10 research outputs found

    Tunneling behavior of Ising and Potts models in the low-temperature regime

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    We consider the ferromagnetic qq-state Potts model with zero external field in a finite volume and assume that the stochastic evolution of this system is described by a Glauber-type dynamics parametrized by the inverse temperature Ξ²\beta. Our analysis concerns the low-temperature regime Ξ²β†’βˆž\beta \to \infty, in which this multi-spin system has qq stable equilibria, corresponding to the configurations where all spins are equal. Focusing on grid graphs with various boundary conditions, we study the tunneling phenomena of the qq-state Potts model. More specifically, we describe the asymptotic behavior of the first hitting times between stable equilibria as Ξ²β†’βˆž\beta \to \infty in probability, in expectation, and in distribution and obtain tight bounds on the mixing time as side-result. In the special case q=2q=2, our results characterize the tunneling behavior of the Ising model on grid graphs.Comment: 13 figure

    High-Dimensional Lipschitz Functions are Typically Flat

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    A homomorphism height function on the dd-dimensional torus Znd\mathbb{Z}_n^d is a function taking integer values on the vertices of the torus with consecutive integers assigned to adjacent vertices. A Lipschitz height function is defined similarly but may also take equal values on adjacent vertices. In each model, we consider the uniform distribution over such functions, subject to boundary conditions. We prove that in high dimensions, with zero boundary values, a typical function is very flat, having bounded variance at any fixed vertex and taking at most C(log⁑n)1/dC(\log n)^{1/d} values with high probability. Our results extend to any dimension dβ‰₯2d\ge 2, if Znd\mathbb{Z}_n^d is replaced by an enhanced version of it, the torus ZndΓ—Z2d0\mathbb{Z}_n^d\times\mathbb{Z}_2^{d_0} for some fixed d0d_0. This establishes one side of a conjectured roughening transition in 22 dimensions. The full transition is established for a class of tori with non-equal side lengths. We also find that when dd is taken to infinity while nn remains fixed, a typical function takes at most rr values with high probability, where r=5r=5 for the homomorphism model and r=4r=4 for the Lipschitz model. Suitable generalizations are obtained when nn grows with dd. Our results apply also to the related model of uniform 3-coloring and establish, for certain boundary conditions, that a uniformly sampled proper 3-coloring of Znd\mathbb{Z}_n^d will be nearly constant on either the even or odd sub-lattice. Our proofs are based on a combinatorial transformation and on a careful analysis of the properties of a class of cutsets which we term odd cutsets. For the Lipschitz model, our results rely also on a bijection of Yadin. This work generalizes results of Galvin and Kahn, refutes a conjecture of Benjamini, Yadin and Yehudayoff and answers a question of Benjamini, H\"aggstr\"om and Mossel.Comment: 63 pages, 5 figures (containing 10 images). Improved introduction and layout. Minor correction

    Three lectures on random proper colorings of Zd\mathbb{Z}^d

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    A proper qq-coloring of a graph is an assignment of one of qq colors to each vertex of the graph so that adjacent vertices are colored differently. Sample uniformly among all proper qq-colorings of a large discrete cube in the integer lattice Zd\mathbb{Z}^d. Does the random coloring obtained exhibit any large-scale structure? Does it have fast decay of correlations? We discuss these questions and the way their answers depend on the dimension dd and the number of colors qq. The questions are motivated by statistical physics (anti-ferromagnetic materials, square ice), combinatorics (proper colorings, independent sets) and the study of random Lipschitz functions on a lattice. The discussion introduces a diverse set of tools, useful for this purpose and for other problems, including spatial mixing, entropy and coupling methods, Gibbs measures and their classification and refined contour analysis.Comment: 53 pages, 10 figures; Based on lectures given at the workshop on Random Walks, Random Graphs and Random Media, September 2019, Munich and at the school Lectures on Probability and Stochastic Processes XIV, December 2019, Delh

    Homomorphisms from the torus

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    We present a detailed probabilistic and structural analysis of the set of weighted homomorphisms from the discrete torus Zmn\mathbb{Z}_m^n, where mm is even, to any fixed graph: we show that the corresponding probability distribution on such homomorphisms is close to a distribution defined constructively as a certain random perturbation of some dominant phase. This has several consequences, including solutions (in a strong form) to conjectures of Engbers and Galvin and a conjecture of Kahn and Park. Special cases include sharp asymptotics for the number of independent sets and the number of proper qq-colourings of Zmn\mathbb{Z}_m^n (so in particular, the discrete hypercube). We give further applications to the study of height functions and (generalised) rank functions on the discrete hypercube and disprove a conjecture of Kahn and Lawrenz. For the proof we combine methods from statistical physics, entropy and graph containers and exploit isoperimetric and algebraic properties of the torus.Comment: 84 pages. References adde

    Long-range order in discrete spin systems

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    We establish long-range order for discrete nearest-neighbor spin systems on Zd\mathbb{Z}^d satisfying a certain symmetry assumption, when the dimension dd is higher than an explicitly described threshold. The results characterize all periodic, maximal-pressure Gibbs states of the system. The results further apply in low dimensions provided that the lattice Zd\mathbb{Z}^d is replaced by Zd1Γ—Td2\mathbb{Z}^{d_1}\times\mathbb{T}^{d_2} with d1β‰₯2d_1\ge 2 and d=d1+d2d=d_1+d_2 sufficiently high, where T\mathbb{T} is a cycle of even length. Applications to specific systems are discussed in detail and models for which new results are provided include the antiferromagnetic Potts model, Lipschitz height functions, and the hard-core, Widom--Rowlinson and beach models and their multi-type extensions. We also establish a formula conjectured by Jenssen and Keevash for the topological pressure in the high-dimensional limit.Comment: 91 pages, 7 figures. This paper is the companion to arXiv:1808.03597. Established a formula conjectured by Jenssen and Keevash for the topological pressure in the high-dimensional limi