18,162 research outputs found

    Information-based Deliberation

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    Information-based agency is founded on two observations: everything in an agent's world model is uncertain, and everything that an agent communicates gives away valuable information. The agent's deliberative mechanism manages interaction using plans and strategies in the context of the relationships the agent has with other agents, and is the means by which those relationships develop

    Creativity in the Philosophy Class. Concrete Research

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    The issue of creativity among teachers and pupils in terms of the dialogical praxis represented a real challenge concerning the research that we have done in high school classes in which philosophy is being taught. We have come to the conclusion that there is a direct linking between the diversity of the dialogical forms which pupils and teachers use and the forms of expression of creativity that are used during philosophy classes. Philosophical themes seem more attractive and interesting if the working methods in classes are modified and if pupils have to evaluate critically their own knowledge. (DIPF/Orig.)Die Kreativität der Schüler und Lehrer in der Methode dialogischer Praxis während des Philosophieunterrichts von Oberschulklassen stellte im Kontext dieser repräsentativen Untersuchung eine Herausforderung dar. Unsere Feststellungen zeigen die direkte Verknüpfung zwischen der Vielfalt dialogischer Formen, welche die Schüler und Lehrer übernommen haben und den Formen und Ebenen der Kreativität der Schüler während des Philosophieunterrichts. Philosophische Themen gewinnen an Attraktivität, wenn die Arbeitsmethoden in der Klasse dahin gehend geändert werden, dass die Schüler gefordert sind, ihre Kenntnisse kritisch zu bewerten und ihre Position aus einem philosphischen Blickwinkel zu überprüfen. (DIPF/Orig.

    A dialogical model for collaborative decision making based on compromises

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    Abstract. In this paper, we deal with group decision making and propose a model of dialogue among agents that have different knowledge and preferences, but are willing to compromise in order to collaboratively reach a common decision. Agents participating in the dialogue use internal reasoning to resolve conflicts emerging in their knowledge during communication and to reach a decision that requires the least compromises. Our approach has significant potential, as it may allow targeted knowledge exchange, partial disclosure of information and efficient or informed decision-making depending on the topic of the agents' discussion

    Deliberation, Practical Reasoning and Problem-solving

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    We present a series of realistic examples of deliberation and discuss how they can form the basis for building a typology of deliberation dialogues. The observations from our examples are used to suggest that argumentation researchers and philosophers have been thinking about deliberation in overly simplistic ways. We argue that to include all the kinds of argumentation that make up realistic deliberations, it is necessary to distinguish between different kinds of deliberations. We propose a model including a problem-solving type of deliberation based on practical reasoning, characterised by revisions of the initial issue made necessary by the agents’ increased knowledge of new circumstances

    Information-Based Planning and Strategies

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    The foundations of information-based agency are described, and the principal architectural components are introduced. The agents deliberative planning mechanism manages interaction using plans and strategies in the context of the relationships the agent has with other agents, and is the means by which those relationships develop. Finally strategies are described that employ the deliberative mechanism and manage argumentative dialogues with the aim of achieving the agents goals

    Urban sustainable development and the challenge of French metropolitan strategies. GSPE Working Paper 11/04/2008

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    This article focuses on some salient issues of urban sustainable development in France, specifically with regard to six urban agglomerations: Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes and Toulouse. The reticular dimension of these issues is analysed with reference to the ways a plurality of actors imagine, project and realise the construction of cities, rather than through sectoral points of view. This relational approach is divided according to a triple focus in which we successively address: firstly, the state of SD policies in the listed major French cities, in terms of contents and conception; secondly, their implementation from the perspective of instruments; and finally, the circuits of their realisation. Thus, urban SD appears within a (locally variable) set of linkages that place these issues firmly in areas of interrelations and intersections

    Use and non-use of accounting information: The case of controversial projects in public and non-profit settings

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    This paper investigates whether and how accounting information is used in debates and decision-making processes about controversial projects in public sector and non-profit settings in the Netherlands and Italy. The research is based on two case studies and relies on multiple methods of qualitative data collection, including documents, interviews with key actors and media reports. The research finds a more limited extent of accounting information use than expected given the controversiality of the projects. It raises various types of explanations for this limited accounting information use, especially that ruling groups of actors supporting the project do not give room to the opposing minority for putting forward their concerns and preferences. The power position of the ruling majority thus matters in mitigating opportunities for a dialogic use of accounting information leading to the decision-making about the projects. So, controversiality is a determining factor, but insufficient as an explanation for the extent to which accounting information is used. In addition, the type of accounting information use is depending on the actors’ appreciation of the project. Advocates and opponents concerning both projects were in general inclined to an ammunition type of accounting information use, whereas actors holding a neutral position used available accounting information in a more rational way.This paper investigates whether and how accounting information is used in debates and decision-making processes about controversial projects in public sector and non-profit settings in the Netherlands and Italy. The research is based on two case studies and relies on multiple methods of qualitative data collection, including documents, interviews with key actors and media reports. The research finds a more limited extent of accounting information use than expected given the controversiality of the projects. It raises various types of explanations for this limited accounting information use, especially that ruling groups of actors supporting the project do not give room to the opposing minority for putting forward their concerns and preferences. The power position of the ruling majority thus matters in mitigating opportunities for a dialogic use of accounting information leading to the decision-making about the projects. So, controversiality is a determining factor, but insufficient as an explanation for the extent to which accounting information is used. In addition, the type of accounting information use is depending on the actors’ appreciation of the project. Advocates and opponents concerning both projects were in general inclined to an ammunition type of accounting information use, whereas actors holding a neutral position used available accounting information in a more rational way
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