2 research outputs found

    High performance algorithms for large scale placement problem

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    Placement is one of the most important problems in electronic design automation (EDA). An inferior placement solution will not only affect the chip’s performance but might also make it nonmanufacturable by producing excessive wirelength, which is beyond available routing resources. Although placement has been extensively investigated for several decades, it is still a very challenging problem mainly due to that design scale has been dramatically increased by order of magnitudes and the increasing trend seems unstoppable. In modern design, chips commonly integrate millions of gates that require over tens of metal routing layers. Besides, new manufacturing techniques bring out new requests leading to that multi-objectives should be optimized simultaneously during placement. Our research provides high performance algorithms for placement problem. We propose (i) a high performance global placement core engine POLAR; (ii) an efficient routability-driven placer POLAR 2.0, which is an extension of POLAR to deal with routing congestion; (iii) an ultrafast global placer POLAR 3.0, which explore parallelism on POLAR and can make full use of multi-core system; (iv) some efficient triple patterning lithography (TPL) aware detailed placement algorithms

    Timing-driven placement based on monotone cell ordering constraints

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    Abstract − In this paper, we present a new timing-driven placement algorithm, which attempts to minimize zigzags and crisscrosses on the timing-critical paths of a circuit. We observed that most of the paths that cause timing problems in the circuit meander outside the minimum bounding box of the start and end nodes of the path. To limit this undesirable behavior, we impose a physical constraint on the placement problem, i.e., we assign a preferred signal direction to each critical path in the circuit. Starting from an initial placement solution, by using a move-based optimization strategy, these preferred directions force cells to move in a direction that maximizes the monotonic behavior of the timing-critical paths in the new placement solution. To make the direction assignment tractable, we implicitly group all circuit paths into a set of input-output conduits and assign a unique preferred direction to each such conduit. We integrated this idea into a recursive bipartitioning-based placement framework with a min-cut objective function. Experimental results on a set of standard placement benchmarks show that this approach improves the result of a state-of-the-art industrial placement tool for all the benchmark circuits while increasing the wire length by a tolerable amount. I