311 research outputs found

    Enhanced web-based summary generation for search.

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    After a user types in a search query on a major search engine, they are presented with a number of search results. Each search result is made up of a title, brief text summary and a URL. It is then the user\u27s job to select documents for further review. Our research aims to improve the accuracy of users selecting relevant documents by improving the way these web pages are summarized. Improvements in accuracy will lead to time improvements and user experience improvements. We propose ReClose, a system for generating web document summaries. ReClose generates summary content through combining summarization techniques from query-biased and query-independent summary generation. Query-biased summaries generally provide query terms in context. Query-independent summaries focus on summarizing documents as a whole. Combining these summary techniques led to a 10% improvement in user decision making over Google generated summaries. Color-coded ReClose summaries provide keyword usage depth at a glance and also alert users to topic departures. Color-coding further enhanced ReClose results and led to a 20% improvement in user decision making over Google generated summaries. Many online documents include structure and multimedia of various forms such as tables, lists, forms and images. We propose to include this structure in web page summaries. We found that the expert user was insignificantly slowed in decision making while the majority of average users made decisions more quickly using summaries including structure without any decrease in decision accuracy. We additionally extended ReClose for use in summarizing large numbers of tweets in tracking flu outbreaks in social media. The resulting summaries have variable length and are effective at summarizing flu related trends. Users of the system obtained an accuracy of 0.86 labeling multi-tweet summaries. This showed that the basis of ReClose is effective outside of web documents and that variable length summaries can be more effective than fixed length. Overall the ReClose system provides unique summaries that contain more informative content than current search engines produce, highlight the results in a more meaningful way, and add structure when meaningful. The applications of ReClose extend far beyond search and have been demonstrated in summarizing pools of tweets

    Temporally Biased Search Result Snippets

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    The search engine result snippets are an important source of information for the user to obtain quick insights into the corresponding result documents. When the search terms are too general, like a person\u27s name or a company\u27s name, creating an appropriate snippet that effectively summarizes the document\u27s content can be challenging owing to multiple occurrences of the search term in the top ranked documents, without a simple means to select a subset of sentences containing them to form result snippet. In web pages classified as narratives and news articles, multiple references to explicit, implicit and relative temporal expressions can be found. Based on these expressions, the sentences can be ordered on a timeline. In this thesis, we propose the idea of generation of an alternate search results snippet, by exploiting these temporal expressions embedded within the pages, using a timeline map. Our method of snippets generation is mainly targeted at general search terms. At present, when the search terms are too general, the existing systems generate static snippets for resultant pages like displaying the first line. In our approach, we introduce an alternate method of extracting and selecting temporal data from these pages to adapt a snippet to be a more effective summary. Specifically, it selects and blends temporally interesting sentences. Using weighted kappa measure, we evaluate our approach by comparing snippets generated for multiple search terms based on existing systems and snippets generated by using our approach

    Predicting Text Quality: Metrics for Content, Organization and Reader Interest

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    When people read articles---news, fiction or technical---most of the time if not always, they form perceptions about its quality. Some articles are well-written and others are poorly written. This thesis explores if such judgements can be automated so that they can be incorporated into applications such as information retrieval and automatic summarization. Text quality does not involve a single aspect but is a combination of numerous and diverse criteria including spelling, grammar, organization, informative nature, creative and beautiful language use, and page layout. In the education domain, comprehensive lists of such properties are outlined in the rubrics used for assessing writing. But computational methods for text quality have addressed only a handful of these aspects, mainly related to spelling, grammar and organization. In addition, some text quality aspects could be more relevant for one genre versus another. But previous work have placed little focus on specialized metrics based on the genre of texts. This thesis proposes new insights and techniques to address the above issues. We introduce metrics that score varied dimensions of quality such as content, organization and reader interest. For content, we present two measures: specificity and verbosity level. Specificity measures the amount of detail present in a text while verbosity captures which details are essential to include. We measure organization quality by quantifying the regularity of the intentional structure in the article and also using the specificity levels of adjacent sentences in the text. Our reader interest metrics aim to identify engaging and interesting articles. The development of these measures is backed by the use of articles from three different genres: academic writing, science journalism and automatically generated summaries. Proper presentation of content is critical during summarization because summaries have a word limit. Our specificity and verbosity metrics are developed with this genre as the focus. The argumentation structure of academic writing lends support to the idea of using intentional structure to model organization quality. Science journalism articles convey research findings in an engaging manner and are ideally suited for the development and evaluation of measures related to reader interest

    Explicit diversification of event aspects for temporal summarization

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    During major events, such as emergencies and disasters, a large volume of information is reported on newswire and social media platforms. Temporal summarization (TS) approaches are used to automatically produce concise overviews of such events by extracting text snippets from related articles over time. Current TS approaches rely on a combination of event relevance and textual novelty for snippet selection. However, for events that span multiple days, textual novelty is often a poor criterion for selecting snippets, since many snippets are textually unique but are semantically redundant or non-informative. In this article, we propose a framework for the diversification of snippets using explicit event aspects, building on recent works in search result diversification. In particular, we first propose two techniques to identify explicit aspects that a user might want to see covered in a summary for different types of event. We then extend a state-of-the-art explicit diversification framework to maximize the coverage of these aspects when selecting summary snippets for unseen events. Through experimentation over the TREC TS 2013, 2014, and 2015 datasets, we show that explicit diversification for temporal summarization significantly outperforms classical novelty-based diversification, as the use of explicit event aspects reduces the amount of redundant and off-topic snippets returned, while also increasing summary timeliness

    Promoting user engagement and learning in search tasks by effective document representation

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    Much research in information retrieval (IR) focuses on optimisation of the rank of relevant retrieval results for single shot ad hoc IR tasks. Relatively little research has been carried out on supporting and promoting user engagement within search tasks. We seek to improve user experience by use of enhanced document snippets to be presented during the search process to promote user engagement with retrieved information. The primary role of document snippets within search has traditionally been to indicate the potential relevance of retrieved items to the user’s information need. Beyond the relevance of an item, it is generally not possible to infer the contents of individual ranked results just by reading the current snippets. We hypothesise that the creation of richer document snippets and summaries, and effective presentation of this information to users will promote effective search and greater user engagement, and support emerging areas such as learning through search. We generate document summaries for a given query by extracting top relevant sentences from retrieved documents. Creation of these summaries goes beyond exist- ing snippet creation methods by comparing content between documents to take into account novelty when selecting content for inclusion in individual document sum- maries. Further, we investigate the readability of the generated summaries with the overall goal of generating snippets which not only help a user to identify document relevance, but are also designed to increase the user’s understanding and knowledge of a topic gained while inspecting the snippets. We perform a task-based user study to record the user’s interactions, search be- haviour and feedback to evaluate the effectiveness of our snippets using qualitative and quantitative measures. In our user study, we found that richer snippets generated in this work improved the user experience and topical knowledge, and helped users to learn about the topic effectively

    Using Web Archives to Enrich the Live Web Experience Through Storytelling

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    Much of our cultural discourse occurs primarily on the Web. Thus, Web preservation is a fundamental precondition for multiple disciplines. Archiving Web pages into themed collections is a method for ensuring these resources are available for posterity. Services such as Archive-It exists to allow institutions to develop, curate, and preserve collections of Web resources. Understanding the contents and boundaries of these archived collections is a challenge for most people, resulting in the paradox of the larger the collection, the harder it is to understand. Meanwhile, as the sheer volume of data grows on the Web, storytelling is becoming a popular technique in social media for selecting Web resources to support a particular narrative or story . In this dissertation, we address the problem of understanding the archived collections through proposing the Dark and Stormy Archive (DSA) framework, in which we integrate storytelling social media and Web archives. In the DSA framework, we identify, evaluate, and select candidate Web pages from archived collections that summarize the holdings of these collections, arrange them in chronological order, and then visualize these pages using tools that users already are familiar with, such as Storify. To inform our work of generating stories from archived collections, we start by building a baseline for the structural characteristics of popular (i.e., receiving the most views) human-generated stories through investigating stories from Storify. Furthermore, we checked the entire population of Archive-It collections for better understanding the characteristics of the collections we intend to summarize. We then filter off-topic pages from the collections the using different methods to detect when an archived page in a collection has gone off-topic. We created a gold standard dataset from three Archive-It collections to evaluate the proposed methods at different thresholds. From the gold standard dataset, we identified five behaviors for the TimeMaps (a list of archived copies of a page) based on the page’s aboutness. Based on a dynamic slicing algorithm, we divide the collection and cluster the pages in each slice. We then select the best representative page from each cluster based on different quality metrics (e.g., the replay quality, and the quality of the generated snippet from the page). At the end, we put the selected pages in chronological order and visualize them using Storify. For evaluating the DSA framework, we obtained a ground truth dataset of hand-crafted stories from Archive-It collections generated by expert archivists. We used Amazon’s Mechanical Turk to evaluate the automatically generated stories against the stories that were created by domain experts. The results show that the automatically generated stories by the DSA are indistinguishable from those created by human subject domain experts, while at the same time both kinds of stories (automatic and human) are easily distinguished from randomly generated storie

    Information fusion for automated question answering

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    Until recently, research efforts in automated Question Answering (QA) have mainly focused on getting a good understanding of questions to retrieve correct answers. This includes deep parsing, lookups in ontologies, question typing and machine learning of answer patterns appropriate to question forms. In contrast, I have focused on the analysis of the relationships between answer candidates as provided in open domain QA on multiple documents. I argue that such candidates have intrinsic properties, partly regardless of the question, and those properties can be exploited to provide better quality and more user-oriented answers in QA.Information fusion refers to the technique of merging pieces of information from different sources. In QA over free text, it is motivated by the frequency with which different answer candidates are found in different locations, leading to a multiplicity of answers. The reason for such multiplicity is, in part, the massive amount of data used for answering, and also its unstructured and heterogeneous content: Besides am¬ biguities in user questions leading to heterogeneity in extractions, systems have to deal with redundancy, granularity and possible contradictory information. Hence the need for answer candidate comparison. While frequency has proved to be a significant char¬ acteristic of a correct answer, I evaluate the value of other relationships characterizing answer variability and redundancy.Partially inspired by recent developments in multi-document summarization, I re¬ define the concept of "answer" within an engineering approach to QA based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern of user interface design. An "answer model" is a directed graph in which nodes correspond to entities projected from extractions and edges convey relationships between such nodes. The graph represents the fusion of information contained in the set of extractions. Different views of the answer model can be produced, capturing the fact that the same answer can be expressed and pre¬ sented in various ways: picture, video, sound, written or spoken language, or a formal data structure. Within this framework, an answer is a structured object contained in the model and retrieved by a strategy to build a particular view depending on the end user (or taskj's requirements.I describe shallow techniques to compare entities and enrich the model by discovering four broad categories of relationships between entities in the model: equivalence, inclusion, aggregation and alternative. Quantitatively, answer candidate modeling im¬ proves answer extraction accuracy. It also proves to be more robust to incorrect answer candidates than traditional techniques. Qualitatively, models provide meta-information encoded by relationships that allow shallow reasoning to help organize and generate the final output

    Effective summarisation for search engines

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    Users of information retrieval (IR) systems issue queries to find information in large collections of documents. Nearly all IR systems return answers in the form of a list of results, where each entry typically consists of the title of the underlying document, a link, and a short query-biased summary of a document's content called a snippet. As retrieval systems typically return a mixture of relevant and non-relevant answers, the role of the snippet is to guide users to identify those documents that are likely to be good answers and to ignore those that are less useful. This thesis focuses on techniques to improve the generation and evaluation of query-biased summaries for informational requests, where users typically need to inspect several documents to fulfil their information needs. We investigate the following issues: how users construct query-biased summaries, and how this compares with current automatic summarisation methods; how query expansion can be applied to sentence-level ranking to improve the quality of query-biased summaries; and, how to evaluate these summarisation approaches using sentence-level relevance data. First, through an eye tracking study, we investigate the way in which users select information from documents when they are asked to construct a query-biased summary in response to a given search request. Our analysis indicates that user behaviour differs from the assumptions of current state-of-the-art query-biased summarisation approaches. A major cause of difference resulted from vocabulary mismatch, a common IR problem. This thesis then examines query expansion techniques to improve the selection of candidate relevant sentences, and to reduce the vocabulary mismatch observed in the previous study. We employ a Cranfield-based methodology to quantitatively assess sentence ranking methods based on sentence-level relevance assessments available in the TREC Novelty track, in line with previous work. We study two aspects of sentence-level evaluation of this track. First, whether sentences that have been judged based on relevance, as in the TREC Novelty track, can also be considered to be indicative; that is, useful in terms of being part of a query-biased summary and guiding users to make correct document selections. By conducting a crowdsourcing experiment, we find that relevance and indicativeness agree around 73% of the time. Second, during our evaluations we discovered a bias that longer sentences were more likely to be judged as relevant. We then propose a novel evaluation of sentence ranking methods, which aims to isolate the sentence length bias. Using our enhanced evaluation method, we find that query expansion can effectively assist in the selection of short sentences. We conclude our investigation with a second study to examine the effectiveness of query expansion in query-biased summarisation methods to end users. Our results indicate that participants significantly tend to prefer query-biased summaries aided through expansion techniques approximately 60% of the time, for query-biased summaries comprised of short and middle length sentences. We suggest that our findings can inform the generation and display of query-biased summaries of IR systems such as search engines