1 research outputs found

    Towards on-the-fly incremental updates for virtualized routers on fpga - unpublished article

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    Abstract—Recently, router virtualization has gained much interest in networking community. However, hardware support for router virtualization is still in its primitive stages. One of the major problems in a virtualized router is how to support frequent routing table updates efficiently, without interrupting network traffic. In this paper, we propose a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based architecture for router virtualization that supports on-the-fly updates, while ensuring scalability and throughput requirements. We introduce a distance-based mapping technique named Fill-In to merge multiple virtual routing tables into a single search tree. Node sharing is avoided by using a uniform data structure that results in a scalable solution for router virtualization. The reconfigurability and abundant parallelism of FPGAs make them a desirable hardware platform for high-performance and cost-effective routers. We leverage the features of modern FPGA devices to implement a parallellinear-pipelined packet processing engine. Our post place-androute results show that the proposed architecture can support uninterrupted network traffic at 150 Gbps for minimum size (40 Byte) packets. The scalability of the architecture is demonstrated for upto 17 real routing tables. Using the proposed update techniques, our architecture handles an update with a single write bubble. I