396 research outputs found
Quantum Repeaters based on Single Trapped Ions
We analyze the performance of a quantum repeater protocol based on single
trapped ions. At each node, single trapped ions embedded into high finesse
cavities emit single photons whose polarization is entangled with the ion
state. A specific detection of two photons at a central station located
half-way between two nodes heralds the entanglement of two remote ions.
Entanglement can be extended to long distances by applying successive
entanglement swapping operations based on two-ion gate operations that have
already been demonstrated experimentally with high precision. Our calculation
shows that the distribution rate of entanglement achievable with such an
ion-based quantum repeater protocol is higher by orders of magnitude than the
rates that are achievable with the best known schemes based on atomic ensemble
memories and linear optics. The main reason is that for trapped ions the
entanglement swapping operations are performed deterministically, in contrast
to success probabilities below 50 percent per swapping with linear optics. The
scheme requires efficient collection of the emitted photons, which can be
achieved with cavities, and efficient conversion of their wavelength, which can
be done via stimulated parametric down-conversion. We also suggest how to
realize temporal multiplexing, which offers additional significant speed-ups in
entanglement distribution, with trapped ions
Reliability analysis of distribution systems with photovoltaic generation using a power flow simulator and a parallel Monte Carlo approach
This paper presents a Monte Carlo approach for reliability assessment of distribution systems with distributed generation using parallel computing. The calculations are carried out with a royalty-free power flow simulator, OpenDSS (Open Distribution System Simulator). The procedure has been implemented in an environment in which OpenDSS is driven from MATLAB. The test system is an overhead distribution system represented by means of a three-phase model that includes protective devices. The paper details the implemented procedure, which can be applied to systems with or without distributed generation, includes an illustrative case study and summarizes the results derived from the analysis of the test system during one year. The goal is to evaluate the test system performance considering different scenarios with different level of system automation and reconfiguration, and assess the impact that distributed photovoltaic generation can have on that performance. Several reliability indices, including those related to the impact of distributed generation, are obtained for every scenario.Postprint (published version
Temporal relation discovery between events and temporal expressions identified in clinical narrative
AbstractThe automatic detection of temporal relations between events in electronic medical records has the potential to greatly augment the value of such records for understanding disease progression and patients’ responses to treatments. We present a three-step methodology for labeling temporal relations using machine learning and deterministic rules over an annotated corpus provided by the 2012 i2b2 Shared Challenge. We first create an expanded training network of relations by computing the transitive closure over the annotated data; we then apply hand-written rules and machine learning with a feature set that casts a wide net across potentially relevant lexical and syntactic information; finally, we employ a voting mechanism to resolve global contradictions between the local predictions made by the learned classifier. Results over the testing data illustrate the contributions of initial prediction and conflict resolution
End to end approach for i2b2 2012 challenge based on Cross-lingual models
BACKGROUND - We propose a Cross-lingual approach to i2b2 2012 challenge for Clinical
Records focused on the temporal relations in clinical narratives. Corpus of discharge
summaries annotated with temporal information was provided for automatically
extracting : (1) clinically significant events, including both clinical concepts such as
problems, tests, treatments, and clinical departments, and events relevant to the patient’s
clinical timeline, such as admissions, transfers between departments, etc; (2) temporal
expressions, referring to the dates, times, duration, or frequencies in the clinical text. The
values of the extracted temporal expressions had to be normalized to an ISO specification
standard; and (3) temporal relations, among the clinical events and temporal expressions.
GOALS - The objectives involved in the current work consists on outperforming previous
State of the Art for the i2b2 2012 challenge and adapting Cross-lingual model into
clinical specific domain with low Data resources available.
METHODS - The task has been conceived as a pipeline of different modules, an event and
temporal expression token-classifier and a text-classifier for relation extraction, each of
them independently developed from the other. We used XLM-RoBERTa Cross-lingual
RESULTS - For event detection, the proposed token-classifier obtains a 0.91 Span F1. For
temporal expressions, our sentence-classifier achieves a 0.91 Span F1. For temporal
relation, we propose sentence classifier based on sequential-taggers that performs at 0.29
F1 measure.DESKRIBAPENA - Narratiba klinikoen domeinuan i2b2 2012 erronkarako hizkuntzarteko
ikuspegia jorratzen duen soluzioa proposatzen dugu. Erronka honek txosten medikuetan
islatzen diren gertaeren arteko denbora-erlazioak iragartzea du helburu. Horretarako, lan
hau alde batetik (1) klinikoki esanguratsuak diren gertaerak, adibidez, kontzeptu
klinikoak, probak, tratamenduak, sail klinikoak eta bestetik, (2) denbora-adierazpenak,
adibidez, txostenak esleituta duen data, denbora, iraupen edo maiztasuna adierazten
duten espresioak antzeman eta bukatzeko gertaera klinikoen eta (3)
denbora-adierazpenen arteako erlazioak anotatuta duen corpus batetik abiatzen da.
HELBURUAK - Lanaren helburuak i2b2 2012 artearen egoera hobetzea eta Cross-lingual
modeloa Data baliabide baxuak dituen domeinu kliniko espezifikora egokitzea dira.
METODOAK - Lana modulu desberdinetako hobi gisa ulertu da, gertaera eta
denbora-adierazpenetarako sekuentzia-markatzaileak, eta denbora-erlaziorako
perpaus-sailkatzailea, independenteki garatu dira. XLM-RoBERTa Cross-lingual modeloa
erabili izan da lan honetan.
EMAITZAK - Gertaerak atzemateko, 0.91 Span F1 exekutatzen duen
sekuentzia-markatzailea proposatzen dugu. Denbora-adierazpenetarako, 0.91 Span F1
egiten duen sekuentzia-markatzailea bat proposatzen dugu. Denbora-erlaziorako, 0.29 F1
neurria egiten duten sekuentzia-markatzaileetan oinarritutako perpaus-sailkatzailea
proposatzen dugu
Semantic transfer in Verbmobil
This paper is a detailed discussion of semantic transfer in the context of the Verbmobil Machine Translation project. The use of semantic transfer as a translation mechanism is introduced and justified by comparison with alternative approaches. Some criteria for evaluation of transfer frameworks are discussed and a comparison is made of three different approaches to the representation of translation rules or equivalences. This is followed by a discussion of control of application of transfer rules and interaction with a domain description and inference component
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