522 research outputs found

    Total tessellation cover and quantum walk

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    We propose the total staggered quantum walk model and the total tessellation cover of a graph. This model uses the concept of total tessellation cover to describe the motion of the walker who is allowed to hop both to vertices and edges of the graph, in contrast with previous models in which the walker hops either to vertices or edges. We establish bounds on Tt(G)T_t(G), which is the smallest number of tessellations required in a total tessellation cover of GG. We highlight two of these lower bounds Tt(G)ω(G)T_t(G) \geq \omega(G) and Tt(G)is(G)+1T_t(G)\geq is(G)+1, where ω(G)\omega(G) is the size of a maximum clique and is(G)is(G) is the number of edges of a maximum induced star subgraph. Using these bounds, we define the good total tessellable graphs with either Tt(G)=ω(G)T_t(G)=\omega(G) or Tt(G)=is(G)+1T_t(G)=is(G)+1. The kk-total tessellability problem aims to decide whether a given graph GG has Tt(G)kT_t(G) \leq k. We show that kk-total tessellability is in P\mathcal{P} for good total tessellable graphs. We establish the NP\mathcal{NP}-completeness of the following problems when restricted to the following classes: (is(G)+1is(G)+1)-total tessellability for graphs with ω(G)=2\omega(G) = 2; ω(G)\omega(G)-total tessellability for graphs GG with is(G)+1=3is(G)+1 = 3; kk-total tessellability for graphs GG with max{ω(G),is(G)+1}\max\{\omega(G), is(G)+1\} far from kk; and 44-total tessellability for graphs GG with ω(G)=is(G)+1=4\omega(G) = is(G)+1 = 4. As a consequence, we establish hardness results for bipartite graphs, line graphs of triangle-free graphs, universal graphs, planar graphs, and (2,1)(2,1)-chordal graphs

    The tessellation problem of quantum walks

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    Quantum walks have received a great deal of attention recently because they can be used to develop new quantum algorithms and to simulate interesting quantum systems. In this work, we focus on a model called staggered quantum walk, which employs advanced ideas of graph theory and has the advantage of including the most important instances of other discrete-time models. The evolution operator of the staggered model is obtained from a tessellation cover, which is defined in terms of a set of partitions of the graph into cliques. It is important to establish the minimum number of tessellations required in a tessellation cover, and what classes of graphs admit a small number of tessellations. We describe two main results: (1) infinite classes of graphs where we relate the chromatic number of the clique graph to the minimum number of tessellations required in a tessellation cover, and (2) the problem of deciding whether a graph is kk-tessellable for k3k\ge 3 is NP-complete.Comment: 10 pages, 7 fig

    Element Distinctness Revisited

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    The element distinctness problem is the problem of determining whether the elements of a list are distinct, that is, if x=(x1,...,xN)x=(x_1,...,x_N) is a list with NN elements, we ask whether the elements of xx are distinct or not. The solution in a classical computer requires NN queries because it uses sorting to check whether there are equal elements. In the quantum case, it is possible to solve the problem in O(N2/3)O(N^{2/3}) queries. There is an extension which asks whether there are kk colliding elements, known as element kk-distinctness problem. This work obtains optimal values of two critical parameters of Ambainis' seminal quantum algorithm [SIAM J.~Comput., 37, 210-239, 2007]. The first critical parameter is the number of repetitions of the algorithm's main block, which inverts the phase of the marked elements and calls a subroutine. The second parameter is the number of quantum walk steps interlaced by oracle queries. We show that, when the optimal values of the parameters are used, the algorithm's success probability is 1O(N1/(k+1))1-O(N^{1/(k+1)}), quickly approaching 1. The specification of the exact running time and success probability is important in practical applications of this algorithm.Comment: 14 page

    The role of tessellation intersection in staggered quantum walks

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    The staggered quantum walk (SQW) model is defined by partitioning the graph into cliques, which are called polygons. We analyze the role that the size of the polygon intersection plays on the dynamics of SQWs on graphs. We introduce two processes (intersection reduction and intersection expansion), that change the number of vertices in some intersection of polygons, and we compare the behavior of the SQW on the reduced or expanded graph in relation to the SQW on the original graph. We describe how the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the evolution operators relate to each other. This processes can help to establish the equivalence between SQWs on different graphs and to simplify the analysis of SQWs. We also show an example of a SQW on a graph that is not included in Szegedy's model, but which is equivalent to an instance of Szegedy's model after applying the intersection reduction.Comment: 14 page

    Staggered Quantum Walks on Graphs

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    The staggered quantum walk model allows to establish an unprecedented connection between discrete-time quantum walks and graph theory. We call attention to the fact that a large subclass of the coined model is included in Szegedy's model, which in its turn is entirely included in the staggered model. In order to compare those three quantum walk models, we put them in the staggered formalism and we show that the Szegedy and coined models are defined on a special subclass of graphs. This inclusion scheme is also true when the searching framework is added. We use graph theory to characterize which staggered quantum walks can be reduced to the Szegedy or coined quantum walk model. We analyze a staggered-based search that cannot be included in Szegedy's model and we show numerically that this search is more efficient than a random-walk-based search.Comment: 14 pages, 9 fig

    Establishing the equivalence between Szegedy's and coined quantum walks using the staggered model

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    Coined Quantum Walks (QWs) are being used in many contexts with the goal of understanding quantum systems and building quantum algorithms for quantum computers. Alternative models such as Szegedy's and continuous-time QWs were proposed taking advantage of the fact that quantum theory seems to allow different quantized versions based on the same classical model, in this case, the classical random walk. In this work, we show the conditions upon which coined QWs are equivalent to Szegedy's QWs. Those QW models have in common a large class of instances, in the sense that the evolution operators are equal when we convert the graph on which the coined QW takes place into a bipartite graph on which Szegedy's QW takes place, and vice versa. We also show that the abstract search algorithm using the coined QW model can be cast into Szegedy's searching framework using bipartite graphs with sinks.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, Quantum Information Processing, 201

    Eigenbasis of the Evolution Operator of 2-Tessellable Quantum Walks

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    Staggered quantum walks on graphs are based on the concept of graph tessellation and generalize some well-known discrete-time quantum walk models. In this work, we address the class of 2-tessellable quantum walks with the goal of obtaining an eigenbasis of the evolution operator. By interpreting the evolution operator as a quantum Markov chain on an underlying multigraph, we define the concept of quantum detailed balance, which helps to obtain the eigenbasis. A subset of the eigenvectors is obtained from the eigenvectors of the double discriminant matrix of the quantum Markov chain. To obtain the remaining eigenvectors, we have to use the quantum detailed balance conditions. If the quantum Markov chain has a quantum detailed balance, there is an eigenvector for each fundamental cycle of the underlying multigraph. If the quantum Markov chain does not have a quantum detailed balance, we have to use two fundamental cycles linked by a path in order to find the remaining eigenvectors. We exemplify the process of obtaining the eigenbasis of the evolution operator using the kagome lattice (the line graph of the hexagonal lattice), which has symmetry properties that help in the calculation process.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Experimental Implementation of Quantum Walks on IBM Quantum Computers

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    The development of universal quantum computers has achieved remarkable success in recent years, culminating with the quantum supremacy reported by Google. Now is possible to implement short-depth quantum circuits with dozens of qubits and to obtain results with significant fidelity. Quantum walks are good candidates to be implemented on the available quantum computers. In this work, we implement discrete-time quantum walks with one and two interacting walkers on cycles, two-dimensional lattices, and complete graphs on IBM quantum computers. We are able to obtain meaningful results using the cycle, the two-dimensional lattice, and the complete graph with 16 nodes each, which require 4-qubit quantum circuits up to depth 100

    Quantum Walks via Quantum Cellular Automata

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    Very much as its classical counterpart, quantum cellular automata are expected to be a great tool for simulating complex quantum systems. Here we introduce a partitioned model of quantum cellular automata and show how it can simulate, with the same amount of resources (in terms of effective Hilbert space dimension), various models of quantum walks. All the algorithms developed within quantum walk models are thus directly inherited by the quantum cellular automata. The latter, however, has its structure based on local interactions between qubits, and as such it can be more suitable for present (and future) experimental implementations.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. Comments are welcom

    The Tessellation Cover Number of Good Tessellable Graphs

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    A tessellation of a graph is a partition of its vertices into vertex disjoint cliques. A tessellation cover of a graph is a set of tessellations that covers all of its edges, and the tessellation cover number, denoted by T(G)T(G), is the size of a smallest tessellation cover. The \textsc{tt-tessellability} problem aims to decide whether a graph GG has T(G)tT(G)\leq t and is NP\mathcal{NP}-complete for t3t\geq 3. Since the number of edges of a maximum induced star of GG, denoted by is(G)is(G), is a lower bound on T(G)T(G), we define good tessellable graphs as the graphs~GG such that T(G)=is(G)T(G)=is(G). The \textsc{good tessellable recognition (gtr)} problem aims to decide whether GG is a good tessellable graph. We show that \textsc{gtr} is NP\mathcal{NP}-complete not only if T(G)T(G) is known or is(G)is(G) is fixed, but also when the gap between T(G)T(G) and is(G)is(G) is large. As a byproduct, we obtain graph classes that obey the corresponding computational complexity behaviors.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure