2,327 research outputs found

    Edge Intelligence: Paving the Last Mile of Artificial Intelligence with Edge Computing

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    With the breakthroughs in deep learning, the recent years have witnessed a booming of artificial intelligence (AI) applications and services, spanning from personal assistant to recommendation systems to video/audio surveillance. More recently, with the proliferation of mobile computing and Internet-of-Things (IoT), billions of mobile and IoT devices are connected to the Internet, generating zillions Bytes of data at the network edge. Driving by this trend, there is an urgent need to push the AI frontiers to the network edge so as to fully unleash the potential of the edge big data. To meet this demand, edge computing, an emerging paradigm that pushes computing tasks and services from the network core to the network edge, has been widely recognized as a promising solution. The resulted new inter-discipline, edge AI or edge intelligence, is beginning to receive a tremendous amount of interest. However, research on edge intelligence is still in its infancy stage, and a dedicated venue for exchanging the recent advances of edge intelligence is highly desired by both the computer system and artificial intelligence communities. To this end, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the recent research efforts on edge intelligence. Specifically, we first review the background and motivation for artificial intelligence running at the network edge. We then provide an overview of the overarching architectures, frameworks and emerging key technologies for deep learning model towards training/inference at the network edge. Finally, we discuss future research opportunities on edge intelligence. We believe that this survey will elicit escalating attentions, stimulate fruitful discussions and inspire further research ideas on edge intelligence.Comment: Zhi Zhou, Xu Chen, En Li, Liekang Zeng, Ke Luo, and Junshan Zhang, "Edge Intelligence: Paving the Last Mile of Artificial Intelligence with Edge Computing," Proceedings of the IEE

    Whetstone: A Method for Training Deep Artificial Neural Networks for Binary Communication

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    This paper presents a new technique for training networks for low-precision communication. Targeting minimal communication between nodes not only enables the use of emerging spiking neuromorphic platforms, but may additionally streamline processing conventionally. Low-power and embedded neuromorphic processors potentially offer dramatic performance-per-Watt improvements over traditional von Neumann processors, however programming these brain-inspired platforms generally requires platform-specific expertise which limits their applicability. To date, the majority of artificial neural networks have not operated using discrete spike-like communication. We present a method for training deep spiking neural networks using an iterative modification of the backpropagation optimization algorithm. This method, which we call Whetstone, effectively and reliably configures a network for a spiking hardware target with little, if any, loss in performance. Whetstone networks use single time step binary communication and do not require a rate code or other spike-based coding scheme, thus producing networks comparable in timing and size to conventional ANNs, albeit with binarized communication. We demonstrate Whetstone on a number of image classification networks, describing how the sharpening process interacts with different training optimizers and changes the distribution of activity within the network. We further note that Whetstone is compatible with several non-classification neural network applications, such as autoencoders and semantic segmentation. Whetstone is widely extendable and currently implemented using custom activation functions within the Keras wrapper to the popular TensorFlow machine learning framework

    Automatic Neural Network Compression by Sparsity-Quantization Joint Learning: A Constrained Optimization-based Approach

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    Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are applied in a wide range of usecases. There is an increased demand for deploying DNNs on devices that do not have abundant resources such as memory and computation units. Recently, network compression through a variety of techniques such as pruning and quantization have been proposed to reduce the resource requirement. A key parameter that all existing compression techniques are sensitive to is the compression ratio (e.g., pruning sparsity, quantization bitwidth) of each layer. Traditional solutions treat the compression ratios of each layer as hyper-parameters, and tune them using human heuristic. Recent researchers start using black-box hyper-parameter optimizations, but they will introduce new hyper-parameters and have efficiency issue. In this paper, we propose a framework to jointly prune and quantize the DNNs automatically according to a target model size without using any hyper-parameters to manually set the compression ratio for each layer. In the experiments, we show that our framework can compress the weights data of ResNet-50 to be 836×\times smaller without accuracy loss on CIFAR-10, and compress AlexNet to be 205×\times smaller without accuracy loss on ImageNet classification

    Measuring the Effects of Data Parallelism on Neural Network Training

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    Recent hardware developments have dramatically increased the scale of data parallelism available for neural network training. Among the simplest ways to harness next-generation hardware is to increase the batch size in standard mini-batch neural network training algorithms. In this work, we aim to experimentally characterize the effects of increasing the batch size on training time, as measured by the number of steps necessary to reach a goal out-of-sample error. We study how this relationship varies with the training algorithm, model, and data set, and find extremely large variation between workloads. Along the way, we show that disagreements in the literature on how batch size affects model quality can largely be explained by differences in metaparameter tuning and compute budgets at different batch sizes. We find no evidence that larger batch sizes degrade out-of-sample performance. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results on efforts to train neural networks much faster in the future. Our experimental data is publicly available as a database of 71,638,836 loss measurements taken over the course of training for 168,160 individual models across 35 workloads

    TBD: Benchmarking and Analyzing Deep Neural Network Training

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    The recent popularity of deep neural networks (DNNs) has generated a lot of research interest in performing DNN-related computation efficiently. However, the primary focus is usually very narrow and limited to (i) inference -- i.e. how to efficiently execute already trained models and (ii) image classification networks as the primary benchmark for evaluation. Our primary goal in this work is to break this myopic view by (i) proposing a new benchmark for DNN training, called TBD (TBD is short for Training Benchmark for DNNs), that uses a representative set of DNN models that cover a wide range of machine learning applications: image classification, machine translation, speech recognition, object detection, adversarial networks, reinforcement learning, and (ii) by performing an extensive performance analysis of training these different applications on three major deep learning frameworks (TensorFlow, MXNet, CNTK) across different hardware configurations (single-GPU, multi-GPU, and multi-machine). TBD currently covers six major application domains and eight different state-of-the-art models. We present a new toolchain for performance analysis for these models that combines the targeted usage of existing performance analysis tools, careful selection of new and existing metrics and methodologies to analyze the results, and utilization of domain specific characteristics of DNN training. We also build a new set of tools for memory profiling in all three major frameworks; much needed tools that can finally shed some light on precisely how much memory is consumed by different data structures (weights, activations, gradients, workspace) in DNN training. By using our tools and methodologies, we make several important observations and recommendations on where the future research and optimization of DNN training should be focused

    A Survey of Model Compression and Acceleration for Deep Neural Networks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have recently achieved great success in many visual recognition tasks. However, existing deep neural network models are computationally expensive and memory intensive, hindering their deployment in devices with low memory resources or in applications with strict latency requirements. Therefore, a natural thought is to perform model compression and acceleration in deep networks without significantly decreasing the model performance. During the past five years, tremendous progress has been made in this area. In this paper, we review the recent techniques for compacting and accelerating DNN models. In general, these techniques are divided into four categories: parameter pruning and quantization, low-rank factorization, transferred/compact convolutional filters, and knowledge distillation. Methods of parameter pruning and quantization are described first, after that the other techniques are introduced. For each category, we also provide insightful analysis about the performance, related applications, advantages, and drawbacks. Then we go through some very recent successful methods, for example, dynamic capacity networks and stochastic depths networks. After that, we survey the evaluation matrices, the main datasets used for evaluating the model performance, and recent benchmark efforts. Finally, we conclude this paper, discuss remaining the challenges and possible directions for future work.Comment: Published in IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, updated version including more recent work

    DrMAD: Distilling Reverse-Mode Automatic Differentiation for Optimizing Hyperparameters of Deep Neural Networks

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    The performance of deep neural networks is well-known to be sensitive to the setting of their hyperparameters. Recent advances in reverse-mode automatic differentiation allow for optimizing hyperparameters with gradients. The standard way of computing these gradients involves a forward and backward pass of computations. However, the backward pass usually needs to consume unaffordable memory to store all the intermediate variables to exactly reverse the forward training procedure. In this work we propose a simple but effective method, DrMAD, to distill the knowledge of the forward pass into a shortcut path, through which we approximately reverse the training trajectory. Experiments on several image benchmark datasets show that DrMAD is at least 45 times faster and consumes 100 times less memory compared to state-of-the-art methods for optimizing hyperparameters with minimal compromise to its effectiveness. To the best of our knowledge, DrMAD is the first research attempt to make it practical to automatically tune thousands of hyperparameters of deep neural networks. The code can be downloaded from https://github.com/bigaidream-projects/drmadComment: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, IJCAI, 201

    On-Device Machine Learning: An Algorithms and Learning Theory Perspective

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    The predominant paradigm for using machine learning models on a device is to train a model in the cloud and perform inference using the trained model on the device. However, with increasing number of smart devices and improved hardware, there is interest in performing model training on the device. Given this surge in interest, a comprehensive survey of the field from a device-agnostic perspective sets the stage for both understanding the state-of-the-art and for identifying open challenges and future avenues of research. However, on-device learning is an expansive field with connections to a large number of related topics in AI and machine learning (including online learning, model adaptation, one/few-shot learning, etc.). Hence, covering such a large number of topics in a single survey is impractical. This survey finds a middle ground by reformulating the problem of on-device learning as resource constrained learning where the resources are compute and memory. This reformulation allows tools, techniques, and algorithms from a wide variety of research areas to be compared equitably. In addition to summarizing the state-of-the-art, the survey also identifies a number of challenges and next steps for both the algorithmic and theoretical aspects of on-device learning.Comment: Edge Learning, TinyML, Resource Constrained Machine Learning, Deep learning on device, Statistical Learning Theory, 45 pages surve

    PIMBALL: Binary Neural Networks in Spintronic Memory

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    Neural networks span a wide range of applications of industrial and commercial significance. Binary neural networks (BNN) are particularly effective in trading accuracy for performance, energy efficiency or hardware/software complexity. Here, we introduce a spintronic, re-configurable in-memory BNN accelerator, PIMBALL: Processing In Memory BNN AcceL(L)erator, which allows for massively parallel and energy efficient computation. PIMBALL is capable of being used as a standard spintronic memory (STT-MRAM) array and a computational substrate simultaneously. We evaluate PIMBALL using multiple image classifiers and a genomics kernel. Our simulation results show that PIMBALL is more energy efficient than alternative CPU, GPU, and FPGA based implementations while delivering higher throughput

    Edge Intelligence: The Confluence of Edge Computing and Artificial Intelligence

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    Along with the rapid developments in communication technologies and the surge in the use of mobile devices, a brand-new computation paradigm, Edge Computing, is surging in popularity. Meanwhile, Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are thriving with the breakthroughs in deep learning and the many improvements in hardware architectures. Billions of data bytes, generated at the network edge, put massive demands on data processing and structural optimization. Thus, there exists a strong demand to integrate Edge Computing and AI, which gives birth to Edge Intelligence. In this paper, we divide Edge Intelligence into AI for edge (Intelligence-enabled Edge Computing) and AI on edge (Artificial Intelligence on Edge). The former focuses on providing more optimal solutions to key problems in Edge Computing with the help of popular and effective AI technologies while the latter studies how to carry out the entire process of building AI models, i.e., model training and inference, on the edge. This paper provides insights into this new inter-disciplinary field from a broader perspective. It discusses the core concepts and the research road-map, which should provide the necessary background for potential future research initiatives in Edge Intelligence.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure
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