32 research outputs found

    Tilings in randomly perturbed dense graphs

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    A perfect HH-tiling in a graph GG is a collection of vertex-disjoint copies of a graph HH in GG that together cover all the vertices in GG. In this paper we investigate perfect HH-tilings in a random graph model introduced by Bohman, Frieze and Martin in which one starts with a dense graph and then adds mm random edges to it. Specifically, for any fixed graph HH, we determine the number of random edges required to add to an arbitrary graph of linear minimum degree in order to ensure the resulting graph contains a perfect HH-tiling with high probability. Our proof utilises Szemer\'edi's Regularity lemma as well as a special case of a result of Koml\'os concerning almost perfect HH-tilings in dense graphs.Comment: 19 pages, to appear in CP

    Rainbow connectivity of randomly perturbed graphs

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    In this note we examine the following random graph model: for an arbitrary graph HH, with quadratic many edges, construct a graph GG by randomly adding mm edges to HH and randomly coloring the edges of GG with rr colors. We show that for mm a large enough constant and r5r \geq 5, every pair of vertices in GG are joined by a rainbow path, i.e., GG is {\it rainbow connected}, with high probability. This confirms a conjecture of Anastos and Frieze [{\it J. Graph Theory} {\bf 92} (2019)] who proved the statement for r7r \geq 7 and resolved the case when r4r \leq 4 and mm is a function of nn.Comment: Some typos and errors fixe

    Cycle factors in randomly perturbed graphs

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    We study the problem of finding pairwise vertex-disjoint copies of the ω>-vertex cycle Cω>in the randomly perturbed graph model, which is the union of a deterministic n-vertex graph G and the binomial random graph G(n, p). For ω>≥ 3 we prove that asymptotically almost surely G U G(n, p) contains min{δ(G), min{δ(G), [n/l]} pairwise vertex-disjoint cycles Cω>, provided p ≥ C log n/n for C sufficiently large. Moreover, when δ(G) ≥ αn with 0 ≤ α/l and G and is not 'close' to the complete bipartite graph Kαn(1 - α)n, then p ≥ C/n suffices to get the same conclusion. This provides a stability version of our result. In particular, we conclude that p ≥ C/n suffices when α > n/l for finding [n/l] cycles Cω>. Our results are asymptotically optimal. They can be seen as an interpolation between the Johansson-Kahn-Vu Theorem for Cω>-factors and the resolution of the El-Zahar Conjecture for Cω>-factors by Abbasi

    Smoothed Analysis of the Koml\'os Conjecture: Rademacher Noise

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    The {\em discrepancy} of a matrix MRd×nM \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times n} is given by DISC(M):=minx{1,1}nMx\mathrm{DISC}(M) := \min_{\boldsymbol{x} \in \{-1,1\}^n} \|M\boldsymbol{x}\|_\infty. An outstanding conjecture, attributed to Koml\'os, stipulates that DISC(M)=O(1)\mathrm{DISC}(M) = O(1), whenever MM is a Koml\'os matrix, that is, whenever every column of MM lies within the unit sphere. Our main result asserts that DISC(M+R/d)=O(d1/2)\mathrm{DISC}(M + R/\sqrt{d}) = O(d^{-1/2}) holds asymptotically almost surely, whenever MRd×nM \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times n} is Koml\'os, RRd×nR \in \mathbb{R}^{d \times n} is a Rademacher random matrix, d=ω(1)d = \omega(1), and n=ω~(d5/4)n = \tilde \omega(d^{5/4}). We conjecture that n=ω(dlogd)n = \omega(d \log d) suffices for the same assertion to hold. The factor d1/2d^{-1/2} normalising RR is essentially best possible.Comment: For version 2, the bound on the discrepancy is improve

    Karp's patching algorithm on random perturbations of dense digraphs

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    We consider the following question. We are given a dense digraph D0D_0 with minimum in- and out-degree at least αn\alpha n, where α>0\alpha>0 is a constant. We then add random edges RR to D0D_0 to create a digraph DD. Here an edge ee is placed independently into RR with probability nϵn^{-\epsilon} where ϵ>0\epsilon>0 is a small positive constant. The edges of DD are given edge costs C(e),eE(D)C(e),e\in E(D), where C(e)C(e) is an independent copy of the exponential mean one random variable EXP(1)EXP(1) i.e. Pr(EXP(1)x)=ex\Pr(EXP(1)\geq x)=e^{-x}. Let C(i,j),i,j[n]C(i,j),i,j\in[n] be the associated n×nn\times n cost matrix where C(i,j)=C(i,j)=\infty if (i,j)E(D)(i,j)\notin E(D). We show that w.h.p. the patching algorithm of Karp finds a tour for the asymmetric traveling salesperson problem that is asymptotically equal to that of the associated assignment problem. Karp's algorithm runs in polynomial time.Comment: Fixed the proof of a lemm