3 research outputs found

    The costs of fusion in smart camera networks

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    ABSTRACT The choice of the most suitable fusion scheme for smart camera networks depends on the application as well as on the available computational and communication resources. In this paper we discuss and compare the resource requirements of five fusion schemes, namely centralised fusion, flooding, consensus, token passing and dynamic clustering. The Extended Information Filter is applied to each fusion scheme to perform target tracking. Token passing and dynamic clustering involve negotiation among viewing nodes (cameras observing the same target) to decide which node should perform the fusion process whereas flooding and consensus do not include this negotiation. Negotiation helps limiting the number of participating cameras and reduces the required resources for the fusion process itself but requires additional communication. Consensus has the highest communication and computation costs but it is the only scheme that can be applied when not all viewing nodes are connected directly and routing tables are not available

    Likelihood Consensus and Its Application to Distributed Particle Filtering

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    We consider distributed state estimation in a wireless sensor network without a fusion center. Each sensor performs a global estimation task---based on the past and current measurements of all sensors---using only local processing and local communications with its neighbors. In this estimation task, the joint (all-sensors) likelihood function (JLF) plays a central role as it epitomizes the measurements of all sensors. We propose a distributed method for computing, at each sensor, an approximation of the JLF by means of consensus algorithms. This "likelihood consensus" method is applicable if the local likelihood functions of the various sensors (viewed as conditional probability density functions of the local measurements) belong to the exponential family of distributions. We then use the likelihood consensus method to implement a distributed particle filter and a distributed Gaussian particle filter. Each sensor runs a local particle filter, or a local Gaussian particle filter, that computes a global state estimate. The weight update in each local (Gaussian) particle filter employs the JLF, which is obtained through the likelihood consensus scheme. For the distributed Gaussian particle filter, the number of particles can be significantly reduced by means of an additional consensus scheme. Simulation results are presented to assess the performance of the proposed distributed particle filters for a multiple target tracking problem

    Time-space-sequential algorithms for distributed Bayesian state estimation in serial sensor networks

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    We consider distributed estimation of a time-dependent, random state vector based on a generally nonlinear/non-Gaussian state-space model. The current state is sensed by a serial sensor network without a fusion center. We present an optimal distributed Bayesian estima-tion algorithm that is sequential both in time and in space (i.e., across sensors) and requires only local communication between neighboring sensors. For the linear/Gaussian case, the algorithm reduces to a time-space-sequential, distributed form of the Kalman filter. We also demonstrate the application of our state estimator to a target tracking problem, using a dynamically defined “local sensor chain ” around the current target position. Index Terms—Parameter estimation, state estimation, sequential Bayesian filtering, distributed inference, sensor networks, Kalman filter, target tracking. 1