19,458 research outputs found

    Storage Solutions for Big Data Systems: A Qualitative Study and Comparison

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    Big data systems development is full of challenges in view of the variety of application areas and domains that this technology promises to serve. Typically, fundamental design decisions involved in big data systems design include choosing appropriate storage and computing infrastructures. In this age of heterogeneous systems that integrate different technologies for optimized solution to a specific real world problem, big data system are not an exception to any such rule. As far as the storage aspect of any big data system is concerned, the primary facet in this regard is a storage infrastructure and NoSQL seems to be the right technology that fulfills its requirements. However, every big data application has variable data characteristics and thus, the corresponding data fits into a different data model. This paper presents feature and use case analysis and comparison of the four main data models namely document oriented, key value, graph and wide column. Moreover, a feature analysis of 80 NoSQL solutions has been provided, elaborating on the criteria and points that a developer must consider while making a possible choice. Typically, big data storage needs to communicate with the execution engine and other processing and visualization technologies to create a comprehensive solution. This brings forth second facet of big data storage, big data file formats, into picture. The second half of the research paper compares the advantages, shortcomings and possible use cases of available big data file formats for Hadoop, which is the foundation for most big data computing technologies. Decentralized storage and blockchain are seen as the next generation of big data storage and its challenges and future prospects have also been discussed

    A fine-grain time-sharing Time Warp system

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    Although Parallel Discrete Event Simulation (PDES) platforms relying on the Time Warp (optimistic) synchronization protocol already allow for exploiting parallelism, several techniques have been proposed to further favor performance. Among them we can mention optimized approaches for state restore, as well as techniques for load balancing or (dynamically) controlling the speculation degree, the latter being specifically targeted at reducing the incidence of causality errors leading to waste of computation. However, in state of the art Time Warp systems, events’ processing is not preemptable, which may prevent the possibility to promptly react to the injection of higher priority (say lower timestamp) events. Delaying the processing of these events may, in turn, give rise to higher incidence of incorrect speculation. In this article we present the design and realization of a fine-grain time-sharing Time Warp system, to be run on multi-core Linux machines, which makes systematic use of event preemption in order to dynamically reassign the CPU to higher priority events/tasks. Our proposal is based on a truly dual mode execution, application vs platform, which includes a timer-interrupt based support for bringing control back to platform mode for possible CPU reassignment according to very fine grain periods. The latter facility is offered by an ad-hoc timer-interrupt management module for Linux, which we release, together with the overall time-sharing support, within the open source ROOT-Sim platform. An experimental assessment based on the classical PHOLD benchmark and two real world models is presented, which shows how our proposal effectively leads to the reduction of the incidence of causality errors, as compared to traditional Time Warp, especially when running with higher degrees of parallelism

    ArchiveSpark: Efficient Web Archive Access, Extraction and Derivation

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    Web archives are a valuable resource for researchers of various disciplines. However, to use them as a scholarly source, researchers require a tool that provides efficient access to Web archive data for extraction and derivation of smaller datasets. Besides efficient access we identify five other objectives based on practical researcher needs such as ease of use, extensibility and reusability. Towards these objectives we propose ArchiveSpark, a framework for efficient, distributed Web archive processing that builds a research corpus by working on existing and standardized data formats commonly held by Web archiving institutions. Performance optimizations in ArchiveSpark, facilitated by the use of a widely available metadata index, result in significant speed-ups of data processing. Our benchmarks show that ArchiveSpark is faster than alternative approaches without depending on any additional data stores while improving usability by seamlessly integrating queries and derivations with external tools.Comment: JCDL 2016, Newark, NJ, US

    PlinyCompute: A Platform for High-Performance, Distributed, Data-Intensive Tool Development

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    This paper describes PlinyCompute, a system for development of high-performance, data-intensive, distributed computing tools and libraries. In the large, PlinyCompute presents the programmer with a very high-level, declarative interface, relying on automatic, relational-database style optimization to figure out how to stage distributed computations. However, in the small, PlinyCompute presents the capable systems programmer with a persistent object data model and API (the "PC object model") and associated memory management system that has been designed from the ground-up for high performance, distributed, data-intensive computing. This contrasts with most other Big Data systems, which are constructed on top of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), and hence must at least partially cede performance-critical concerns such as memory management (including layout and de/allocation) and virtual method/function dispatch to the JVM. This hybrid approach---declarative in the large, trusting the programmer's ability to utilize PC object model efficiently in the small---results in a system that is ideal for the development of reusable, data-intensive tools and libraries. Through extensive benchmarking, we show that implementing complex objects manipulation and non-trivial, library-style computations on top of PlinyCompute can result in a speedup of 2x to more than 50x or more compared to equivalent implementations on Spark.Comment: 48 pages, including references and Appendi
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