1 research outputs found

    Towards scenario-based security requirements engineering for cyber-physical systems

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    Cyber-physical systems are characterized among others by strong interconnection with each other, but also with their environment. This interconnection enables on the one hand new functionality with a high complexity and leads on the other hand to a high demand on the security of the systems. Both aspects require tailored development processes with a rigorous requirements engineering. However, current requirements engineering approaches focus either on the functional or on the security aspects but lack an integrated view on modeling and analysing both aspects. Therefore, we present in this paper ongoing research for a formal, model- and scenario-based requirements engineering approach for cyber-physical systems. Our approach enables the requirements engineer in an early stage of the development whether the modeled security requirements are sufficient to mitigate attacks and whether the security requirements influence the functional behavior. We illustrate the approach by means of an advanced driver assistance system from the automotive domain