18 research outputs found

    Recurrent Multi-scale Transformer for High-Resolution Salient Object Detection

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    Salient Object Detection (SOD) aims to identify and segment the most conspicuous objects in an image or video. As an important pre-processing step, it has many potential applications in multimedia and vision tasks. With the advance of imaging devices, SOD with high-resolution images is of great demand, recently. However, traditional SOD methods are largely limited to low-resolution images, making them difficult to adapt to the development of High-Resolution SOD (HRSOD). Although some HRSOD methods emerge, there are no large enough datasets for training and evaluating. Besides, current HRSOD methods generally produce incomplete object regions and irregular object boundaries. To address above issues, in this work, we first propose a new HRS10K dataset, which contains 10,500 high-quality annotated images at 2K-8K resolution. As far as we know, it is the largest dataset for the HRSOD task, which will significantly help future works in training and evaluating models. Furthermore, to improve the HRSOD performance, we propose a novel Recurrent Multi-scale Transformer (RMFormer), which recurrently utilizes shared Transformers and multi-scale refinement architectures. Thus, high-resolution saliency maps can be generated with the guidance of lower-resolution predictions. Extensive experiments on both high-resolution and low-resolution benchmarks show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed framework. The source code and dataset are released at: https://github.com/DrowsyMon/RMFormer.Comment: This work is accepted by ACM MM2023. More modifications may be performed for further improvement

    Dynamic Feature Integration for Simultaneous Detection of Salient Object, Edge and Skeleton

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    In this paper, we solve three low-level pixel-wise vision problems, including salient object segmentation, edge detection, and skeleton extraction, within a unified framework. We first show some similarities shared by these tasks and then demonstrate how they can be leveraged for developing a unified framework that can be trained end-to-end. In particular, we introduce a selective integration module that allows each task to dynamically choose features at different levels from the shared backbone based on its own characteristics. Furthermore, we design a task-adaptive attention module, aiming at intelligently allocating information for different tasks according to the image content priors. To evaluate the performance of our proposed network on these tasks, we conduct exhaustive experiments on multiple representative datasets. We will show that though these tasks are naturally quite different, our network can work well on all of them and even perform better than current single-purpose state-of-the-art methods. In addition, we also conduct adequate ablation analyses that provide a full understanding of the design principles of the proposed framework. To facilitate future research, source code will be released

    Video Object Segmentation using Point-based Memory Network

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    Recent years have witnessed the prevalence of memory-based methods for Semi-supervised Video Object Segmentation (SVOS) which utilise past frames efficiently for label propagation. When conducting feature matching, fine-grained multi-scale feature matching has typically been performed using all query points, which inevitably results in redundant computations and thus makes the fusion of multi-scale results ineffective. In this paper, we develop a new Point-based Memory Network, termed as PMNet, to perform fine-grained feature matching on hard samples only, assuming that easy samples can already obtain satisfactory matching results without the need for complicated multi-scale feature matching. Our approach first generates an uncertainty map from the initial decoding outputs. Next, the fine-grained features at uncertain locations are sampled to match the memory features on the same scale. Finally, the matching results are further decoded to provide a refined output. The point-based scheme works with the coarsest feature matching in a complementary and efficient manner. Furthermore, we propose an approach to adaptively perform global or regional matching based on the motion history of memory points, making our method more robust against ambiguous backgrounds. Experimental results on several benchmark datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over state-of-the-art methods

    Salient Object Detection via Integrity Learning

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    Albeit current salient object detection (SOD) works have achieved fantastic progress, they are cast into the shade when it comes to the integrity of the predicted salient regions. We define the concept of integrity at both the micro and macro level. Specifically, at the micro level, the model should highlight all parts that belong to a certain salient object, while at the macro level, the model needs to discover all salient objects from the given image scene. To facilitate integrity learning for salient object detection, we design a novel Integrity Cognition Network (ICON), which explores three important components to learn strong integrity features. 1) Unlike the existing models that focus more on feature discriminability, we introduce a diverse feature aggregation (DFA) component to aggregate features with various receptive fields (i.e.,, kernel shape and context) and increase the feature diversity. Such diversity is the foundation for mining the integral salient objects. 2) Based on the DFA features, we introduce the integrity channel enhancement (ICE) component with the goal of enhancing feature channels that highlight the integral salient objects at the macro level, while suppressing the other distracting ones. 3) After extracting the enhanced features, the part-whole verification (PWV) method is employed to determine whether the part and whole object features have strong agreement. Such part-whole agreements can further improve the micro-level integrity for each salient object. To demonstrate the effectiveness of ICON, comprehensive experiments are conducted on seven challenging benchmarks, where promising results are achieved