738 research outputs found

    Topological Data Analysis for Image Tampering Detection

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    This paper introduces a topological approach to detection of image tampering for forensics purposes. This is based on the emerging Topological Data Analysis (TDA) concept of persistent homological invariants associated with certain image features. Image features of interest are pixels that have a uniform Local Binary pattern (LBP) code representing texture feature descriptors. We construct the sequence of simplicial complexes for increasing sequence of distance thresholds whose vertices are the selected set of pixels, and calculate the corresponding non-increasing sequence of homology invariants (number of connected components). The persistent homology of this construction describes the speed with which the sequence terminates, and our tamper detection scheme exploit its sensitivity to image tampering/degradation. We test the performance of this approach on a sufficiently large image dataset from a benchmark dataset of passport photos, and show that the persistent homology sequence defines a discriminating criterion for the morphing attacks (i.e. distinguishing morphed images from genuine ones)

    Persistent Homology Tools for Image Analysis

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    Topological Data Analysis (TDA) is a new field of mathematics emerged rapidly since the first decade of the century from various works of algebraic topology and geometry. The goal of TDA and its main tool of persistent homology (PH) is to provide topological insight into complex and high dimensional datasets. We take this premise onboard to get more topological insight from digital image analysis and quantify tiny low-level distortion that are undetectable except possibly by highly trained persons. Such image distortion could be caused intentionally (e.g. by morphing and steganography) or naturally in abnormal human tissue/organ scan images as a result of onset of cancer or other diseases. The main objective of this thesis is to design new image analysis tools based on persistent homological invariants representing simplicial complexes on sets of pixel landmarks over a sequence of distance resolutions. We first start by proposing innovative automatic techniques to select image pixel landmarks to build a variety of simplicial topologies from a single image. Effectiveness of each image landmark selection demonstrated by testing on different image tampering problems such as morphed face detection, steganalysis and breast tumour detection. Vietoris-Rips simplicial complexes constructed based on the image landmarks at an increasing distance threshold and topological (homological) features computed at each threshold and summarized in a form known as persistent barcodes. We vectorise the space of persistent barcodes using a technique known as persistent binning where we demonstrated the strength of it for various image analysis purposes. Different machine learning approaches are adopted to develop automatic detection of tiny texture distortion in many image analysis applications. Homological invariants used in this thesis are the 0 and 1 dimensional Betti numbers. We developed an innovative approach to design persistent homology (PH) based algorithms for automatic detection of the above described types of image distortion. In particular, we developed the first PH-detector of morphing attacks on passport face biometric images. We shall demonstrate significant accuracy of 2 such morph detection algorithms with 4 types of automatically extracted image landmarks: Local Binary patterns (LBP), 8-neighbour super-pixels (8NSP), Radial-LBP (R-LBP) and centre-symmetric LBP (CS-LBP). Using any of these techniques yields several persistent barcodes that summarise persistent topological features that help gaining insights into complex hidden structures not amenable by other image analysis methods. We shall also demonstrate significant success of a similarly developed PH-based universal steganalysis tool capable for the detection of secret messages hidden inside digital images. We also argue through a pilot study that building PH records from digital images can differentiate breast malignant tumours from benign tumours using digital mammographic images. The research presented in this thesis creates new opportunities to build real applications based on TDA and demonstrate many research challenges in a variety of image processing/analysis tasks. For example, we describe a TDA-based exemplar image inpainting technique (TEBI), superior to existing exemplar algorithm, for the reconstruction of missing image regions

    Artificial Image Tampering Distorts Spatial Distribution of Texture Landmarks and Quality Characteristics

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    Advances in AI based computer vision has led to a significant growth in synthetic image generation and artificial image tampering with serious implications for unethical exploitations that undermine person identification and could make render AI predictions less explainable.Morphing, Deepfake and other artificial generation of face photographs undermine the reliability of face biometrics authentication using different electronic ID documents.Morphed face photographs on e-passports can fool automated border control systems and human guards.This paper extends our previous work on using the persistent homology (PH) of texture landmarks to detect morphing attacks.We demonstrate that artificial image tampering distorts the spatial distribution of texture landmarks (i.e. their PH) as well as that of a set of image quality characteristics.We shall demonstrate that the tamper caused distortion of these two slim feature vectors provide significant potentials for building explainable (Handcrafted) tamper detectors with low error rates and suitable for implementation on constrained devices.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Anomaly Detection on Time Series Data

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    Anomaly detection is an important problem that has been researched within diverse application domains. Detection of anomalies in the time series domain finds extensive application in monitoring system status, mal-ware/spam detection, credit-card fraud etc. In this work we explore methods to detect anomalies in multivariate as well as uni variate time-series and proposed a novel method using Dictionary Learning, Sparse Representation, Singular Value Decomposition and Topological anomaly detection(TAD). We have tested the proposed method on real as well as synthetic data sets. Our novel method brings down the false positive rates as compared to the existing methods

    Comparative Analysis of Techniques Used to Detect Copy-Move Tampering for Real-World Electronic Images

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    Evolution of high computational powerful computers, easy availability of several innovative editing software package and high-definition quality-based image capturing tools follows to effortless result in producing image forgery. Though, threats for security and misinterpretation of digital images and scenes have been observed to be happened since a long period and also a lot of research has been established in developing diverse techniques to authenticate the digital images. On the contrary, the research in this region is not limited to checking the validity of digital photos but also to exploring the specific signs of distortion or forgery. This analysis would not require additional prior information of intrinsic content of corresponding digital image or prior embedding of watermarks. In this paper, recent growth in the area of digital image tampering identification have been discussed along with benchmarking study has been shown with qualitative and quantitative results. With variety of methodologies and concepts, different applications of forgery detection have been discussed with corresponding outcomes especially using machine and deep learning methods in order to develop efficient automated forgery detection system. The future applications and development of advanced soft-computing based techniques in digital image forgery tampering has been discussed

    Comparative Analysis of Techniques Used to Detect Copy-Move Tampering for Real-World Electronic Images

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    Evolution of high computational powerful computers, easy availability of several innovative editing software package and high-definition quality-based image capturing tools follows to effortless result in producing image forgery. Though, threats for security and misinterpretation of digital images and scenes have been observed to be happened since a long period and also a lot of research has been established in developing diverse techniques to authenticate the digital images. On the contrary, the research in this region is not limited to checking the validity of digital photos but also to exploring the specific signs of distortion or forgery. This analysis would not require additional prior information of intrinsic content of corresponding digital image or prior embedding of watermarks. In this paper, recent growth in the area of digital image tampering identification have been discussed along with benchmarking study has been shown with qualitative and quantitative results. With variety of methodologies and concepts, different applications of forgery detection have been discussed with corresponding outcomes especially using machine and deep learning methods in order to develop efficient automated forgery detection system. The future applications and development of advanced soft-computing based techniques in digital image forgery tampering has been discussed