104 research outputs found

    Weakly Supervised Visual Question Answer Generation

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    Growing interest in conversational agents promote twoway human-computer communications involving asking and answering visual questions have become an active area of research in AI. Thus, generation of visual questionanswer pair(s) becomes an important and challenging task. To address this issue, we propose a weakly-supervised visual question answer generation method that generates a relevant question-answer pairs for a given input image and associated caption. Most of the prior works are supervised and depend on the annotated question-answer datasets. In our work, we present a weakly supervised method that synthetically generates question-answer pairs procedurally from visual information and captions. The proposed method initially extracts list of answer words, then does nearest question generation that uses the caption and answer word to generate synthetic question. Next, the relevant question generator converts the nearest question to relevant language question by dependency parsing and in-order tree traversal, finally, fine-tune a ViLBERT model with the question-answer pair(s) generated at end. We perform an exhaustive experimental analysis on VQA dataset and see that our model significantly outperform SOTA methods on BLEU scores. We also show the results wrt baseline models and ablation study

    DocPedia: Unleashing the Power of Large Multimodal Model in the Frequency Domain for Versatile Document Understanding

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    This work presents DocPedia, a novel large multimodal model (LMM) for versatile OCR-free document understanding, capable of parsing images up to 2,560×\times2,560 resolution. Unlike existing work either struggle with high-resolution documents or give up the large language model thus vision or language ability constrained, our DocPedia directly processes visual input in the frequency domain rather than the pixel space. The unique characteristic enables DocPedia to capture a greater amount of visual and textual information using a limited number of visual tokens. To consistently enhance both perception and comprehension abilities of our model, we develop a dual-stage training strategy and enrich instructions/annotations of all training tasks covering multiple document types. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments conducted on various publicly available benchmarks confirm the mutual benefits of jointly learning perception and comprehension tasks. The results provide further evidence of the effectiveness and superior performance of our DocPedia over other methods

    Generative Visual Question Answering

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    Multi-modal tasks involving vision and language in deep learning continue to rise in popularity and are leading to the development of newer models that can generalize beyond the extent of their training data. The current models lack temporal generalization which enables models to adapt to changes in future data. This paper discusses a viable approach to creating an advanced Visual Question Answering (VQA) model which can produce successful results on temporal generalization. We propose a new data set, GenVQA, utilizing images and captions from the VQAv2 and MS-COCO dataset to generate new images through stable diffusion. This augmented dataset is then used to test a combination of seven baseline and cutting edge VQA models. Performance evaluation focuses on questions mirroring the original VQAv2 dataset, with the answers having been adjusted to the new images. This paper's purpose is to investigate the robustness of several successful VQA models to assess their performance on future data distributions. Model architectures are analyzed to identify common stylistic choices that improve generalization under temporal distribution shifts. This research highlights the importance of creating a large-scale future shifted dataset. This data can enhance the robustness of VQA models, allowing their future peers to have improved ability to adapt to temporal distribution shifts

    Understanding Video Scenes through Text: Insights from Text-based Video Question Answering

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    Researchers have extensively studied the field of vision and language, discovering that both visual and textual content is crucial for understanding scenes effectively. Particularly, comprehending text in videos holds great significance, requiring both scene text understanding and temporal reasoning. This paper focuses on exploring two recently introduced datasets, NewsVideoQA and M4-ViteVQA, which aim to address video question answering based on textual content. The NewsVideoQA dataset contains question-answer pairs related to the text in news videos, while M4-ViteVQA comprises question-answer pairs from diverse categories like vlogging, traveling, and shopping. We provide an analysis of the formulation of these datasets on various levels, exploring the degree of visual understanding and multi-frame comprehension required for answering the questions. Additionally, the study includes experimentation with BERT-QA, a text-only model, which demonstrates comparable performance to the original methods on both datasets, indicating the shortcomings in the formulation of these datasets. Furthermore, we also look into the domain adaptation aspect by examining the effectiveness of training on M4-ViteVQA and evaluating on NewsVideoQA and vice-versa, thereby shedding light on the challenges and potential benefits of out-of-domain training

    What Large Language Models Bring to Text-rich VQA?

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    Text-rich VQA, namely Visual Question Answering based on text recognition in the images, is a cross-modal task that requires both image comprehension and text recognition. In this work, we focus on investigating the advantages and bottlenecks of LLM-based approaches in addressing this problem. To address the above concern, we separate the vision and language modules, where we leverage external OCR models to recognize texts in the image and Large Language Models (LLMs) to answer the question given texts. The whole framework is training-free benefiting from the in-context ability of LLMs. This pipeline achieved superior performance compared to the majority of existing Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLM) on four text-rich VQA datasets. Besides, based on the ablation study, we find that LLM brings stronger comprehension ability and may introduce helpful knowledge for the VQA problem. The bottleneck for LLM to address text-rich VQA problems may primarily lie in visual part. We also combine the OCR module with MLLMs and pleasantly find that the combination of OCR module with MLLM also works. It's worth noting that not all MLLMs can comprehend the OCR information, which provides insights into how to train an MLLM that preserves the abilities of LLM

    The Impact of Explanations on AI Competency Prediction in VQA

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    Explainability is one of the key elements for building trust in AI systems. Among numerous attempts to make AI explainable, quantifying the effect of explanations remains a challenge in conducting human-AI collaborative tasks. Aside from the ability to predict the overall behavior of AI, in many applications, users need to understand an AI agent's competency in different aspects of the task domain. In this paper, we evaluate the impact of explanations on the user's mental model of AI agent competency within the task of visual question answering (VQA). We quantify users' understanding of competency, based on the correlation between the actual system performance and user rankings. We introduce an explainable VQA system that uses spatial and object features and is powered by the BERT language model. Each group of users sees only one kind of explanation to rank the competencies of the VQA model. The proposed model is evaluated through between-subject experiments to probe explanations' impact on the user's perception of competency. The comparison between two VQA models shows BERT based explanations and the use of object features improve the user's prediction of the model's competencies.Comment: Submitted to HCCAI 202
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