95 research outputs found

    Big Neural Networks Waste Capacity

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    This article exposes the failure of some big neural networks to leverage added capacity to reduce underfitting. Past research suggest diminishing returns when increasing the size of neural networks. Our experiments on ImageNet LSVRC-2010 show that this may be due to the fact there are highly diminishing returns for capacity in terms of training error, leading to underfitting. This suggests that the optimization method - first order gradient descent - fails at this regime. Directly attacking this problem, either through the optimization method or the choices of parametrization, may allow to improve the generalization error on large datasets, for which a large capacity is required

    Adaptive learning rates and parallelization for stochastic, sparse, non-smooth gradients

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    Recent work has established an empirically successful framework for adapting learning rates for stochastic gradient descent (SGD). This effectively removes all needs for tuning, while automatically reducing learning rates over time on stationary problems, and permitting learning rates to grow appropriately in non-stationary tasks. Here, we extend the idea in three directions, addressing proper minibatch parallelization, including reweighted updates for sparse or orthogonal gradients, improving robustness on non-smooth loss functions, in the process replacing the diagonal Hessian estimation procedure that may not always be available by a robust finite-difference approximation. The final algorithm integrates all these components, has linear complexity and is hyper-parameter free.Comment: Published at the First International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR-2013). Public reviews are available at http://openreview.net/document/c14f2204-fd66-4d91-bed4-153523694041#c14f2204-fd66-4d91-bed4-15352369404

    Small steps and giant leaps: Minimal Newton solvers for Deep Learning

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    We propose a fast second-order method that can be used as a drop-in replacement for current deep learning solvers. Compared to stochastic gradient descent (SGD), it only requires two additional forward-mode automatic differentiation operations per iteration, which has a computational cost comparable to two standard forward passes and is easy to implement. Our method addresses long-standing issues with current second-order solvers, which invert an approximate Hessian matrix every iteration exactly or by conjugate-gradient methods, a procedure that is both costly and sensitive to noise. Instead, we propose to keep a single estimate of the gradient projected by the inverse Hessian matrix, and update it once per iteration. This estimate has the same size and is similar to the momentum variable that is commonly used in SGD. No estimate of the Hessian is maintained. We first validate our method, called CurveBall, on small problems with known closed-form solutions (noisy Rosenbrock function and degenerate 2-layer linear networks), where current deep learning solvers seem to struggle. We then train several large models on CIFAR and ImageNet, including ResNet and VGG-f networks, where we demonstrate faster convergence with no hyperparameter tuning. Code is available

    Pushing Stochastic Gradient towards Second-Order Methods -- Backpropagation Learning with Transformations in Nonlinearities

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    Recently, we proposed to transform the outputs of each hidden neuron in a multi-layer perceptron network to have zero output and zero slope on average, and use separate shortcut connections to model the linear dependencies instead. We continue the work by firstly introducing a third transformation to normalize the scale of the outputs of each hidden neuron, and secondly by analyzing the connections to second order optimization methods. We show that the transformations make a simple stochastic gradient behave closer to second-order optimization methods and thus speed up learning. This is shown both in theory and with experiments. The experiments on the third transformation show that while it further increases the speed of learning, it can also hurt performance by converging to a worse local optimum, where both the inputs and outputs of many hidden neurons are close to zero.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, ICLR201
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