832,758 research outputs found

    Knowledge Management System for Railway Supply Chain Perspective

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    Knowledge Management System (KMS) is a monitoring system that emphasizes the desired and actual performance of an industry. Aligning KMS to viably execute the Railway Industry methodology and supply chain operations utilizing legitimate knowledge management capabilities. Yet KMS controls the planning and priorities through action controls that emphasize on operational control level, result controls toward the strategic planning level, personnel controls on retaining the right operation with the right skills, and transaction control on the accurate and complete legal transactions for ensuring strategic management. Therefore, we have come up with a dynamic KMS for the Railway Supply Chain context that focuses on operational, tactical, and strategic perspectives on the information sources, value, analytics, and requirement for current and future drivers of an industry perspective. Moreover, this KMS aims to redesign the Information System by promoting a reductionist approach to problem-solving and best decision-making practices within an industry context

    Assessing reservoir operations risk under climate change

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    Risk-based planning offers a robust way to identify strategies that permit adaptive water resources management under climate change. This paper presents a flexible methodology for conducting climate change risk assessments involving reservoir operations. Decision makers can apply this methodology to their systems by selecting future periods and risk metrics relevant to their planning questions and by collectively evaluating system impacts relative to an ensemble of climate projection scenarios (weighted or not). This paper shows multiple applications of this methodology in a case study involving California\u27s Central Valley Project and State Water Project systems. Multiple applications were conducted to show how choices made in conducting the risk assessment, choices known as analytical design decisions, can affect assessed risk. Specifically, risk was reanalyzed for every choice combination of two design decisions: (1) whether to assume climate change will influence flood-control constraints on water supply operations (and how), and (2) whether to weight climate change scenarios (and how). Results show that assessed risk would motivate different planning pathways depending on decision-maker attitudes toward risk (e.g., risk neutral versus risk averse). Results also show that assessed risk at a given risk attitude is sensitive to the analytical design choices listed above, with the choice of whether to adjust flood-control rules under climate change having considerably more influence than the choice on whether to weight climate scenarios

    Space station as a vital focus for advancing the technologies of automation and robotics

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    A major guideline for the design of the U.S. Space Station is that the Space Station address a wide variety of functions. These functions include the servicing of unmanned assets in space, the support of commercial labs in space and the efficient management of the Space Station itself; the largest space asset. The technologies of Automation and Robotics have the promise to help in reducing Space Station operating costs and to achieve a highly efficient use of the human in space. The use of advanced automation and artificial intelligence techniques, such as expert systems, in Space Station subsystems for activity planning and failure mode management will enable us to reduce dependency on a mission control center and could ultimately result in breaking the umbilical link from Earth to the Space Station. The application of robotic technologies with advanced perception capability and hierarchical intelligent control to servicing system will enable the servicing of assets either in space or in situ with a high degree of human efficiency. The results of studies leading toward the formulation of an automation and robotics plan for Space Station development are presented

    Towards Flexible Distribution Systems : Future Adaptive Management Schemes

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    During the ongoing evolution of energy systems toward increasingly flexible, resilient, and digitalized distribution systems, many issues need to be developed. In general, a holistic multi-level systemic view is required on the future enabling technologies, control and management methods, operation and planning principles, regulation as well as market and business models. Increasing integration of intermittent renewable generation and electric vehicles, as well as industry electrification during the evolution, requires a huge amount of flexibility services at multiple time scales and from different voltage levels, resources, and sectors. Active use of distribution network-connected flexible energy resources for flexibility services provision through new marketplaces will also be needed. Therefore, increased collaboration between system operators in operation and planning of the future power system will also become essential during the evolution. In addition, use of integrated cyber-secure, resilient, cost-efficient, and advanced communication technologies and solutions will be of key importance. This paper describes a potential three-stage evolution path toward fully flexible, resilient, and digitalized electricity distribution networks. A special focus of this paper is the evolution and development of adaptive control and management methods as well as compatible collaborative market schemes that can enable the improved provision of flexibility services by distribution network-connected flexible energy resources for local (distribution system operator) and system-wide (transmission system operator) needs.© 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    An AI-Layered with Multi-Agent Systems Architecture for Prognostics Health Management of Smart Transformers:A Novel Approach for Smart Grid-Ready Energy Management Systems

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    After the massive integration of distributed energy resources, energy storage systems and the charging stations of electric vehicles, it has become very difficult to implement an efficient grid energy management system regarding the unmanageable behavior of the power flow within the grid, which can cause many critical problems in different grid stages, typically in the substations, such as failures, blackouts, and power transformer explosions. However, the current digital transition toward Energy 4.0 in Smart Grids allows the integration of smart solutions to substations by integrating smart sensors and implementing new control and monitoring techniques. This paper is proposing a hybrid artificial intelligence multilayer for power transformers, integrating different diagnostic algorithms, Health Index, and life-loss estimation approaches. After gathering different datasets, this paper presents an exhaustive algorithm comparative study to select the best fit models. This developed architecture for prognostic (PHM) health management is a hybrid interaction between evolutionary support vector machine, random forest, k-nearest neighbor, and linear regression-based models connected to an online monitoring system of the power transformer; these interactions are calculating the important key performance indicators which are related to alarms and a smart energy management system that gives decisions on the load management, the power factor control, and the maintenance schedule planning

    Toward Holistic Energy Management Strategies for Fuel Cell Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Heavy-Duty Applications

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    The increasing need to slow down climate change for environmental protection demands further advancements toward regenerative energy and sustainable mobility. While individual mobility applications are assumed to be satisfied with improving battery electric vehicles (BEVs), the growing sector of freight transport and heavy-duty applications requires alternative solutions to meet the requirements of long ranges and high payloads. Fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles (FCHEVs) emerge as a capable technology for high-energy applications. This technology comprises a fuel cell system (FCS) for energy supply combined with buffering energy storages, such as batteries or ultracapacitors. In this article, recent successful developments regarding FCHEVs in various heavy-duty applications are presented. Subsequently, an overview of the FCHEV drivetrain, its main components, and different topologies with an emphasis on heavy-duty trucks is given. In order to enable system layout optimization and energy management strategy (EMS) design, functionality and modeling approaches for the FCS, battery, ultracapacitor, and further relevant subsystems are briefly described. Afterward, common methodologies for EMS are structured, presenting a new taxonomy for dynamic optimization-based EMS from a control engineering perspective. Finally, the findings lead to a guideline toward holistic EMS, encouraging the co-optimization of system design, and EMS development for FCHEVs. For the EMS, we propose a layered model predictive control (MPC) approach, which takes velocity planning, the mitigation of degradation effects, and the auxiliaries into account simultaneously

    The Overview of Employee Management in Medical Record Division toward Employee Performance at Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital

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    The management function of POACE (Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling, and Evaluation) is a system which cannot be separated from hospital management. Therefore, the whole division or unit in hospital should apply the management function itself particularly in medical record division. However, the issue appears on this research is the employee of medical record at Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital conduct a double job or extra work, so that, the employee of medical record cannot focused in carry out their duty and pileup of medical records file in assembling activities. This research aim to know about the employee management in medical records division toward employee performance at Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital. This research employs qualitative method and analyzed the data by inductively. Data collected by observation and in-depth interview to seven informants. The result of this research found that the employee management in medical record division does not run as expected, in which the human resource planning has not been met optimally, the organizing still using duplicate work (double job), the implementation is not accordance with SOP, the controlling and evaluation has already quite well by conducting customer satisfaction survey. Suggestion, the management of Bina Kasih Pekanbaru Hospital should increase their number of employee in medical records division, conduct training and control and evaluate their performance continuously and sustainably

    The Challenges of Hospitals’ Planning & Control Systems: The Path toward Public Value Management

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    In the last decades, public management has been subjected to a shift from the New Public Management (NPM) paradigm to the Public Value Management (PVM) one. Thus, management practices such as Planning and Control (P&C) systems have been called to evolve accordingly. The health care sector has not escaped this process. This paper focuses on the evolution of hospitals’ P&C systems to support the paradigm shift from the NPM paradigm to the PVM one. In particular, the paper aims at exploring whether hospitals’ P&C systems in Italy evolved, or are evolving, consistently with PVM and what are the expected benefits related to such a paradigm switch. To address the research aim, the paper is based on a review of scientific and grey literature and the case study of the diabetic-foot pathway in an Italian Regional Healthcare System. The results of this study show that the current P&C systems in Italian hospitals are not yet designed to support the shift toward the PVM approach and are still mainly focused on financial aspects and intra-organizational dynamics. Combining traditional P&Cs with performance measures assessing the system’s outcomes may support hospitals in aligning their goals with the health system they are operating within and, therefore, P&C systems may represent an important driving force toward change. Such results provide suggestions for both practitioners and academics on how to adapt P&C systems to better support the implementation of current strategies of the public sector

    Information technology and urban green analysis

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    It is well recognized that green area plays a pivotal role in improving urban environment, such as preserving water and soil, controlling temperature and humidity of air, preventing pollution, flood prevention, functioning as buffers between incompatible land uses, preserving natural habitat, and providing space for recreation and relaxation. However, due to pressures from new development both in urban fringes and urban centres, urban green and open spaces are seen to be rapidly declining in term of allocated spaces and quality. Without careful urban land use planning, many open spaces will be filled with residential and commercial buildings. Therefore, there is a need for proper planning control to ensure that the provisions of green spaces are adequately being conserved for current and future generations. The need for an urban green information system is particularly important for strategic planning at macro level and local planning at the micro level. The advent of information technology has created an opportunity for the development of new approaches in preserving and monitoring the development of urban green and open spaces. This paper will discuss the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) incorporated with other data sources such as remote sensing images and aerial photographs in providing innovative and alternative solutions in the management and monitoring of urban green. GIS is widely accepted in urban landscape planning as it can provide better understanding on the spatial pattern and changes of land use in an area. This paper will primarily focus on digital database that are developed to assist in monitoring urban green and open spaces at regional and local context. The application of GIS in the Klang Valley region or better known as AGISwlk developed since mid-1990's is currently being used by various organisations in the region. The focus of AGISwlk is not merely in providing relevant database to its stakeholders but more importantly, assist in making specific and relevant decisions with regard to spatial planning. It is also used to monitor the loss of green areas by using several temporal data sets. The method of classifying green and open spaces in the region is also being discussed. This paper demonstrates that GIS can be an effective tool in preserving and monitoring green and open spaces in an urban area. The contribution of urban green digital database in someway may leads toward landscape sustainability as to satisfy the ever changing society
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