3,237 research outputs found

    Interpreting Adversarial Examples with Attributes

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    Deep computer vision systems being vulnerable to imperceptible and carefully crafted noise have raised questions regarding the robustness of their decisions. We take a step back and approach this problem from an orthogonal direction. We propose to enable black-box neural networks to justify their reasoning both for clean and for adversarial examples by leveraging attributes, i.e. visually discriminative properties of objects. We rank attributes based on their class relevance, i.e. how the classification decision changes when the input is visually slightly perturbed, as well as image relevance, i.e. how well the attributes can be localized on both clean and perturbed images. We present comprehensive experiments for attribute prediction, adversarial example generation, adversarially robust learning, and their qualitative and quantitative analysis using predicted attributes on three benchmark datasets

    PatchGuard: A Provably Robust Defense against Adversarial Patches via Small Receptive Fields and Masking

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    Localized adversarial patches aim to induce misclassification in machine learning models by arbitrarily modifying pixels within a restricted region of an image. Such attacks can be realized in the physical world by attaching the adversarial patch to the object to be misclassified, and defending against such attacks is an unsolved/open problem. In this paper, we propose a general defense framework called PatchGuard that can achieve high provable robustness while maintaining high clean accuracy against localized adversarial patches. The cornerstone of PatchGuard involves the use of CNNs with small receptive fields to impose a bound on the number of features corrupted by an adversarial patch. Given a bounded number of corrupted features, the problem of designing an adversarial patch defense reduces to that of designing a secure feature aggregation mechanism. Towards this end, we present our robust masking defense that robustly detects and masks corrupted features to recover the correct prediction. Notably, we can prove the robustness of our defense against any adversary within our threat model. Our extensive evaluation on ImageNet, ImageNette (a 10-class subset of ImageNet), and CIFAR-10 datasets demonstrates that our defense achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of both provable robust accuracy and clean accuracy.Comment: USENIX Security Symposium 2021; extended technical repor

    Towards Robustness against Unsuspicious Adversarial Examples

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    Despite the remarkable success of deep neural networks, significant concerns have emerged about their robustness to adversarial perturbations to inputs. While most attacks aim to ensure that these are imperceptible, physical perturbation attacks typically aim for being unsuspicious, even if perceptible. However, there is no universal notion of what it means for adversarial examples to be unsuspicious. We propose an approach for modeling suspiciousness by leveraging cognitive salience. Specifically, we split an image into foreground (salient region) and background (the rest), and allow significantly larger adversarial perturbations in the background, while ensuring that cognitive salience of background remains low. We describe how to compute the resulting non-salience-preserving dual-perturbation attacks on classifiers. We then experimentally demonstrate that our attacks indeed do not significantly change perceptual salience of the background, but are highly effective against classifiers robust to conventional attacks. Furthermore, we show that adversarial training with dual-perturbation attacks yields classifiers that are more robust to these than state-of-the-art robust learning approaches, and comparable in terms of robustness to conventional attacks.Comment: v2.

    Attribution-driven Causal Analysis for Detection of Adversarial Examples

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    Attribution methods have been developed to explain the decision of a machine learning model on a given input. We use the Integrated Gradient method for finding attributions to define the causal neighborhood of an input by incrementally masking high attribution features. We study the robustness of machine learning models on benign and adversarial inputs in this neighborhood. Our study indicates that benign inputs are robust to the masking of high attribution features but adversarial inputs generated by the state-of-the-art adversarial attack methods such as DeepFool, FGSM, CW and PGD, are not robust to such masking. Further, our study demonstrates that this concentration of high-attribution features responsible for the incorrect decision is more pronounced in physically realizable adversarial examples. This difference in attribution of benign and adversarial inputs can be used to detect adversarial examples. Such a defense approach is independent of training data and attack method, and we demonstrate its effectiveness on digital and physically realizable perturbations.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Local Gradients Smoothing: Defense against localized adversarial attacks

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    Deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown vulnerability to adversarial attacks, i.e., carefully perturbed inputs designed to mislead the network at inference time. Recently introduced localized attacks, Localized and Visible Adversarial Noise (LaVAN) and Adversarial patch, pose a new challenge to deep learning security by adding adversarial noise only within a specific region without affecting the salient objects in an image. Driven by the observation that such attacks introduce concentrated high-frequency changes at a particular image location, we have developed an effective method to estimate noise location in gradient domain and transform those high activation regions caused by adversarial noise in image domain while having minimal effect on the salient object that is important for correct classification. Our proposed Local Gradients Smoothing (LGS) scheme achieves this by regularizing gradients in the estimated noisy region before feeding the image to DNN for inference. We have shown the effectiveness of our method in comparison to other defense methods including Digital Watermarking, JPEG compression, Total Variance Minimization (TVM) and Feature squeezing on ImageNet dataset. In addition, we systematically study the robustness of the proposed defense mechanism against Back Pass Differentiable Approximation (BPDA), a state of the art attack recently developed to break defenses that transform an input sample to minimize the adversarial effect. Compared to other defense mechanisms, LGS is by far the most resistant to BPDA in localized adversarial attack setting.Comment: Accepted At WACV-201

    PeerNets: Exploiting Peer Wisdom Against Adversarial Attacks

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    Deep learning systems have become ubiquitous in many aspects of our lives. Unfortunately, it has been shown that such systems are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, making them prone to potential unlawful uses. Designing deep neural networks that are robust to adversarial attacks is a fundamental step in making such systems safer and deployable in a broader variety of applications (e.g. autonomous driving), but more importantly is a necessary step to design novel and more advanced architectures built on new computational paradigms rather than marginally building on the existing ones. In this paper we introduce PeerNets, a novel family of convolutional networks alternating classical Euclidean convolutions with graph convolutions to harness information from a graph of peer samples. This results in a form of non-local forward propagation in the model, where latent features are conditioned on the global structure induced by the graph, that is up to 3 times more robust to a variety of white- and black-box adversarial attacks compared to conventional architectures with almost no drop in accuracy

    Robust Adversarial Learning via Sparsifying Front Ends

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    It is by now well-known that small adversarial perturbations can induce classification errors in deep neural networks. In this paper, we take a bottom-up signal processing perspective to this problem and show that a systematic exploitation of sparsity in natural data is a promising tool for defense. For linear classifiers, we show that a sparsifying front end is provably effective against ℓ∞\ell_{\infty}-bounded attacks, reducing output distortion due to the attack by a factor of roughly K/NK/N where NN is the data dimension and KK is the sparsity level. We then extend this concept to deep networks, showing that a "locally linear" model can be used to develop a theoretical foundation for crafting attacks and defenses. We also devise attacks based on the locally linear model that outperform the well-known FGSM attack. We supplement our theoretical results with experiments on the MNIST handwritten digit database, showing the efficacy of the proposed sparsity-based defense schemes.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Interpreting Adversarial Examples by Activation Promotion and Suppression

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    It is widely known that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are vulnerable to adversarial examples: images with imperceptible perturbations crafted to fool classifiers. However, interpretability of these perturbations is less explored in the literature. This work aims to better understand the roles of adversarial perturbations and provide visual explanations from pixel, image and network perspectives. We show that adversaries have a promotion-suppression effect (PSE) on neurons' activations and can be primarily categorized into three types: i) suppression-dominated perturbations that mainly reduce the classification score of the true label, ii) promotion-dominated perturbations that focus on boosting the confidence of the target label, and iii) balanced perturbations that play a dual role in suppression and promotion. We also provide image-level interpretability of adversarial examples. This links PSE of pixel-level perturbations to class-specific discriminative image regions localized by class activation mapping (Zhou et al. 2016). Further, we examine the adversarial effect through network dissection (Bau et al. 2017), which offers concept-level interpretability of hidden units. We show that there exists a tight connection between the units' sensitivity to adversarial attacks and their interpretability on semantic concepts. Lastly, we provide some new insights from our interpretation to improve the adversarial robustness of networks

    Defense Methods Against Adversarial Examples for Recurrent Neural Networks

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    Adversarial examples are known to mislead deep learning models to incorrectly classify them, even in domains where such models achieve state-of-the-art performance. Until recently, research on both attack and defense methods focused on image recognition, primarily using convolutional neural networks (CNNs). In recent years, adversarial example generation methods for recurrent neural networks (RNNs) have been published, demonstrating that RNN classifiers are also vulnerable to such attacks. In this paper, we present a novel defense method, termed sequence squeezing, to make RNN classifiers more robust against such attacks. Our method differs from previous defense methods which were designed only for non-sequence based models. We also implement four additional RNN defense methods inspired by recently published CNN defense methods. We evaluate our methods against state-of-the-art attacks in the cyber security domain where real adversaries (malware developers) exist, but our methods can be applied against other discrete sequence based adversarial attacks, e.g., in the NLP domain. Using our methods we were able to decrease the effectiveness of such attack from 99.9% to 15%.Comment: Submitted as a conference paper to Euro S&P 202

    Structured Adversarial Attack: Towards General Implementation and Better Interpretability

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    When generating adversarial examples to attack deep neural networks (DNNs), Lp norm of the added perturbation is usually used to measure the similarity between original image and adversarial example. However, such adversarial attacks perturbing the raw input spaces may fail to capture structural information hidden in the input. This work develops a more general attack model, i.e., the structured attack (StrAttack), which explores group sparsity in adversarial perturbations by sliding a mask through images aiming for extracting key spatial structures. An ADMM (alternating direction method of multipliers)-based framework is proposed that can split the original problem into a sequence of analytically solvable subproblems and can be generalized to implement other attacking methods. Strong group sparsity is achieved in adversarial perturbations even with the same level of Lp norm distortion as the state-of-the-art attacks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of StrAttack by extensive experimental results onMNIST, CIFAR-10, and ImageNet. We also show that StrAttack provides better interpretability (i.e., better correspondence with discriminative image regions)through adversarial saliency map (Papernot et al., 2016b) and class activation map(Zhou et al., 2016).Comment: Published as a conference paper at ICLR 201
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