3 research outputs found

    Time Constrained Continuous Subgraph Search over Streaming Graphs

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    The growing popularity of dynamic applications such as social networks provides a promising way to detect valuable information in real time. Efficient analysis over high-speed data from dynamic applications is of great significance. Data from these dynamic applications can be easily modeled as streaming graph. In this paper, we study the subgraph (isomorphism) search over streaming graph data that obeys timing order constraints over the occurrence of edges in the stream. We propose a data structure and algorithm to efficiently answer subgraph search and introduce optimizations to greatly reduce the space cost, and propose concurrency management to improve system throughput. Extensive experiments on real network traffic data and synthetic social streaming data confirms the efficiency and effectiveness of our solution

    Dolha - an Efficient and Exact Data Structure for Streaming Graphs

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    A streaming graph is a graph formed by a sequence of incoming edges with time stamps. Unlike static graphs, the streaming graph is highly dynamic and time related. In the real world, the high volume and velocity streaming graphs such as internet traffic data, social network communication data and financial transfer data are bringing challenges to the classic graph data structures. We present a new data structure: double orthogonal list in hash table (Dolha) which is a high speed and high memory efficiency graph structure applicable to streaming graph. Dolha has constant time cost for single edge and near linear space cost that we can contain billions of edges information in memory size and process an incoming edge in nanoseconds. Dolha also has linear time cost for neighborhood queries, which allow it to support most algorithms in graphs without extra cost. We also present a persistent structure based on Dolha that has the ability to handle the sliding window update and time related queries.Comment: 12 page

    Updates-Aware Graph Pattern based Node Matching

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    Graph Pattern based Node Matching (GPNM) is to find all the matches of the nodes in a data graph GD based on a given pattern graph GP. GPNM has become increasingly important in many applications, e.g., group finding and expert recommendation. In real scenarios, both GP and GD are updated frequently. However, the existing GPNM methods either need to perform a new GPNM procedure from scratch to deliver the node matching results based on the updated GP and GD or incrementally perform the GPNM procedure for each of the updates, leading to low efficiency. Therefore, there is a pressing need for a new method to efficiently deliver the node matching results on the updated graphs. In this paper, we first analyze and detect the elimination relationships between the updates. Then, we construct an Elimination Hierarchy Tree (EH-Tree) to index these elimination relationships. In order to speed up the GPNM process, we propose a graph partition method and then propose a new updates-aware GPNM method, called UA-GPNM, considering the single-graph elimination relationships among the updates in a single graph of GP or GD, and also the cross-graph elimination relationships between the updates in GP and the updates in GD. UA-GPNM first delivers the GPNM result of an initial query, and then delivers the GPNM result of a subsequent query, based on the initial GPNM result and the multiple updates that occur between two queries. The experimental results on five real-world social graphs demonstrate that our proposed UA-GPNM is much more efficient than the state-of-the-art GPNM methods