6 research outputs found

    Balanced Distributed Coding of Omnidirectional Images

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    This paper presents a distributed coding scheme for the representation of 3D scenes captured by a network of omnidirectional cameras. We consider a scenario where images captured at different viewpoints are encoded independently, with a balanced rate distribution among the different cameras. The distributed coding is built on multiresolution representation and partitioning of the visual information in each camera. The encoder then transmits one partition after entropy coding, as well as the syndrome bits resulting from the channel encoding of the other partition. The joint decoder exploits the intra-view correlation by predicting the missing source information with help of the syndrome bits. At the same time, it exploits the inter-view correlation by using motion estimation between images from different cameras. Experiments demonstrate that the distributed coding solution performs better than a scheme where images are handled independently, while the coding rate advantageously stays balanced between encoders

    Totally asynchronous slepian-wolf data compression

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    It is proved that the Slepian-Wolf data compression theorem (1973) still holds when both encoders are operating totally asynchronously. In addition it is shown that in this case the Wyner-Ahlswede-Körner source coding theorem (1975) holds

    Low-complexity approaches to distributed data dissemination

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2006.This electronic version was submitted by the student author. The certified thesis is available in the Institute Archives and Special Collections.Includes bibliographical references (p. 145-153).In this thesis we consider practical ways of disseminating information from multiple senders to multiple receivers in an optimal or provably close-to-optimal fashion. The basis for our discussion of optimal transmission of information is mostly information theoretic - but the methods that we apply to do so in a low-complexity fashion draw from a number of different engineering disciplines. The three canonical multiple-input, multiple-output problems we focus our attention upon are: * The Slepian-Wolf problem where multiple correlated sources must be distributedly compressed and recovered with a common receiver. * The discrete memoryless multiple access problem where multiple senders communicate across a common channel to a single receiver. * The deterministic broadcast channel problem where multiple messages are sent from a common sender to multiple receivers through a deterministic medium. Chapter 1 serves as an introduction and provides models, definitions, and a discussion of barriers between theory and practice for the three canonical data dissemination problems we will discuss. Here we also discuss how these three problems are all in different senses 'dual' to each other, and use this as a motivating force to attack them with unifying themes.(cont.) Chapter 2 discusses the Slepian-Wolf problem of distributed near-lossless compression of correlated sources. Here we consider embedding any achievable rate in an M-source problem to a corner point in a 2M - 1-source problem. This allows us to employ practical iterative decoding techniques and achieve rates near the boundary with legitimate empirical performance. Both synthetic data and real correlated data from sensors at the International Space Station are used to successfully test our approach. Chapter 3 generalizes the investigation of practical and provably good decoding algorithms for multiterminal systems to the case where the statistical distribution of the memoryless system is unknown. It has been well-established in the theoretical literature that such 'universal' decoders exist and do not suffer a performance penalty, but their proposed structure is highly nonlinear and therefore believed to be complex. For this reason, most discussion of such decoders has been limited to the realm of ontology and proof of existence. By exploiting recently derived results in other engineering disciplines (i.e. expander graphs, linear programming relaxations, etc), we discuss a code construction and two decoding algorithms that have polynomial complexity and admit provably good performance (exponential error probability decay).(cont.) Because there is no need for a priori statistical knowledge in decoding (which in many settings - for instance a sensor network - might be difficult to repeatedly acquire without significant cost), this approach has very attractive robustness, energy efficiency, and stand-alone practical implications. Finally, Chapter 4 walks away from the multiple-sender, single-receiver setting and steps into the single-sender-multiple receiver setting. We focus our attention here on the deterministic broadcast channel, which is dual to the Slepian-Wolf and multiple access problems in a number of ways - including how the difficulty of practical implementation lies in the encoding rather than decoding. Here we illustrate how again a splitting approach can be applied, and how the same properties from the Slepian-Wolf and multiple access splitting settings remain. We also discuss practical coding strategies for some problems motivated by wireless, and show how by properly 'dualizing' provably good decoding strategies for some channel coding problems, we admit provably good encoding for this setting.by Todd Prentice Coleman.Ph.D

    Probabilistic models for multi-view semi-supervised learning and coding

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 146-160).This thesis investigates the problem of classification from multiple noisy sensors or modalities. Examples include speech and gesture interfaces and multi-camera distributed sensor networks. Reliable recognition in such settings hinges upon the ability to learn accurate classification models in the face of limited supervision and to cope with the relatively large amount of potentially redundant information transmitted by each sensor or modality (i.e., view). We investigate and develop novel multi view learning algorithms capable of learning from semi-supervised noisy sensor data, for automatically adapting to new users and working conditions, and for performing distributed feature selection on bandwidth limited sensor networks. We propose probabilistic models built upon multi-view Gaussian Processes (GPs) for solving this class of problems, and demonstrate our approaches for solving audio-visual speech and gesture, and multi-view object classification problems. Multi-modal tasks are good candidates for multi-view learning, since each modality provides a potentially redundant view to the learning algorithm. On audio-visual speech unit classification, and user agreement recognition using spoken utterances and head gestures, we demonstrate that multi-modal co-training can be used to learn from only a few labeled examples in one or both of the audio-visual modalities. We also propose a co-adaptation algorithm, which adapts existing audio-visual classifiers to a particular user or noise condition by leveraging the redundancy in the unlabeled data. Existing methods typically assume constant per-channel noise models.(cont.) In contrast we develop co-training algorithms that are able to learn from noisy sensor data corrupted by complex per-sample noise processes, e.g., occlusion common to multi sensor classification problems. We propose a probabilistic heteroscedastic approach to co-training that simultaneously discovers the amount of noise on a per-sample basis, while solving the classification task. This results in accurate performance in the presence of occlusion or other complex noise processes. We also investigate an extension of this idea for supervised multi-view learning where we develop a Bayesian multiple kernel learning algorithm that can learn a local weighting over each view of the input space. We additionally consider the problem of distributed object recognition or indexing from multiple cameras, where the computational power available at each camera sensor is limited and communication between cameras is prohibitively expensive. In this scenario, it is desirable to avoid sending redundant visual features from multiple views. Traditional supervised feature selection approaches are inapplicable as the class label is unknown at each camera. In this thesis, we propose an unsupervised multi-view feature selection algorithm based on a distributed coding approach. With our method, a Gaussian Process model of the joint view statistics is used at the receiver to obtain a joint encoding of the views without directly sharing information across encoders. We demonstrate our approach on recognition and indexing tasks with multi-view image databases and show that our method compares favorably to an independent encoding of the features from each camera.by C. Mario Christoudias.Ph.D

    Distributed Compressed Representation of Correlated Image Sets

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    Vision sensor networks and video cameras find widespread usage in several applications that rely on effective representation of scenes or analysis of 3D information. These systems usually acquire multiple images of the same 3D scene from different viewpoints or at different time instants. Therefore, these images are generally correlated through displacement of scene objects. Efficient compression techniques have to exploit this correlation in order to efficiently communicate the 3D scene information. Instead of joint encoding that requires communication between the cameras, in this thesis we concentrate on distributed representation, where the captured images are encoded independently, but decoded jointly to exploit the correlation between images. One of the most important and challenging tasks relies in estimation of the underlying correlation from the compressed correlated images for effective reconstruction or analysis in the joint decoder. This thesis focuses on developing efficient correlation estimation algorithms and joint representation of multiple correlated images captured by various sensing methodologies, e.g., planar, omnidirectional and compressive sensing (CS) sensors. The geometry of the 2D visual representation and the acquisition complexity vary for each sensor type. Therefore, we need to carefully consider the specific geometric nature of the captured images while developing distributed representation algorithms. In this thesis we propose robust algorithms in different scene analysis and reconstruction scenarios. We first concentrate on the distributed representation of omnidirectional images captured by catadioptric sensors. The omnidirectional images are captured from different viewpoints and encoded independently with a balanced rate distribution among the different cameras. They are mapped on the sphere which captures the plenoptic function in its radial form without Euclidean discrepancies. We propose a transform-based distributed coding algorithm, where the spherical images initially undergo a multi-resolution decomposition. The visual information is then split into two correlated partitions. The encoder transmits one partition after entropy coding, as well as the syndrome bits resulting from the Slepian-Wolf encoding of the other partition. The joint decoder estimates a disparity image to take benefit of the correlation between views and uses the syndrome bits to decode the missing information. Such a strategy proves to be beneficial with respect to the independent processing of images and shows only a small performance loss compared to the joint encoding of different views. The encoding complexity in the previous approach is non-negligible due to the visual information processing based on Slepian-Wolf coding and its associated rate parameter estimation. We therefore discard the Slepian-Wolf encoding and propose a distributed coding solution, where the correlated images are encoded independently using transform-based coding solutions (e.g., SPIHT). The central decoder now builds a correlation model from the compressed images, which is used to jointly decode a pair of images. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed distributed coding solution improves the rate-distortion performance of the separate coding results for both planar and omnidirectional images. However, this improvement is significant only at medium to high bit rates. We therefore propose a rate allocation scheme that identifies and transmits the necessary visual information from each image to improve the correlation estimation accuracy at low bit rate. Experimental results show that for a given bit budget the proposed encoding scheme permits to compute an accurate correlation estimation comparing to the one obtained with SPIHT, JPEG 2000 or JPEG coding schemes. We show however that the improvement in the correlation estimation comes at the price of penalizing the image reconstruction quality; therefore there exists an interesting trade-off between the accurate correlation estimation and image reconstruction as encoding optimization objectives are different in both cases. Next, we further simplify the encoding complexity by replacing the classical imaging sensors with the simple CS sensors, that directly acquire the compressed images in the form of quantized linear measurements. We now concentrate on the particular problem, where one image is selected as the reference and it is used as a side information for the correlation estimation. We propose a geometry-based model to describe the correlation between the visual information in a pair of images. The joint decoder first captures the most prominent visual features in the reconstructed reference image using geometric functions. Since the images are correlated, these features are likely to be present in the other images too, possibly with geometric transformations. Hence, we propose to estimate the correlation model with a regularized optimization problem that locates these features in the compressed images. The regularization terms enforce smoothness of the transformation field, and consistency between the estimated images and the quantized measurements. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme is able to efficiently estimate the correlation between images for several multi-view and video datasets. The proposed scheme is finally shown to outperform DSC schemes based on unsupervised disparity (or motion) learning, as well as independent coding solutions based on JPEG 2000. We then extend the previous scenario to a symmetric decoding problem, where we are interested to estimate the correlation model directly from the quantized linear measurements without explicitly reconstructing the reference images. We first show that the motion field that represents the main source of correlation between images can be described as a linear operator. We further derive a linear relationship between the correlated measurements in the compressed domain. We then derive a regularized cost function to estimate the correlation model directly in the compressed domain using graph-based optimization algorithms. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme estimates an accurate correlation model among images in both multi-view and video imaging scenarios. We then propose a robust data fidelity term that improves the quality of the correlation estimation when the measurements are quantized. Finally, we show by experiments that the proposed compressed correlation estimation scheme is able to compete the solution of a scheme that estimates a correlation model from the reconstructed images without the complexity of image reconstruction. Finally, we study the benefit of using the correlation information while jointly reconstructing the images from the compressed linear measurements. We consider both the asymmetric and symmetric scenarios described previously. We propose joint reconstruction methodologies based on a constrained optimization problem which is solved using effective proximal splitting methods. The constraints included in our framework enforce the reconstructed images to satisfy both the correlation and the quantized measurements consistency objectives. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed joint reconstruction scheme improves the quality of the decoded images, when compared to a scheme where the images are handled independently. In this thesis we build efficient distributed scene representation algorithms for the multiple correlated images captured in planar, omnidirectional and CS cameras. The coding rate in our symmetric distributed coding solution stays balanced between the encoders and stays close to the joint encoding solutions. Our novel algorithms lead to effective correlation estimation in different sensing and coding scenarios. In addition, we provide innovative solutions for robust correlation estimation from highly compressed images in simple sensing frameworks. Our CS-based joint reconstruction frameworks effectively exploit the inter-view correlation, that permits to achieve high compression gains compared to state-of-the-art independent and distributed coding solutions