4 research outputs found

    A contextual usage control model

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    Model praćenja uporabe (UCON) je najnovije veliko poboljšanje tradicionalnih modela za praćenje pristupa. On omogućava promjenljivost atributa subjekta i objekta i kontinuitet praćenja uporabe. Međutim, taj model može zabraniti pristup zbog promjena u okolini čak i ako su zadovoljeni zahtjevi autorizacije i obveze te tako korisnicima stvoriti prekide. Predložen je kontekstualni UCON (CUC) kako bi se prevladala ta osnovna slabost UCONa. U CUC-u se uvodi kontekst kao zamjena za komponentu uvjeta u UCON-u. Dodaje se modul upravljanja za manipuliranje atributima subjekta, objekta i konteksta. CUC izravno kombinira module praćenja i upravljanja i može dinamički prilagođavati promjene u kontekstu te je uistinu baziran na atributima. Primijenjen je algebarski pristup za opis sintakse i semantike CUCa.The usage control model (UCON) is the latest major enhancement of traditional access control models. It enables subject and object attributes mutability and usage control continuity. However, with the model access permission may be denied as a result of the environmental changes even though the authorization and obligation requirements are met, thus causing disruptions to users. Contextual UCON (CUC) was proposed to overcome this major weakness of UCON. In CUC context was introduced to replace the conditions component in UCON. And management module was added to manipulate the subject and object and context attributes. CUC seamlessly combines control and management modules and has the ability to dynamically adapt the changes in context, and is truly attribute-based. An algebra approach was employed to describe CUC syntax and semantics formally

    A P2P based usage control enforcement scheme resilient to re-injection attacks

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    Towards a Times-Based Usage Control Model

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    Abstract. Modern information systems require temporal and privilegeconsuming usage of digital objects. To meet these requirements, we present a new access control model–Times-based Usage Control (TUCON). TUCON extends traditional and temporal access control models with times-based usage control by defining the maximum times that a privilege can be exercised. When the usage times of a privilege is consumed to zero or the time interval of the usage is expired, the privilege exercised on the object is automatically revoked by the system. Formal definitions of TUCON actions and rules are presented in this paper, and the implementation of TUCON is discussed