4 research outputs found

    Automated red blood cells extraction from holographic images using fully convolutional neural networks

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    In this paper, we present two models for automatically extracting red blood cells (RBCs) from RBCs holographic images based on a deep learning fully convolutional neural network (FCN) algorithm. The first model, called FCN-1, only uses the FCN algorithm to carry out RBCs prediction, whereas the second model, called FCN-2, combines the FCN approach with the marker-controlled watershed transform segmentation scheme to achieve RBCs extraction. Both models achieve good segmentation accuracy. In addition, the second model has much better performance in terms of cell separation than traditional segmentation methods. In the proposed methods, the RBCs phase images are first numerically reconstructed from RBCs holograms recorded with off-axis digital holographic microscopy. Then, some RBCs phase images are manually segmented and used as training data to fine-tune the FCN. Finally, each pixel in new input RBCs phase images is predicted into either foreground or background using the trained FCN models. The RBCs prediction result from the first model is the final segmentation result, whereas the result from the second model is used as the internal markers of the marker-controlled transform algorithm for further segmentation. Experimental results show that the given schemes can automatically extract RBCs from RBCs phase images and much better RBCs separation results are obtained when the FCN technique is combined with the marker-controlled watershed segmentation algorithm. © 2017 Optical Society of America.1

    xPath: Human-AI Diagnosis in Pathology with Multi-Criteria Analyses and Explanation by Hierarchically Traceable Evidence

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    Data-driven AI promises support for pathologists to discover sparse tumor patterns in high-resolution histological images. However, from a pathologist's point of view, existing AI suffers from three limitations: (i) a lack of comprehensiveness where most AI algorithms only rely on a single criterion; (ii) a lack of explainability where AI models tend to work as 'black boxes' with little transparency; and (iii) a lack of integrability where it is unclear how AI can become part of pathologists' existing workflow. Based on a formative study with pathologists, we propose two designs for a human-AI collaborative tool: (i) presenting joint analyses of multiple criteria at the top level while (ii) revealing hierarchically traceable evidence on-demand to explain each criterion. We instantiate such designs in xPath -- a brain tumor grading tool where a pathologist can follow a top-down workflow to oversee AI's findings. We conducted a technical evaluation and work sessions with twelve medical professionals in pathology across three medical centers. We report quantitative and qualitative feedback, discuss recurring themes on how our participants interacted with xPath, and provide initial insights for future physician-AI collaborative tools.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure

    Review on Photomicrography based Full Blood Count (FBC) Testing and Recent Advancements

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    With advancements in related sub-fields, research on photomicrography in life science is emerging and this is a review on its application towards human full blood count testing which is a primary test in medical practices. For a prolonged period of time, analysis of blood samples is the basis for bio medical observations of living creatures. Cell size, shape, constituents, count, ratios are few of the features identified using DIP based analysis and these features provide an overview of the state of human body which is important in identifying present medical conditions and indicating possible future complications. In addition, functionality of the immune system is observed using results of blood tests. In FBC tests, identification of different blood cell types and counting the number of cells of each type is required to obtain results. Literature discuss various techniques and methods and this article presents an insightful review on human blood cell morphology, photomicrography, digital image processing of photomicrographs, feature extraction and classification, and recent advances. Integration of emerging technologies such as microfluidics, micro-electromechanical systems, and artificial intelligence based image processing algorithms and classifiers with cell sensing have enabled exploration of novel research directions in blood testing applications.