3 research outputs found

    Tipping points near a delayed saddle node bifurcation with periodic forcing

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    We consider the effect on tipping from an additive periodic forcing in a canonical model with a saddle node bifurcation and a slowly varying bifurcation parameter. Here tipping refers to the dramatic change in dynamical behavior characterized by a rapid transition away from a previously attracting state. In the absence of the periodic forcing, it is well-known that a slowly varying bifurcation parameter produces a delay in this transition, beyond the bifurcation point for the static case. Using a multiple scales analysis, we consider the effect of amplitude and frequency of the periodic forcing relative to the drifting rate of the slowly varying bifurcation parameter. We show that a high frequency oscillation drives an earlier tipping when the bifurcation parameter varies more slowly, with the advance of the tipping point proportional to the square of the ratio of amplitude to frequency. In the low frequency case the position of the tipping point is affected by the frequency, amplitude and phase of the oscillation. The results are based on an analysis of the local concavity of the trajectory, used for low frequencies both of the same order as the drifting rate of the bifurcation parameter and for low frequencies larger than the drifting rate. The tipping point location is advanced with increased amplitude of the periodic forcing, with critical amplitudes where there are jumps in the location, yielding significant advances in the tipping point. We demonstrate the analysis for two applications with saddle node-type bifurcations

    Time Dependent Saddle Node Bifurcation: Breaking Time and the Point of No Return in a Non-Autonomous Model of Critical Transitions

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    There is a growing awareness that catastrophic phenomena in biology and medicine can be mathematically represented in terms of saddle-node bifurcations. In particular, the term `tipping', or critical transition has in recent years entered the discourse of the general public in relation to ecology, medicine, and public health. The saddle-node bifurcation and its associated theory of catastrophe as put forth by Thom and Zeeman has seen applications in a wide range of fields including molecular biophysics, mesoscopic physics, and climate science. In this paper, we investigate a simple model of a non-autonomous system with a time-dependent parameter p(τ)p(\tau) and its corresponding `dynamic' (time-dependent) saddle-node bifurcation by the modern theory of non-autonomous dynamical systems. We show that the actual point of no return for a system undergoing tipping can be significantly delayed in comparison to the {\em breaking time} τ^\hat{\tau} at which the corresponding autonomous system with a time-independent parameter pa=p(τ^)p_{a}= p(\hat{\tau}) undergoes a bifurcation. A dimensionless parameter α=λp03V−2\alpha=\lambda p_0^3V^{-2} is introduced, in which λ\lambda is the curvature of the autonomous saddle-node bifurcation according to parameter p(τ)p(\tau), which has an initial value of p0p_{0} and a constant rate of change VV. We find that the breaking time τ^\hat{\tau} is always less than the actual point of no return τ∗\tau^* after which the critical transition is irreversible; specifically, the relation τ∗−τ^≃2.338(λV)−13\tau^*-\hat{\tau}\simeq 2.338(\lambda V)^{-\frac{1}{3}} is analytically obtained. For a system with a small λV\lambda V, there exists a significant window of opportunity (τ^,τ∗)(\hat{\tau},\tau^*) during which rapid reversal of the environment can save the system from catastrophe

    Tipping Points Near a Delayed Saddle Node Bifurcation with Periodic Forcing

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