1,934 research outputs found

    Astrocytic modulation of neuronal network oscillations

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    The synchronization of the neuron’s membrane potential results in the emergence of neuronal oscillations at multiple frequencies that serve distinct physiological functions (e.g. facilitation of synaptic plasticity) and correlate with different behavioural states (e.g. sleep, wakefulness, attention). It has been postulated that at least ten distinct mechanisms are required to cover the large frequency range of neuronal oscillations in the cortex, including variations in the concentration of extracellular neurotransmitters and ions, as well as changes in cellular excitability. However, the mechanism that gears the transition between different oscillatory frequencies is still unknown. Over the past decade, astrocytes have been the focus of much research, mainly due to (1) their close association with synapses forming what is known today as the “tripartite synapse”, which allows them to bidirectionally interact with neurons and modulate synaptic transmission; (2) their syncytium-like activity, as they are electrically coupled via gap junctions and actively communicate through Ca2+ waves; and (3) their ability to regulate neuronal excitability via glutamate uptake and tight control of the extracellular K+ levels via a process termed K+ clearance. In this thesis we hypothesized that astrocytes, in addition to their role as modulators of neuronal excitability, also act as “network managers” that can modulate the overall network oscillatory activity within their spatial domain. To do so, it is proposed that astrocytes fine-tune their K+ clearance capabilities to affect neuronal intrinsic excitability properties and synchronization with other neurons, thus mediating the transitions between neuronal network oscillations at different frequencies. To validate or reject this hypothesis I have investigated the potential role of astrocytes in modulating cortical oscillations at both cellular and network levels, aiming at answering three main research questions: a) what is the impact of alterations in astrocytic K+ clearance mechanisms on cortical networks oscillatory dynamics? b) what specific neuronal properties underlying the generation of neuronal oscillations are affected as a result of impairments in the astrocytic K+ clearance process? and c) what are the bidirectional mechanisms between neurons and astrocytes (i.e. neuromodulators) that specifically affect the K+ clearance process to modulate the network activity output? In the first experimental chapter I used electrophysiological recordings and pharmacological manipulations to dissect the contribution of the different astrocytic K+ clearance mechanisms to the modulation of neuronal network oscillations at multiple frequencies. A key finding was that alterations in membrane properties of layer V pyramidal neurons strongly correlated with the network behaviour following impairments in astrocytic K+ clearance capabilities, depicted as enhanced excitability underlying the amplification of high-frequency oscillations, especially within the beta and gamma range. The second experimental chapter describes a combinatorial approach based on K+-selective microelectrode recordings and optical imaging of K+ ions used to quantitatively determine extracellular K+ changes and to follow the spatiotemporal distribution of K+ ions under both physiological and altered K+ clearance conditions, which affected the K+ clearance rate. The impact of different neuromodulators on astrocytic function is discussed in the third experimental chapter. Using extracellular K+ recordings and Ca2+ imaging I found that some neuromodulators act specifically on astrocytic receptors to affect both K+ clearance mechanisms and Ca2+ signalling, as evidenced by reduced K+ clearance rates and altered evoked Ca2+ signals. Overall, this thesis provides new insights regarding the impact of astrocytic K+ clearance mechanisms on modulating neuronal properties at both cellular and network levels, which in turn imposes alterations on neuronal oscillations that are associated with different behavioural states

    Geographic Research on Hate Crimes and Incidents: Approaches for Advancing Inclusive Practices

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    COVID-19, originally reported in China, has brought an increase in anti-Asian and Asian American hate incidents and crimes in the United States. However, research on hate incidents and crimes are relatively new in the field of geography. To provide better ways to investigate hate crime incidents against Asians and Asian Americans during COVID-19, this article draws on various research methods from existing studies on hate crimes. Geographers have focused attention on minority groups linked to different geographic scales, and non-geographic studies have focused mainly on psychological symptoms and impacts on health. Even though existing studies have helped broaden the knowledge of the subject, the geographic aspects of the issue require further examination. This article suggests that geographers should pay more attention to four aspects of research in hate crimes and incidents for future research: avoiding oversimplified concepts, reconsidering relational aspects within the local community, identifying intersectionality and everydayness of people, and engaging more with the practice of the law enforcement and the local communities

    Emotions in context: examining pervasive affective sensing systems, applications, and analyses

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    Pervasive sensing has opened up new opportunities for measuring our feelings and understanding our behavior by monitoring our affective states while mobile. This review paper surveys pervasive affect sensing by examining and considering three major elements of affective pervasive systems, namely; “sensing”, “analysis”, and “application”. Sensing investigates the different sensing modalities that are used in existing real-time affective applications, Analysis explores different approaches to emotion recognition and visualization based on different types of collected data, and Application investigates different leading areas of affective applications. For each of the three aspects, the paper includes an extensive survey of the literature and finally outlines some of challenges and future research opportunities of affective sensing in the context of pervasive computing

    A 3D Monte Carlo Analysis of the Role of Dyadic Space Geometry in Spark Generation

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    AbstractIn multiple biological systems, vital intracellular signaling processes occur locally in minute periplasmic subspaces often referred to as signaling microdomains. The number of signaling molecules in these microdomains is small enough to render the notion of continuous concentration changes invalid, such that signaling events are better described using stochastic rather than deterministic methods. Of particular interest is the dyadic cleft in the cardiac myocyte, where short-lived, local increases in intracellular Ca2+ known as Ca2+ sparks regulate excitation-contraction coupling. The geometry of dyadic spaces can alter in disease and development and display significant interspecies variability. We created and studied a 3D Monte Carlo model of the dyadic cleft, specifying the spatial localization of L-type Ca2+ channels and ryanodine receptors. Our analysis revealed how reaction specificity and efficiency are regulated by microdomain geometry as well as the physical separation of signaling molecules into functional complexes. The spark amplitude and rise time were found to be highly dependent on the concentration of activated channels per dyadic cleft and on the intermembrane separation, but not very sensitive to other cleft dimensions. The role of L-type Ca2+ channel and ryanodine receptor phosphorylation was also examined. We anticipate that this modeling approach may be applied to other systems (e.g., neuronal growth cones and chemotactic cells) to create a general description of stochastic events in Ca2+ signaling

    Transcending Scale Dependence in Identifying Habitat with Resource Selection Functions

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    Multi-scale resource selection modeling is used to identify factors that limit species distributions across scales of space and time. This multi-scale nature of habitat suitability complicates the translation of inferences to single, spatial depictions of habitat required for conservation of species. We estimated resource selection functions (RSFs) across three scales for a threatened ungulate, woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou), with two objectives: (1) to infer the relative effects of two forms of anthropogenic disturbance (forestry and linear features) on woodland caribou distributions at multiple scales and (2) to estimate scale-integrated resource selection functions (SRSFs) that synthesize results across scales for management-oriented habitat suitability mapping. We found a previously undocumented scale-specific switch in woodland caribou response to two forms of anthropogenic disturbance. Caribou avoided forestry cut-blocks at broad scales according to first-and second-order RSFs and avoided linear features at fine scales according to third-order RSFs, corroborating predictions developed according to predator-mediated effects of each disturbance type. Additionally, a single SRSF validated as well as each of three single-scale RSFs when estimating habitat suitability across three different spatial scales of prediction. We demonstrate that a single SRSF can be applied to predict relative habitat suitability at both local and landscape scales in support of critical habitat identification and species recovery

    Numerical Analysis of Ca2+ Signaling in Rat Ventricular Myocytes with Realistic Transverse-Axial Tubular Geometry and Inhibited Sarcoplasmic Reticulum

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    The t-tubules of mammalian ventricular myocytes are invaginations of the cell membrane that occur at each Z-line. These invaginations branch within the cell to form a complex network that allows rapid propagation of the electrical signal, and hence synchronous rise of intracellular calcium (Ca2+). To investigate how the t-tubule microanatomy and the distribution of membrane Ca2+ flux affect cardiac excitation-contraction coupling we developed a 3-D continuum model of Ca2+ signaling, buffering and diffusion in rat ventricular myocytes. The transverse-axial t-tubule geometry was derived from light microscopy structural data. To solve the nonlinear reaction-diffusion system we extended SMOL software tool (http://mccammon.ucsd.edu/smol/). The analysis suggests that the quantitative understanding of the Ca2+ signaling requires more accurate knowledge of the t-tubule ultra-structure and Ca2+ flux distribution along the sarcolemma. The results reveal the important role for mobile and stationary Ca2+ buffers, including the Ca2+ indicator dye. In agreement with experiment, in the presence of fluorescence dye and inhibited sarcoplasmic reticulum, the lack of detectible differences in the depolarization-evoked Ca2+ transients was found when the Ca2+ flux was heterogeneously distributed along the sarcolemma. In the absence of fluorescence dye, strongly non-uniform Ca2+ signals are predicted. Even at modest elevation of Ca2+, reached during Ca2+ influx, large and steep Ca2+ gradients are found in the narrow sub-sarcolemmal space. The model predicts that the branched t-tubule structure and changes in the normal Ca2+ flux density along the cell membrane support initiation and propagation of Ca2+ waves in rat myocytes

    How the COVID-19 pandemic changed patterns of green infrastructure use: A scoping review

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    The use of green infrastructure (GI) has been established as a way to alleviate stress and the COVID-19 pandemic has placed a new emphasis on the importance of GI as both a coping mechanism and a source of recreation. This scoping review seeks to address whether the COVID-19 pandemic affected the use of GI, specifically the ways in which the pandemic altered visitation patterns and the frequency of the use of GI. This review identifies studies that explore the relationship between the COVID-19 pandemic and GI use and assesses whether the pandemic has altered the use of GI, including whether GI use increased, decreased, or remained the same and examines po-tential changes in visitation structure as well as other effects studied. This review also discusses how future planning for GI can consider the lessons learned from the pandemic. Key findings suggest that GI use increased, as did visitors\u27 appreciation for GI and its benefits. The use of local GI to one\u27s home also increased in impor-tance. Decreases in visitation were typically a result of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions and fear of viral transmission within GI

    Tracking microhabitat temperature variation with iButton data loggers

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    Applications in Plant Sciences is published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of the Botanical Society of America Premise of the Study: Fine-scale variation in temperature and soil moisture contribute to microhabitats across the landscape, affecting plant phenology, distribution, and fitness. The recent availability of compact and inexpensive temperature and humidity data loggers such as iButtons has facilitated research on microclimates. Methods and Results: Here, we highlight the use of iButtons in three distinct settings: comparisons of empirical data to modeled climate data for rare rock ferns in the genus Asplenium in eastern North America; generation of fine-scale data to predict flowering time and vernalization responsiveness of crop wild relatives of chickpea from southeastern Anatolia; and measurements of extreme thermal variation of solar array installations in Vermont. Discussion: We highlight a range of challenges with iButtons, including serious limitations of the Hygrochron function that affect their utility for measuring soil moisture, and methods for protecting them from the elements and from human interference. Finally, we provide MATLAB code to facilitate the processing of raw iButton data
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