67 research outputs found

    Towards end-to-end spoken language understanding

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    Spoken language understanding system is traditionally designed as a pipeline of a number of components. First, the audio signal is processed by an automatic speech recognizer for transcription or n-best hypotheses. With the recognition results, a natural language understanding system classifies the text to structured data as domain, intent and slots for down-streaming consumers, such as dialog system, hands-free applications. These components are usually developed and optimized independently. In this paper, we present our study on an end-to-end learning system for spoken language understanding. With this unified approach, we can infer the semantic meaning directly from audio features without the intermediate text representation. This study showed that the trained model can achieve reasonable good result and demonstrated that the model can capture the semantic attention directly from the audio features.Comment: submitted to ICASSP 201

    End-to-end architectures for ASR-free spoken language understanding

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    Spoken Language Understanding (SLU) is the problem of extracting the meaning from speech utterances. It is typically addressed as a two-step problem, where an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model is employed to convert speech into text, followed by a Natural Language Understanding (NLU) model to extract meaning from the decoded text. Recently, end-to-end approaches were emerged, aiming at unifying the ASR and NLU into a single SLU deep neural architecture, trained using combinations of ASR and NLU-level recognition units. In this paper, we explore a set of recurrent architectures for intent classification, tailored to the recently introduced Fluent Speech Commands (FSC) dataset, where intents are formed as combinations of three slots (action, object, and location). We show that by combining deep recurrent architectures with standard data augmentation, state-of-the-art results can be attained, without using ASR-level targets or pretrained ASR models. We also investigate its generalizability to new wordings, and we show that the model can perform reasonably well on wordings unseen during training.Comment: Accepted at ICASSP-202

    Capsule Networks for Low Resource Spoken Language Understanding

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    Designing a spoken language understanding system for command-and-control applications can be challenging because of a wide variety of domains and users or because of a lack of training data. In this paper we discuss a system that learns from scratch from user demonstrations. This method has the advantage that the same system can be used for many domains and users without modifications and that no training data is required prior to deployment. The user is required to train the system, so for a user friendly experience it is crucial to minimize the required amount of data. In this paper we investigate whether a capsule network can make efficient use of the limited amount of available training data. We compare the proposed model to an approach based on Non-negative Matrix Factorisation which is the state-of-the-art in this setting and another deep learning approach that was recently introduced for end-to-end spoken language understanding. We show that the proposed model outperforms the baseline models for three command-and-control applications: controlling a small robot, a vocally guided card game and a home automation task.Comment: Submitted to INTERSPEECH 201

    End-to-end named entity extraction from speech

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    Named entity recognition (NER) is among SLU tasks that usually extract semantic information from textual documents. Until now, NER from speech is made through a pipeline process that consists in processing first an automatic speech recognition (ASR) on the audio and then processing a NER on the ASR outputs. Such approach has some disadvantages (error propagation, metric to tune ASR systems sub-optimal in regards to the final task, reduced space search at the ASR output level...) and it is known that more integrated approaches outperform sequential ones, when they can be applied. In this paper, we present a first study of end-to-end approach that directly extracts named entities from speech, though a unique neural architecture. On a such way, a joint optimization is able for both ASR and NER. Experiments are carried on French data easily accessible, composed of data distributed in several evaluation campaign. Experimental results show that this end-to-end approach provides better results (F-measure=0.69 on test data) than a classical pipeline approach to detect named entity categories (F-measure=0.65).Comment: Submitted to Interspeech 201

    Speech Model Pre-training for End-to-End Spoken Language Understanding

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    Whereas conventional spoken language understanding (SLU) systems map speech to text, and then text to intent, end-to-end SLU systems map speech directly to intent through a single trainable model. Achieving high accuracy with these end-to-end models without a large amount of training data is difficult. We propose a method to reduce the data requirements of end-to-end SLU in which the model is first pre-trained to predict words and phonemes, thus learning good features for SLU. We introduce a new SLU dataset, Fluent Speech Commands, and show that our method improves performance both when the full dataset is used for training and when only a small subset is used. We also describe preliminary experiments to gauge the model's ability to generalize to new phrases not heard during training.Comment: Accepted to Interspeech 201

    M2H-GAN: A GAN-based Mapping from Machine to Human Transcripts for Speech Understanding

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    Deep learning is at the core of recent spoken language understanding (SLU) related tasks. More precisely, deep neural networks (DNNs) drastically increased the performances of SLU systems, and numerous architectures have been proposed. In the real-life context of theme identification of telephone conversations, it is common to hold both a human, manual (TRS) and an automatically transcribed (ASR) versions of the conversations. Nonetheless, and due to production constraints, only the ASR transcripts are considered to build automatic classifiers. TRS transcripts are only used to measure the performances of ASR systems. Moreover, the recent performances in term of classification accuracy, obtained by DNN related systems are close to the performances reached by humans, and it becomes difficult to further increase the performances by only considering the ASR transcripts. This paper proposes to distillates the TRS knowledge available during the training phase within the ASR representation, by using a new generative adversarial network called M2H-GAN to generate a TRS-like version of an ASR document, to improve the theme identification performances.Comment: Submitted at INTERSPEECH 201

    Approaches to Improving Recognition of Underrepresented Named Entities in Hybrid ASR Systems

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    In this paper, we present a series of complementary approaches to improve the recognition of underrepresented named entities (NE) in hybrid ASR systems without compromising overall word error rate performance. The underrepresented words correspond to rare or out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words in the training data, and thereby can't be modeled reliably. We begin with graphemic lexicon which allows to drop the necessity of phonetic models in hybrid ASR. We study it under different settings and demonstrate its effectiveness in dealing with underrepresented NEs. Next, we study the impact of neural language model (LM) with letter-based features derived to handle infrequent words. After that, we attempt to enrich representations of underrepresented NEs in pretrained neural LM by borrowing the embedding representations of rich-represented words. This let us gain significant performance improvement on underrepresented NE recognition. Finally, we boost the likelihood scores of utterances containing NEs in the word lattices rescored by neural LMs and gain further performance improvement. The combination of the aforementioned approaches improves NE recognition by up to 42% relatively

    SpeechBERT: An Audio-and-text Jointly Learned Language Model for End-to-end Spoken Question Answering

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    While various end-to-end models for spoken language understanding tasks have been explored recently, this paper is probably the first known attempt to challenge the very difficult task of end-to-end spoken question answering (SQA). Learning from the very successful BERT model for various text processing tasks, here we proposed an audio-and-text jointly learned SpeechBERT model. This model outperformed the conventional approach of cascading ASR with the following text question answering (TQA) model on datasets including ASR errors in answer spans, because the end-to-end model was shown to be able to extract information out of audio data before ASR produced errors. When ensembling the proposed end-to-end model with the cascade architecture, even better performance was achieved. In addition to the potential of end-to-end SQA, the SpeechBERT can also be considered for many other spoken language understanding tasks just as BERT for many text processing tasks.Comment: Interspeech 202

    From Audio to Semantics: Approaches to end-to-end spoken language understanding

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    Conventional spoken language understanding systems consist of two main components: an automatic speech recognition module that converts audio to a transcript, and a natural language understanding module that transforms the resulting text (or top N hypotheses) into a set of domains, intents, and arguments. These modules are typically optimized independently. In this paper, we formulate audio to semantic understanding as a sequence-to-sequence problem [1]. We propose and compare various encoder-decoder based approaches that optimize both modules jointly, in an end-to-end manner. Evaluations on a real-world task show that 1) having an intermediate text representation is crucial for the quality of the predicted semantics, especially the intent arguments and 2) jointly optimizing the full system improves overall accuracy of prediction. Compared to independently trained models, our best jointly trained model achieves similar domain and intent prediction F1 scores, but improves argument word error rate by 18% relative

    Improving the Robustness of Speech Translation

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    Although neural machine translation (NMT) has achieved impressive progress recently, it is usually trained on the clean parallel data set and hence cannot work well when the input sentence is the production of the automatic speech recognition (ASR) system due to the enormous errors in the source. To solve this problem, we propose a simple but effective method to improve the robustness of NMT in the case of speech translation. We simulate the noise existing in the realistic output of the ASR system and inject them into the clean parallel data so that NMT can work under similar word distributions during training and testing. Besides, we also incorporate the Chinese Pinyin feature which is easy to get in speech translation to further improve the translation performance. Experiment results show that our method has a more stable performance and outperforms the baseline by an average of 3.12 BLEU on multiple noisy test sets, even while achieves a generalization improvement on the WMT'17 Chinese-English test set