23 research outputs found

    Model Checker Execution Reports

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    Software model checking constitutes an undecidable problem and, as such, even an ideal tool will in some cases fail to give a conclusive answer. In practice, software model checkers fail often and usually do not provide any information on what was effectively checked. The purpose of this work is to provide a conceptual framing to extend software model checkers in a way that allows users to access information about incomplete checks. We characterize the information that model checkers themselves can provide, in terms of analyzed traces, i.e. sequences of statements, and safe cones, and present the notion of execution reports, which we also formalize. We instantiate these concepts for a family of techniques based on Abstract Reachability Trees and implement the approach using the software model checker CPAchecker. We evaluate our approach empirically and provide examples to illustrate the execution reports produced and the information that can be extracted

    Event Stream Processing with Multiple Threads

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    Current runtime verification tools seldom make use of multi-threading to speed up the evaluation of a property on a large event trace. In this paper, we present an extension to the BeepBeep 3 event stream engine that allows the use of multiple threads during the evaluation of a query. Various parallelization strategies are presented and described on simple examples. The implementation of these strategies is then evaluated empirically on a sample of problems. Compared to the previous, single-threaded version of the BeepBeep engine, the allocation of just a few threads to specific portions of a query provides dramatic improvement in terms of running time

    Sharper and Simpler Nonlinear Interpolants for Program Verification

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    Interpolation of jointly infeasible predicates plays important roles in various program verification techniques such as invariant synthesis and CEGAR. Intrigued by the recent result by Dai et al.\ that combines real algebraic geometry and SDP optimization in synthesis of polynomial interpolants, the current paper contributes its enhancement that yields sharper and simpler interpolants. The enhancement is made possible by: theoretical observations in real algebraic geometry; and our continued fraction-based algorithm that rounds off (potentially erroneous) numerical solutions of SDP solvers. Experiment results support our tool's effectiveness; we also demonstrate the benefit of sharp and simple interpolants in program verification examples