12,513 research outputs found

    Robust hybrid global asymptotic stabilization of rigid body dynamics using dual quaternions

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    A hybrid feedback control scheme is proposed for stabilization of rigid body dynamics (pose and velocities) using unit dual quaternions, in which the dual quaternions and veloc- ities are used for feedback. It is well-known that rigid body attitude control is subject to topological constraints which often result in discontinuous control to avoid the unwinding phenomenon. In contrast, the hybrid scheme allows the controlled system to be robust in the presence of uncertainties, which would otherwise cause chattering about the point of discontinuous control while also ensuring acceptable closed-loop response characteristics. The stability of the closed-loop system is guaranteed through a Lyapunov analysis and the use of invariance principles for hybrid systems. Simulation results for a rigid body model are presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed hybrid dual quaternion feedback control scheme

    `Third' Quantization of Vacuum Einstein Gravity and Free Yang-Mills Theories

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    Based on the algebraico-categorical (:sheaf-theoretic and sheaf cohomological) conceptual and technical machinery of Abstract Differential Geometry, a new, genuinely background spacetime manifold independent, field quantization scenario for vacuum Einstein gravity and free Yang-Mills theories is introduced. The scheme is coined `third quantization' and, although it formally appears to follow a canonical route, it is fully covariant, because it is an expressly functorial `procedure'. Various current and future Quantum Gravity research issues are discussed under the light of 3rd-quantization. A postscript gives a brief account of this author's personal encounters with Rafael Sorkin and his work.Comment: 43 pages; latest version contributed to a fest-volume celebrating Rafael Sorkin's 60th birthday (Erratum: in earlier versions I had wrongly written that the Editor for this volume is Daniele Oriti, with CUP as publisher. I apologize for the mistake.

    Active dynamics of tissue shear flow

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    We present a hydrodynamic theory to describe shear flows in developing epithelial tissues. We introduce hydrodynamic fields corresponding to state properties of constituent cells as well as a contribution to overall tissue shear flow due to rearrangements in cell network topology. We then construct a generic linear constitutive equation for the shear rate due to topological rearrangements and we investigate a novel rheological behaviour resulting from memory effects in the tissue. We identify two distinct active cellular processes: generation of active stress in the tissue, and actively driven topological rearrangements. We find that these two active processes can produce distinct cellular and tissue shape changes, depending on boundary conditions applied on the tissue. Our findings have consequences for the understanding of tissue morphogenesis during development

    Zero modes in magnetic systems: general theory and an efficient computational scheme

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    The presence of topological defects in magnetic media often leads to normal modes with zero frequency (zero modes). Such modes are crucial for long-time behavior, describing, for example, the motion of a domain wall as a whole. Conventional numerical methods to calculate the spin-wave spectrum in magnetic media are either inefficient or they fail for systems with zero modes. We present a new efficient computational scheme that reduces the magnetic normal-mode problem to a generalized Hermitian eigenvalue problem also in the presence of zero modes. We apply our scheme to several examples, including two-dimensional domain walls and Skyrmions, and show how the effective masses that determine the dynamics can be calculated directly. These systems highlight the fundamental distinction between the two types of zero modes that can occur in spin systems, which we call special and inertial zero modes. Our method is suitable for both conservative and dissipative systems. For the latter case, we present a perturbative scheme to take into account damping, which can also be used to calculate dynamical susceptibilities.Comment: 64 pages, 15 figure

    In situ evidence for the structure of the magnetic null in a 3D reconnection event in the Earth's magnetotail

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    Magnetic reconnection is one of the most important processes in astrophysical, space and laboratory plasmas. Identifying the structure around the point at which the magnetic field lines break and subsequently reform, known as the magnetic null point, is crucial to improving our understanding reconnection. But owing to the inherently three-dimensional nature of this process, magnetic nulls are only detectable through measurements obtained simultaneously from at least four points in space. Using data collected by the four spacecraft of the Cluster constellation as they traversed a diffusion region in the Earth's magnetotail on 15 September, 2001, we report here the first in situ evidence for the structure of an isolated magnetic null. The results indicate that it has a positive-spiral structure whose spatial extent is of the same order as the local ion inertial length scale, suggesting that the Hall effect could play an important role in 3D reconnection dynamics.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Effect of disorder and noise in shaping the dynamics of power grids

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate complex dynamic networks which can model high-voltage power grids with renewable, fluctuating energy sources. For this purpose we use the Kuramoto model with inertia to model the network of power plants and consumers. In particular, we analyse the synchronization transition of networks of NN phase oscillators with inertia (rotators) whose natural frequencies are bimodally distributed, corresponding to the distribution of generator and consumer power. First, we start from globally coupled networks whose links are successively diluted, resulting in a random Erd\"os-Renyi network. We focus on the changes in the hysteretic loop while varying inertial mass and dilution. Second, we implement Gaussian white noise describing the randomly fluctuating input power, and investigate its role in shaping the dynamics. Finally, we briefly discuss power grid networks under the impact of both topological disorder and external noise sources.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure