27 research outputs found

    Tightly Coupled 3D Lidar Inertial Odometry and Mapping

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    Ego-motion estimation is a fundamental requirement for most mobile robotic applications. By sensor fusion, we can compensate the deficiencies of stand-alone sensors and provide more reliable estimations. We introduce a tightly coupled lidar-IMU fusion method in this paper. By jointly minimizing the cost derived from lidar and IMU measurements, the lidar-IMU odometry (LIO) can perform well with acceptable drift after long-term experiment, even in challenging cases where the lidar measurements can be degraded. Besides, to obtain more reliable estimations of the lidar poses, a rotation-constrained refinement algorithm (LIO-mapping) is proposed to further align the lidar poses with the global map. The experiment results demonstrate that the proposed method can estimate the poses of the sensor pair at the IMU update rate with high precision, even under fast motion conditions or with insufficient features.Comment: Accepted by ICRA 201

    Open-Source LiDAR Time Synchronization System by Mimicking GPS-clock

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    Time synchronization of multiple sensors is one of the main issues when building sensor networks. Data fusion algorithms and their applications, such as LiDAR-IMU Odometry (LIO), rely on precise timestamping. We introduce open-source LiDAR to inertial measurement unit (IMU) hardware time synchronization system, which could be generalized to multiple sensors such as cameras, encoders, other LiDARs, etc. The system mimics a GPS-supplied clock interface by a microcontroller-powered platform and provides 1 microsecond synchronization precision. In addition, we conduct an evaluation of the system precision comparing to other synchronization methods, including timestamping provided by ROS software and LiDAR inner clock, showing clear advantages over both baseline methods.Comment: IEEE Sensors 2021 Conferenc

    Metric Monocular Localization Using Signed Distance Fields

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    Metric localization plays a critical role in vision-based navigation. For overcoming the degradation of matching photometry under appearance changes, recent research resorted to introducing geometry constraints of the prior scene structure. In this paper, we present a metric localization method for the monocular camera, using the Signed Distance Field (SDF) as a global map representation. Leveraging the volumetric distance information from SDFs, we aim to relax the assumption of an accurate structure from the local Bundle Adjustment (BA) in previous methods. By tightly coupling the distance factor with temporal visual constraints, our system corrects the odometry drift and jointly optimizes global camera poses with the local structure. We validate the proposed approach on both indoor and outdoor public datasets. Compared to the state-of-the-art methods, it achieves a comparable performance with a minimal sensor configuration.Comment: Accepted to 2019 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS

    DSEC: A Stereo Event Camera Dataset for Driving Scenarios

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    Once an academic venture, autonomous driving has received unparalleled corporate funding in the last decade. Still, the operating conditions of current autonomous cars are mostly restricted to ideal scenarios. This means that driving in challenging illumination conditions such as night, sunrise, and sunset remains an open problem. In these cases, standard cameras are being pushed to their limits in terms of low light and high dynamic range performance. To address these challenges, we propose, DSEC, a new dataset that contains such demanding illumination conditions and provides a rich set of sensory data. DSEC offers data from a wide-baseline stereo setup of two color frame cameras and two high-resolution monochrome event cameras. In addition, we collect lidar data and RTK GPS measurements, both hardware synchronized with all camera data. One of the distinctive features of this dataset is the inclusion of high-resolution event cameras. Event cameras have received increasing attention for their high temporal resolution and high dynamic range performance. However, due to their novelty, event camera datasets in driving scenarios are rare. This work presents the first high-resolution, large-scale stereo dataset with event cameras. The dataset contains 53 sequences collected by driving in a variety of illumination conditions and provides ground truth disparity for the development and evaluation of event-based stereo algorithms.Comment: IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter