13,865 research outputs found

    Fully Distributed Multi-Robot Collision Avoidance via Deep Reinforcement Learning for Safe and Efficient Navigation in Complex Scenarios

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    In this paper, we present a decentralized sensor-level collision avoidance policy for multi-robot systems, which shows promising results in practical applications. In particular, our policy directly maps raw sensor measurements to an agent's steering commands in terms of the movement velocity. As a first step toward reducing the performance gap between decentralized and centralized methods, we present a multi-scenario multi-stage training framework to learn an optimal policy. The policy is trained over a large number of robots in rich, complex environments simultaneously using a policy gradient based reinforcement learning algorithm. The learning algorithm is also integrated into a hybrid control framework to further improve the policy's robustness and effectiveness. We validate the learned sensor-level collision avoidance policy in a variety of simulated and real-world scenarios with thorough performance evaluations for large-scale multi-robot systems. The generalization of the learned policy is verified in a set of unseen scenarios including the navigation of a group of heterogeneous robots and a large-scale scenario with 100 robots. Although the policy is trained using simulation data only, we have successfully deployed it on physical robots with shapes and dynamics characteristics that are different from the simulated agents, in order to demonstrate the controller's robustness against the sim-to-real modeling error. Finally, we show that the collision-avoidance policy learned from multi-robot navigation tasks provides an excellent solution to the safe and effective autonomous navigation for a single robot working in a dense real human crowd. Our learned policy enables a robot to make effective progress in a crowd without getting stuck. Videos are available at https://sites.google.com/view/hybridmrc

    Verification for Machine Learning, Autonomy, and Neural Networks Survey

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    This survey presents an overview of verification techniques for autonomous systems, with a focus on safety-critical autonomous cyber-physical systems (CPS) and subcomponents thereof. Autonomy in CPS is enabling by recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) through approaches such as deep neural networks (DNNs), embedded in so-called learning enabled components (LECs) that accomplish tasks from classification to control. Recently, the formal methods and formal verification community has developed methods to characterize behaviors in these LECs with eventual goals of formally verifying specifications for LECs, and this article presents a survey of many of these recent approaches

    Reinforcement Learning Meets Hybrid Zero Dynamics: A Case Study for RABBIT

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    The design of feedback controllers for bipedal robots is challenging due to the hybrid nature of its dynamics and the complexity imposed by high-dimensional bipedal models. In this paper, we present a novel approach for the design of feedback controllers using Reinforcement Learning (RL) and Hybrid Zero Dynamics (HZD). Existing RL approaches for bipedal walking are inefficient as they do not consider the underlying physics, often requires substantial training, and the resulting controller may not be applicable to real robots. HZD is a powerful tool for bipedal control with local stability guarantees of the walking limit cycles. In this paper, we propose a non traditional RL structure that embeds the HZD framework into the policy learning. More specifically, we propose to use RL to find a control policy that maps from the robot's reduced order states to a set of parameters that define the desired trajectories for the robot's joints through the virtual constraints. Then, these trajectories are tracked using an adaptive PD controller. The method results in a stable and robust control policy that is able to track variable speed within a continuous interval. Robustness of the policy is evaluated by applying external forces to the torso of the robot. The proposed RL framework is implemented and demonstrated in OpenAI Gym with the MuJoCo physics engine based on the well-known RABBIT robot model.Comment: Supplemental video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhHMfnl7Yl

    ADAPT: Zero-Shot Adaptive Policy Transfer for Stochastic Dynamical Systems

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    Model-free policy learning has enabled robust performance of complex tasks with relatively simple algorithms. However, this simplicity comes at the cost of requiring an Oracle and arguably very poor sample complexity. This renders such methods unsuitable for physical systems. Variants of model-based methods address this problem through the use of simulators, however, this gives rise to the problem of policy transfer from simulated to the physical system. Model mismatch due to systematic parameter shift and unmodelled dynamics error may cause sub-optimal or unsafe behavior upon direct transfer. We introduce the Adaptive Policy Transfer for Stochastic Dynamics (ADAPT) algorithm that achieves provably safe and robust, dynamically-feasible zero-shot transfer of RL-policies to new domains with dynamics error. ADAPT combines the strengths of offline policy learning in a black-box source simulator with online tube-based MPC to attenuate bounded model mismatch between the source and target dynamics. ADAPT allows online transfer of policy, trained solely in a simulation offline, to a family of unknown targets without fine-tuning. We also formally show that (i) ADAPT guarantees state and control safety through state-action tubes under the assumption of Lipschitz continuity of the divergence in dynamics and, (ii) ADAPT results in a bounded loss of reward accumulation relative to a policy trained and evaluated in the source environment. We evaluate ADAPT on 2 continuous, non-holonomic simulated dynamical systems with 4 different disturbance models, and find that ADAPT performs between 50%-300% better on mean reward accrual than direct policy transfer.Comment: International Symposium on Robotics Research (ISRR), 201

    Learning to Herd Agents Amongst Obstacles: Training Robust Shepherding Behaviors using Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    Robotic shepherding problem considers the control and navigation of a group of coherent agents (e.g., a flock of bird or a fleet of drones) through the motion of an external robot, called shepherd. Machine learning based methods have successfully solved this problem in an empty environment with no obstacles. Rule-based methods, on the other hand, can handle more complex scenarios in which environments are cluttered with obstacles and allow multiple shepherds to work collaboratively. However, these rule-based methods are fragile due to the difficulty in defining a comprehensive set of rules that can handle all possible cases. To overcome these limitations, we propose the first known learning-based method that can herd agents amongst obstacles. By using deep reinforcement learning techniques combined with the probabilistic roadmaps, we train a shepherding model using noisy but controlled environmental and behavioral parameters. Our experimental results show that the proposed method is robust, namely, it is insensitive to the uncertainties originated from both environmental and behavioral models. Consequently, the proposed method has a higher success rate, shorter completion time and path length than the rule-based behavioral methods have. These advantages are particularly prominent in more challenging scenarios involving more difficult groups and strenuous passages

    Semi-parametric Topological Memory for Navigation

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    We introduce a new memory architecture for navigation in previously unseen environments, inspired by landmark-based navigation in animals. The proposed semi-parametric topological memory (SPTM) consists of a (non-parametric) graph with nodes corresponding to locations in the environment and a (parametric) deep network capable of retrieving nodes from the graph based on observations. The graph stores no metric information, only connectivity of locations corresponding to the nodes. We use SPTM as a planning module in a navigation system. Given only 5 minutes of footage of a previously unseen maze, an SPTM-based navigation agent can build a topological map of the environment and use it to confidently navigate towards goals. The average success rate of the SPTM agent in goal-directed navigation across test environments is higher than the best-performing baseline by a factor of three. A video of the agent is available at https://youtu.be/vRF7f4lhswoComment: Published at International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) 2018. Project website at https://sites.google.com/view/SPT

    Asynchronous Methods for Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    We propose a conceptually simple and lightweight framework for deep reinforcement learning that uses asynchronous gradient descent for optimization of deep neural network controllers. We present asynchronous variants of four standard reinforcement learning algorithms and show that parallel actor-learners have a stabilizing effect on training allowing all four methods to successfully train neural network controllers. The best performing method, an asynchronous variant of actor-critic, surpasses the current state-of-the-art on the Atari domain while training for half the time on a single multi-core CPU instead of a GPU. Furthermore, we show that asynchronous actor-critic succeeds on a wide variety of continuous motor control problems as well as on a new task of navigating random 3D mazes using a visual input

    Deep Reinforcement Learning for Dexterous Manipulation with Concept Networks

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    Deep reinforcement learning yields great results for a large array of problems, but models are generally retrained anew for each new problem to be solved. Prior learning and knowledge are difficult to incorporate when training new models, requiring increasingly longer training as problems become more complex. This is especially problematic for problems with sparse rewards. We provide a solution to these problems by introducing Concept Network Reinforcement Learning (CNRL), a framework which allows us to decompose problems using a multi-level hierarchy. Concepts in a concept network are reusable, and flexible enough to encapsulate feature extractors, skills, or other concept networks. With this hierarchical learning approach, deep reinforcement learning can be used to solve complex tasks in a modular way, through problem decomposition. We demonstrate the strength of CNRL by training a model to grasp a rectangular prism and precisely stack it on top of a cube using a gripper on a Kinova JACO arm, simulated in MuJoCo. Our experiments show that our use of hierarchy results in a 45x reduction in environment interactions compared to the state-of-the-art on this task

    Learning Hand-Eye Coordination for Robotic Grasping with Deep Learning and Large-Scale Data Collection

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    We describe a learning-based approach to hand-eye coordination for robotic grasping from monocular images. To learn hand-eye coordination for grasping, we trained a large convolutional neural network to predict the probability that task-space motion of the gripper will result in successful grasps, using only monocular camera images and independently of camera calibration or the current robot pose. This requires the network to observe the spatial relationship between the gripper and objects in the scene, thus learning hand-eye coordination. We then use this network to servo the gripper in real time to achieve successful grasps. To train our network, we collected over 800,000 grasp attempts over the course of two months, using between 6 and 14 robotic manipulators at any given time, with differences in camera placement and hardware. Our experimental evaluation demonstrates that our method achieves effective real-time control, can successfully grasp novel objects, and corrects mistakes by continuous servoing.Comment: This is an extended version of "Learning Hand-Eye Coordination for Robotic Grasping with Large-Scale Data Collection," ISER 2016. Draft modified to correct typo in Algorithm 1 and add a link to the publicly available datase

    Driving Decision and Control for Autonomous Lane Change based on Deep Reinforcement Learning

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    We apply Deep Q-network (DQN) with the consideration of safety during the task for deciding whether to conduct the maneuver. Furthermore, we design two similar Deep Q learning frameworks with quadratic approximator for deciding how to select a comfortable gap and just follow the preceding vehicle. Finally, a polynomial lane change trajectory is generated and Pure Pursuit Control is implemented for path tracking. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this framework in simulation, from both the decision-making and control layers. The proposed architecture also has the potential to be extended to other autonomous driving scenarios.Comment: This Paper has been submitted to ITSC 201