1 research outputs found

    Towards Bridging the Web and the Semantic Web

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    The World Wide Web (WWW) has provided us with a plethora of information. However, given its unstructured format, this information is useful mainly to humans and cannot be effectively interpreted by machines. The Semantic Web provides information in computer understandable structures (e.g., RDF), but the amount of information on the Semantic Web is limited compared to the amount of information available on the Web. The problem of generating a bridge between the Web and Semantic Web has recently gained a lot of attention. In this paper, we propose a Concept Extractor and Relationship Identifier (CE-RI) system, which acts as a bridge between Web and Semantic Web by providing a “semantic ” way of presenting the search results to the user. The Concept Extractor (CE) component of our system makes use of the power of existing search engines coupled with the elegance of PageRank to extract high quality concepts related to the given query. The Relationship Identifier (RI) component finds relationships between the extracted concepts and the given query and presents them to the user in the form of a graph. It also stores the generated results formally, in the form of RDF triples, to facilitate better inferences as compared to traditional search engines. We evaluate our system by comparing its components CE and RI with other similar ”state of the art ” concept detection and relationship identification systems, respectively. The results produced by our system are either similiar or better than those generated by other systems. 1