24,546 research outputs found

    Towards Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics on FPGA devices

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    In this paper we describe a single-node, double precision Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation of the Conjugate Gradient algorithm in the context of Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics. As a benchmark of our proposal we invert numerically the Dirac-Wilson operator on a 4-dimensional grid on three Xilinx hardware solutions: Zynq Ultrascale+ evaluation board, the Alveo U250 accelerator and the largest device available on the market, the VU13P device. In our implementation we separate software/hardware parts in such a way that the entire multiplication by the Dirac operator is performed in hardware, and the rest of the algorithm runs on the host. We find out that the FPGA implementation can offer a performance comparable with that obtained using current CPU or Intel's many core Xeon Phi accelerators. A possible multiple node FPGA-based system is discussed and we argue that power-efficient High Performance Computing (HPC) systems can be implemented using FPGA devices only.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Adiabatic Quantum Optimization for Associative Memory Recall

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    Hopfield networks are a variant of associative memory that recall information stored in the couplings of an Ising model. Stored memories are fixed points for the network dynamics that correspond to energetic minima of the spin state. We formulate the recall of memories stored in a Hopfield network using energy minimization by adiabatic quantum optimization (AQO). Numerical simulations of the quantum dynamics allow us to quantify the AQO recall accuracy with respect to the number of stored memories and the noise in the input key. We also investigate AQO performance with respect to how memories are stored in the Ising model using different learning rules. Our results indicate that AQO performance varies strongly with learning rule due to the changes in the energy landscape. Consequently, learning rules offer indirect methods for investigating change to the computational complexity of the recall task and the computational efficiency of AQO.Comment: 22 pages, 11 figures. Updated for clarity and figures, to appear in Frontiers of Physic

    Instruction Set Architectures for Quantum Processing Units

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    Progress in quantum computing hardware raises questions about how these devices can be controlled, programmed, and integrated with existing computational workflows. We briefly describe several prominent quantum computational models, their associated quantum processing units (QPUs), and the adoption of these devices as accelerators within high-performance computing systems. Emphasizing the interface to the QPU, we analyze instruction set architectures based on reduced and complex instruction sets, i.e., RISC and CISC architectures. We clarify the role of conventional constraints on memory addressing and instruction widths within the quantum computing context. Finally, we examine existing quantum computing platforms, including the D-Wave 2000Q and IBM Quantum Experience, within the context of future ISA development and HPC needs.Comment: To be published in the proceedings in the International Super Computing Conference 2017 publicatio

    Status and Future Perspectives for Lattice Gauge Theory Calculations to the Exascale and Beyond

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    In this and a set of companion whitepapers, the USQCD Collaboration lays out a program of science and computing for lattice gauge theory. These whitepapers describe how calculation using lattice QCD (and other gauge theories) can aid the interpretation of ongoing and upcoming experiments in particle and nuclear physics, as well as inspire new ones.Comment: 44 pages. 1 of USQCD whitepapers