11 research outputs found

    Bloom Filters and Compact Hash Codes for Efficient and Distributed Image Retrieval

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    This paper presents a novel method for efficient image retrieval, based on a simple and effective hashing of CNN features and the use of an indexing structure based on Bloom filters. These filters are used as gatekeepers for the database of image features, allowing to avoid to perform a query if the query features are not stored in the database and speeding up the query process, without affecting retrieval performance. Thanks to the limited memory requirements the system is suitable for mobile applications and distributed databases, associating each filter to a distributed portion of the database. Experimental validation has been performed on three standard image retrieval datasets, outperforming state-of-the-art hashing methods in terms of precision, while the proposed indexing method obtains a 2×2\times speedup

    Unsupervised Triplet Hashing for Fast Image Retrieval

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    Hashing has played a pivotal role in large-scale image retrieval. With the development of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), hashing learning has shown great promise. But existing methods are mostly tuned for classification, which are not optimized for retrieval tasks, especially for instance-level retrieval. In this study, we propose a novel hashing method for large-scale image retrieval. Considering the difficulty in obtaining labeled datasets for image retrieval task in large scale, we propose a novel CNN-based unsupervised hashing method, namely Unsupervised Triplet Hashing (UTH). The unsupervised hashing network is designed under the following three principles: 1) more discriminative representations for image retrieval; 2) minimum quantization loss between the original real-valued feature descriptors and the learned hash codes; 3) maximum information entropy for the learned hash codes. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, MNIST and In-shop datasets have shown that UTH outperforms several state-of-the-art unsupervised hashing methods in terms of retrieval accuracy

    Group Invariant Deep Representations for Image Instance Retrieval

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    Most image instance retrieval pipelines are based on comparison of vectors known as global image descriptors between a query image and the database images. Due to their success in large scale image classification, representations extracted from Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are quickly gaining ground on Fisher Vectors (FVs) as state-of-the-art global descriptors for image instance retrieval. While CNN-based descriptors are generally remarked for good retrieval performance at lower bitrates, they nevertheless present a number of drawbacks including the lack of robustness to common object transformations such as rotations compared with their interest point based FV counterparts. In this paper, we propose a method for computing invariant global descriptors from CNNs. Our method implements a recently proposed mathematical theory for invariance in a sensory cortex modeled as a feedforward neural network. The resulting global descriptors can be made invariant to multiple arbitrary transformation groups while retaining good discriminativeness. Based on a thorough empirical evaluation using several publicly available datasets, we show that our method is able to significantly and consistently improve retrieval results every time a new type of invariance is incorporated. We also show that our method which has few parameters is not prone to overfitting: improvements generalize well across datasets with different properties with regard to invariances. Finally, we show that our descriptors are able to compare favourably to other state-of-the-art compact descriptors in similar bitranges, exceeding the highest retrieval results reported in the literature on some datasets. A dedicated dimensionality reduction step --quantization or hashing-- may be able to further improve the competitiveness of the descriptors

    Bloom filters and compact hash codes for efficient and distributed image retrieval

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    Compact Hash Codes for Efficient Visual Descriptors Retrieval in Large Scale Databases

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