950 research outputs found

    User Intent Prediction in Information-seeking Conversations

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    Conversational assistants are being progressively adopted by the general population. However, they are not capable of handling complicated information-seeking tasks that involve multiple turns of information exchange. Due to the limited communication bandwidth in conversational search, it is important for conversational assistants to accurately detect and predict user intent in information-seeking conversations. In this paper, we investigate two aspects of user intent prediction in an information-seeking setting. First, we extract features based on the content, structural, and sentiment characteristics of a given utterance, and use classic machine learning methods to perform user intent prediction. We then conduct an in-depth feature importance analysis to identify key features in this prediction task. We find that structural features contribute most to the prediction performance. Given this finding, we construct neural classifiers to incorporate context information and achieve better performance without feature engineering. Our findings can provide insights into the important factors and effective methods of user intent prediction in information-seeking conversations.Comment: Accepted to CHIIR 201

    Multimodal Recommendation Dialog with Subjective Preference: A New Challenge and Benchmark

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    Existing multimodal task-oriented dialog data fails to demonstrate the diverse expressions of user subjective preferences and recommendation acts in the real-life shopping scenario. This paper introduces a new dataset SURE (Multimodal Recommendation Dialog with SUbjective PREference), which contains 12K shopping dialogs in complex store scenes. The data is built in two phases with human annotations to ensure quality and diversity. SURE is well-annotated with subjective preferences and recommendation acts proposed by sales experts. A comprehensive analysis is given to reveal the distinguishing features of SURE. Three benchmark tasks are then proposed on the data to evaluate the capability of multimodal recommendation agents. Based on the SURE, we propose a baseline model, powered by a state-of-the-art multimodal model, for these tasks.Comment: ACL 202

    Long Short-Term Planning for Conversational Recommendation Systems

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    In Conversational Recommendation Systems (CRS), the central question is how the conversational agent can naturally ask for user preferences and provide suitable recommendations. Existing works mainly follow the hierarchical architecture, where a higher policy decides whether to invoke the conversation module (to ask questions) or the recommendation module (to make recommendations). This architecture prevents these two components from fully interacting with each other. In contrast, this paper proposes a novel architecture, the long short-term feedback architecture, to connect these two essential components in CRS. Specifically, the recommendation predicts the long-term recommendation target based on the conversational context and the user history. Driven by the targeted recommendation, the conversational model predicts the next topic or attribute to verify if the user preference matches the target. The balance feedback loop continues until the short-term planner output matches the long-term planner output, that is when the system should make the recommendation.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Accepted by ICONIP 202
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