronecker graph generation model to large real networks. A naive approach to fitting would take super- exponential time. In contrast, KronFit takes linear time, by exploiting the structure of Kronecker matrix multiplication and by using statistical simulation techniques. Experiments on large real and synthetic networks show that KronFit finds accurate parameters that indeed very well mimic the properties of target networks. Once fitted, the model parameters can be used to gain insights about the network structure, and the resulting synthetic graphs can be used for null- models, anonymization, extrapolations, and graph summarization

    IP Fast Reroute with Remote Loop-Free Alternates: the Unit Link Cost Case

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    Up to not so long ago, Loop-Free Alternates (LFA) was the only viable option for providing fast protection in pure IP and MPLS/LDP networks. Unfortunately, LFA cannot provide protection for all possible failure cases in general. Recently, the IETF has initiated the Remote Loop-Free Alternates (rLFA) technique, as a simple extension to LFA, to boost the fraction of failure cases covered by fast protection. Before further stan- dardization and deployment, however, it is crucial to determine to what extent rLFA can improve the level of protection in a general IP network, as well as to find optimization methods to tweak a network for 100% rLFA coverage. In this paper, we take the first steps towards this goal by solving these problems in the special, but practically relevant, case when each network link is of unit cost. We also provide preliminary numerical evaluations conducted on real IP network topologies, which suggest that rLFA significantly improves the level of protection, and most networks need only 2 − 3 new links to be added to attain 100% failure case coverage

    Discovering Patterns of Interest in IP Traffic Using Cliques in Bipartite Link Streams

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    Studying IP traffic is crucial for many applications. We focus here on the detection of (structurally and temporally) dense sequences of interactions, that may indicate botnets or coordinated network scans. More precisely, we model a MAWI capture of IP traffic as a link streams, i.e. a sequence of interactions (t1,t2,u,v)(t_1 , t_2 , u, v) meaning that devices uu and vv exchanged packets from time t1t_1 to time t2t_2 . This traffic is captured on a single router and so has a bipartite structure: links occur only between nodes in two disjoint sets. We design a method for finding interesting bipartite cliques in such link streams, i.e. two sets of nodes and a time interval such that all nodes in the first set are linked to all nodes in the second set throughout the time interval. We then explore the bipartite cliques present in the considered trace. Comparison with the MAWILab classification of anomalous IP addresses shows that the found cliques succeed in detecting anomalous network activity

    Complex networks analysis in socioeconomic models

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    This chapter aims at reviewing complex networks models and methods that were either developed for or applied to socioeconomic issues, and pertinent to the theme of New Economic Geography. After an introduction to the foundations of the field of complex networks, the present summary adds insights on the statistical mechanical approach, and on the most relevant computational aspects for the treatment of these systems. As the most frequently used model for interacting agent-based systems, a brief description of the statistical mechanics of the classical Ising model on regular lattices, together with recent extensions of the same model on small-world Watts-Strogatz and scale-free Albert-Barabasi complex networks is included. Other sections of the chapter are devoted to applications of complex networks to economics, finance, spreading of innovations, and regional trade and developments. The chapter also reviews results involving applications of complex networks to other relevant socioeconomic issues, including results for opinion and citation networks. Finally, some avenues for future research are introduced before summarizing the main conclusions of the chapter.Comment: 39 pages, 185 references, (not final version of) a chapter prepared for Complexity and Geographical Economics - Topics and Tools, P. Commendatore, S.S. Kayam and I. Kubin Eds. (Springer, to be published

    Complex network analysis and nonlinear dynamics

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    This chapter aims at reviewing complex network and nonlinear dynamical models and methods that were either developed for or applied to socioeconomic issues, and pertinent to the theme of New Economic Geography. After an introduction to the foundations of the field of complex networks, the present summary introduces some applications of complex networks to economics, finance, epidemic spreading of innovations, and regional trade and developments. The chapter also reviews results involving applications of complex networks to other relevant socioeconomic issue

    Statistical mechanics of complex networks

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    Complex networks describe a wide range of systems in nature and society, much quoted examples including the cell, a network of chemicals linked by chemical reactions, or the Internet, a network of routers and computers connected by physical links. While traditionally these systems were modeled as random graphs, it is increasingly recognized that the topology and evolution of real networks is governed by robust organizing principles. Here we review the recent advances in the field of complex networks, focusing on the statistical mechanics of network topology and dynamics. After reviewing the empirical data that motivated the recent interest in networks, we discuss the main models and analytical tools, covering random graphs, small-world and scale-free networks, as well as the interplay between topology and the network's robustness against failures and attacks.Comment: 54 pages, submitted to Reviews of Modern Physic
