952 research outputs found

    Topological Signals of Singularities in Ricci Flow

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    We implement methods from computational homology to obtain a topological signal of singularity formation in a selection of geometries evolved numerically by Ricci flow. Our approach, based on persistent homology, produces precise, quantitative measures describing the behavior of an entire collection of data across a discrete sample of times. We analyze the topological signals of geometric criticality obtained numerically from the application of persistent homology to models manifesting singularities under Ricci flow. The results we obtain for these numerical models suggest that the topological signals distinguish global singularity formation (collapse to a round point) from local singularity formation (neckpinch). Finally, we discuss the interpretation and implication of these results and future applications.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figure

    The dS/CFT Correspondence and the Big Smash

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    Recent observations suggest that the cosmological equation-of-state parameter w is close to -1. To say this is to imply that w could be slightly less than -1, which leads to R.Caldwell's "Phantom cosmologies". These often have the property that they end in a "Big Smash", a final singularity in which the Universe is destroyed in a finite proper time by excessive *expansion*. We show that, classically, this fate is not inevitable: there exist Smash-free Phantom cosmologies, obtained by a suitable perturbation of the deSitter equation of state, in which the spacetime is in fact asymptotically deSitter. [Contrary to popular belief, such cosmologies, which violate the Dominant Energy Condition, do not necessarily violate causality.] We also argue, however, that the physical interpretation of these classically acceptable spacetimes is radically altered by ``holography'', as manifested in the dS/CFT correspondence. It is shown that, if the boundary CFTs have conventional properties, then recent ideas on "time as an inverse renormalization group flow" can be used to rule out these cosmologies. Very recently, however, it has been argued that the CFTs in dS/CFT are of a radically unconventional form, and this opens up the possibility that Smash-free Phantom spacetimes offer a simple model of a "bouncing" cosmology in which the quantum-mechanical entanglement of the field theories in the infinite past and future plays an essential role.Comment: 22 pages, clarification of triple analytic continuation, additional Comments added in the light of hep-th/020724

    Ricci Flow Approach to the Very Early Universe

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    A framework of quantum spacetime reference frame is proposed and reviewed, in which the quantum spacetime at the Gaussian approximation is deformed by the Ricci flow. At sufficient large scale, the Ricci flow not only smooths out the local small irregularities and makes the universe a homogeneous and isotropic Friedman-Robertson-Walker metric, but also develops a local singularity at the physical-time origin. Due to the phenomenological suppression of the non-Gaussian primordial perturbations, we assume the validity of the Ricci flow applying to the high curvature region near the local singularity of the very early universe. The no-local-collapsing theorem of Perelman ensures the existence of a canonical neighborhood around the large curvature pinching point, which resembles a gradient shrinking Ricci soliton (GSRS) solution of the Ricci flow. The GSRS reproduces an exact inflationary deSitter universe near the singularity at the leading order. The slow roll parameters are calculated by a small deviation from the singular flow-time via the Ricci flow, and primordial perturbations are also studied on the GSRS background, the power spectrum of the scalar perturbation agrees with present observations, and the one of the tensor perturbation is predicted too small to be detected than the standard inflation.Comment: 20 page

    Hamiltonian dynamics and geometry of phase transitions in classical XY models

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    The Hamiltonian dynamics associated to classical, planar, Heisenberg XY models is investigated for two- and three-dimensional lattices. Besides the conventional signatures of phase transitions, here obtained through time averages of thermodynamical observables in place of ensemble averages, qualitatively new information is derived from the temperature dependence of Lyapunov exponents. A Riemannian geometrization of newtonian dynamics suggests to consider other observables of geometric meaning tightly related with the largest Lyapunov exponent. The numerical computation of these observables - unusual in the study of phase transitions - sheds a new light on the microscopic dynamical counterpart of thermodynamics also pointing to the existence of some major change in the geometry of the mechanical manifolds at the thermodynamical transition. Through the microcanonical definition of the entropy, a relationship between thermodynamics and the extrinsic geometry of the constant energy surfaces ΣE\Sigma_E of phase space can be naturally established. In this framework, an approximate formula is worked out, determining a highly non-trivial relationship between temperature and topology of the ΣE\Sigma_E. Whence it can be understood that the appearance of a phase transition must be tightly related to a suitable major topology change of the ΣE\Sigma_E. This contributes to the understanding of the origin of phase transitions in the microcanonical ensemble.Comment: in press on Physical Review E, 43 pages, LaTeX (uses revtex), 22 PostScript figure

    Non-BPS D8-branes and Dynamic Domain Walls in Massive IIA Supergravities

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    We study the D8-branes of the Romans massive IIA supergravity theory using the coupled supergravity and worldvolume actions. D8 branes can be regarded as domain walls with the jump in the extrinsic curvature at the brane given by the Israel matching conditions. We examine the restrictions that these conditions place on extreme and non-extreme solutions and find that they rule out some of the supersymmetric solutions given by Bergshoeff {\em et al}. We consider what happens when the dilaton varies on the worldvolume of the brane, which implies that the brane is no longer static. We obtain a family of D8-brane solutions parametrized by a non-extremality term on each side of the brane and the asymptotic values of the 10-form field. The non-extremality parameters can be related to the velocity of the brane. We also study 8-brane solutions of a massive IIA supergravity theory introduced by Howe, Lambert and West. This theory also admits a 10-form formulation, but the 10-form is not a R-R sector field and so these 8-branes are not D-branes.Comment: 23 pages REVTeX, 2 .eps figures. This paper completely replaces and extends an earlier paper (hep-th/9712112) by Chamblin and Perr

    Universal consistent truncation for 6d/7d gauge/gravity duals

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    Recently, AdS_7 solutions of IIA supergravity have been classified; there are infinitely many of them, whose expression is known analytically, and with internal space of S^3 topology. Their field theory duals are six-dimensional (1,0) SCFT's. In this paper we show that for each of these AdS_7 solutions there exists a consistent truncation from massive IIA supergravity to minimal gauged supergravity in seven dimensions. This theory has an SU(2) gauge group, and a single scalar, whose value is related to a certain distortion of the internal S^3. This explains the universality observed in recent work on AdS_5 and AdS_4 solutions dual to compactifications of the (1,0) SCFT_6's. Thanks to previous work on the minimal gauged supergravity, the truncation also implies the existence of holographic RG-flows connecting those solutions to the AdS_7 vacuum, as well as new classes of IIA AdS_3 solutions.Comment: 23 pages; v2: references added, minor changes, additions and correction