19 research outputs found

    Colour image segmentation by the vector-valued Allen-Cahn phase-field model: a multigrid solution

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    We propose a new method for the numerical solution of a PDE-driven model for colour image segmentation and give numerical examples of the results. The method combines the vector-valued Allen-Cahn phase field equation with initial data fitting terms. This method is known to be closely related to the Mumford-Shah problem and the level set segmentation by Chan and Vese. Our numerical solution is performed using a multigrid splitting of a finite element space, thereby producing an efficient and robust method for the segmentation of large images.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    A stochastic-variational model for soft Mumford-Shah segmentation

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    In contemporary image and vision analysis, stochastic approaches demonstrate great flexibility in representing and modeling complex phenomena, while variational-PDE methods gain enormous computational advantages over Monte-Carlo or other stochastic algorithms. In combination, the two can lead to much more powerful novel models and efficient algorithms. In the current work, we propose a stochastic-variational model for soft (or fuzzy) Mumford-Shah segmentation of mixture image patterns. Unlike the classical hard Mumford-Shah segmentation, the new model allows each pixel to belong to each image pattern with some probability. We show that soft segmentation leads to hard segmentation, and hence is more general. The modeling procedure, mathematical analysis, and computational implementation of the new model are explored in detail, and numerical examples of synthetic and natural images are presented.Comment: 22 page

    Exact algorithms for L1L^1-TV regularization of real-valued or circle-valued signals

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    We consider L1L^1-TV regularization of univariate signals with values on the real line or on the unit circle. While the real data space leads to a convex optimization problem, the problem is non-convex for circle-valued data. In this paper, we derive exact algorithms for both data spaces. A key ingredient is the reduction of the infinite search spaces to a finite set of configurations, which can be scanned by the Viterbi algorithm. To reduce the computational complexity of the involved tabulations, we extend the technique of distance transforms to non-uniform grids and to the circular data space. In total, the proposed algorithms have complexity O(KN)\mathscr{O}(KN) where NN is the length of the signal and KK is the number of different values in the data set. In particular, the complexity is O(N)\mathscr{O}(N) for quantized data. It is the first exact algorithm for TV regularization with circle-valued data, and it is competitive with the state-of-the-art methods for scalar data, assuming that the latter are quantized

    Efficient Denoising and Sharpening of Color Images through Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Diffusion Equations

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    The purpose of this project is to enhance color images through denoising and sharpening, two important branches of image processing, by mathematically modeling the images. Modifications are made to two existing nonlinear diffusion image processing models to adapt them to color images. This is done by treating the red, green, and blue (RGB) channels of color images independently, contrary to the conventional idea that the channels should not be treated independently. A new numerical method is needed to solve our models for high resolution images since current methods are impractical. To produce an efficient method, the solution is represented as a linear combination of sines and cosines for easier numerical treatment and then computed by a combination of Krylov subspace spectral (KSS) methods and exponential propagation iterative (EPI) methods. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach for image processing is effective for denoising and sharpening

    A Second Order Non-Smooth Variational Model for Restoring Manifold-Valued Images

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    We introduce a new non-smooth variational model for the restoration of manifold-valued data which includes second order differences in the regularization term. While such models were successfully applied for real-valued images, we introduce the second order difference and the corresponding variational models for manifold data, which up to now only existed for cyclic data. The approach requires a combination of techniques from numerical analysis, convex optimization and differential geometry. First, we establish a suitable definition of absolute second order differences for signals and images with values in a manifold. Employing this definition, we introduce a variational denoising model based on first and second order differences in the manifold setup. In order to minimize the corresponding functional, we develop an algorithm using an inexact cyclic proximal point algorithm. We propose an efficient strategy for the computation of the corresponding proximal mappings in symmetric spaces utilizing the machinery of Jacobi fields. For the n-sphere and the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices, we demonstrate the performance of our algorithm in practice. We prove the convergence of the proposed exact and inexact variant of the cyclic proximal point algorithm in Hadamard spaces. These results which are of interest on its own include, e.g., the manifold of symmetric positive definite matrices

    Total variation regularization for manifold-valued data

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    We consider total variation minimization for manifold valued data. We propose a cyclic proximal point algorithm and a parallel proximal point algorithm to minimize TV functionals with p\ell^p-type data terms in the manifold case. These algorithms are based on iterative geodesic averaging which makes them easily applicable to a large class of data manifolds. As an application, we consider denoising images which take their values in a manifold. We apply our algorithms to diffusion tensor images, interferometric SAR images as well as sphere and cylinder valued images. For the class of Cartan-Hadamard manifolds (which includes the data space in diffusion tensor imaging) we show the convergence of the proposed TV minimizing algorithms to a global minimizer