2 research outputs found

    Torus-based compression by factor 4 and 6

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    We extend the torus-based compression technique for cyclotomic subgroups and show how the elements of certain subgroups in characteristic two and three fields can be compressed by a factor of 4 and 6, respectively. Our compression and decompression functions can be computed at a negligible cost. In particular, our techniques lead to very efficient exponentiation algorithms that work with the compressed representations of elements and can be easily incorporated into pairing-based protocols that require exponentiations or products of pairings

    An optimal representation for the trace zero subgroup

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    We give an optimal-size representation for the elements of the trace zero subgroup of the Picard group of an elliptic or hyperelliptic curve of any genus, with respect to a field extension of any prime degree. The representation is via the coefficients of a rational function, and it is compatible with scalar multiplication of points. We provide efficient compression and decompression algorithms, and complement them with implementation results. We discuss in detail the practically relevant cases of small genus and extension degree, and compare with the other known compression methods