7,111 research outputs found

    Topological geon black holes in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory

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    We construct topological geon quotients of two families of Einstein-Yang-Mills black holes. For Kuenzle's static, spherically symmetric SU(n) black holes with n>2, a geon quotient exists but generically requires promoting charge conjugation into a gauge symmetry. For Kleihaus and Kunz's static, axially symmetric SU(2) black holes a geon quotient exists without gauging charge conjugation, and the parity of the gauge field winding number determines whether the geon gauge bundle is trivial. The geon's gauge bundle structure is expected to have an imprint in the Hawking-Unruh effect for quantum fields that couple to the background gauge field.Comment: 27 pages. v3: Presentation expanded. Minor corrections and addition

    Searchable Sky Coverage of Astronomical Observations: Footprints and Exposures

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    Sky coverage is one of the most important pieces of information about astronomical observations. We discuss possible representations, and present algorithms to create and manipulate shapes consisting of generalized spherical polygons with arbitrary complexity and size on the celestial sphere. This shape specification integrates well with our Hierarchical Triangular Mesh indexing toolbox, whose performance and capabilities are enhanced by the advanced features presented here. Our portable implementation of the relevant spherical geometry routines comes with wrapper functions for database queries, which are currently being used within several scientific catalog archives including the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the Galaxy Evolution Explorer and the Hubble Legacy Archive projects as well as the Footprint Service of the Virtual Observatory.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PAS

    Action and Hamiltonian for eternal black holes

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    We present the Hamiltonian, quasilocal energy, and angular momentum for a spacetime region spatially bounded by two timelike surfaces. The results are applied to the particular case of a spacetime representing an eternal black hole. It is shown that in the case when the boundaries are located in two different wedges of the Kruskal diagram, the Hamiltonian is of the form H=H+−H−H = H_+ - H_-, where H+H_+ and H−H_- are the Hamiltonian functions for the right and left wedges respectively. The application of the obtained results to the thermofield dynamics description of quantum effects in black holes is briefly discussed.Comment: 24 pages, Revtex, 5 figures (available upon request

    Supergravity p-branes revisited: extra parameters, uniqueness, and topological censorship

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    We perform a complete integration of the Einstein-dilaton-antisymmetric form action describing black p-branes in arbitrary dimensions assuming the transverse space to be homogeneous and possessing spherical, toroidal or hyperbolic topology. The generic solution contains eight parameters satisfying one constraint. Asymptotically flat solutions form a five-parametric subspace, while conditions of regularity of the non-degenerate event horizon further restrict this number to three, which can be related to the mass and the charge densities and the asymptotic value of the dilaton. In the case of a degenerate horizon, this number is reduced by one. Our derivation constitutes a constructive proof of the uniqueness theorem for pp-branes with the homogeneous transverse space. No asymptotically flat solutions with toroidal or hyperbolic transverse space within the considered class are shown to exist, which result can be viewed as a demonstration of the topological censorship for p-branes. From our considerations it follows, in particular, that some previously discussed p-brane-like solutions with extra parameters do not satisfy the standard conditions of asymptotic flatness and absence of naked singularities. We also explore the same system in presence of a cosmological constant, and derive a complete analytic solution for higher-dimensional charged topological black holes, thus proving their uniqueness.Comment: Revtex4, no figure

    High Q BPS Monopole Bags are Urchins

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    It has been known for 30 years that 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles of charge Q greater than one cannot be spherically symmetric. 5 years ago, Bolognesi conjectured that, at some point in their moduli space, BPS monopoles can become approximately spherically symmetric in the high Q limit. In this note we determine the sense in which this conjecture is correct. We consider an SU(2) gauge theory with an adjoint scalar field, and numerically find configurations with Q units of magnetic charge and a mass which is roughly linear in Q, for example in the case Q=81 we present a configuration whose energy exceeds the BPS bound by about 54 percent. These approximate solutions are constructed by gluing together Q cones, each of which contains a single unit of magnetic charge. In each cone, the energy is largest in the core, and so a constant energy density surface contains Q peaks and thus resembles a sea urchin. We comment on some relations between a non-BPS cousin of these solutions and the dark matter halos of dwarf spherical galaxies.Comment: LaTeX, 25 pages, 4 figure
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