263 research outputs found

    PatDNN: Achieving Real-Time DNN Execution on Mobile Devices with Pattern-based Weight Pruning

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    With the emergence of a spectrum of high-end mobile devices, many applications that formerly required desktop-level computation capability are being transferred to these devices. However, executing the inference of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) is still challenging considering high computation and storage demands, specifically, if real-time performance with high accuracy is needed. Weight pruning of DNNs is proposed, but existing schemes represent two extremes in the design space: non-structured pruning is fine-grained, accurate, but not hardware friendly; structured pruning is coarse-grained, hardware-efficient, but with higher accuracy loss. In this paper, we introduce a new dimension, fine-grained pruning patterns inside the coarse-grained structures, revealing a previously unknown point in design space. With the higher accuracy enabled by fine-grained pruning patterns, the unique insight is to use the compiler to re-gain and guarantee high hardware efficiency. In other words, our method achieves the best of both worlds, and is desirable across theory/algorithm, compiler, and hardware levels. The proposed PatDNN is an end-to-end framework to efficiently execute DNN on mobile devices with the help of a novel model compression technique (pattern-based pruning based on extended ADMM solution framework) and a set of thorough architecture-aware compiler- and code generation-based optimizations (filter kernel reordering, compressed weight storage, register load redundancy elimination, and parameter auto-tuning). Evaluation results demonstrate that PatDNN outperforms three state-of-the-art end-to-end DNN frameworks, TensorFlow Lite, TVM, and Alibaba Mobile Neural Network with speedup up to 44.5x, 11.4x, and 7.1x, respectively, with no accuracy compromise. Real-time inference of representative large-scale DNNs (e.g., VGG-16, ResNet-50) can be achieved using mobile devices.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of Twenty-Fifth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 20

    Achieving on-Mobile Real-Time Super-Resolution with Neural Architecture and Pruning Search

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    Though recent years have witnessed remarkable progress in single image super-resolution (SISR) tasks with the prosperous development of deep neural networks (DNNs), the deep learning methods are confronted with the computation and memory consumption issues in practice, especially for resource-limited platforms such as mobile devices. To overcome the challenge and facilitate the real-time deployment of SISR tasks on mobile, we combine neural architecture search with pruning search and propose an automatic search framework that derives sparse super-resolution (SR) models with high image quality while satisfying the real-time inference requirement. To decrease the search cost, we leverage the weight sharing strategy by introducing a supernet and decouple the search problem into three stages, including supernet construction, compiler-aware architecture and pruning search, and compiler-aware pruning ratio search. With the proposed framework, we are the first to achieve real-time SR inference (with only tens of milliseconds per frame) for implementing 720p resolution with competitive image quality (in terms of PSNR and SSIM) on mobile platforms (Samsung Galaxy S20)
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