6 research outputs found


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    We study space complexity and time-space trade-offs with a focus not on peak memory usage but on overall memory consumption throughout the computation. Such a cumulative space measure was introduced for the computational model of parallel black pebbling by [Alwen and Serbinenko ’15] as a tool for obtaining results in cryptography. We consider instead the non- deterministic black-white pebble game and prove optimal cumulative space lower bounds and trade-offs, where in order to minimize pebbling time the space has to remain large during a significant fraction of the pebbling. We also initiate the study of cumulative space in proof complexity, an area where other space complexity measures have been extensively studied during the last 10–15 years. Using and extending the connection between proof complexity and pebble games in [Ben-Sasson and Nordström ’08, ’11] we obtain several strong cumulative space results for (even parallel versions of) the resolution proof system, and outline some possible future directions of study of this, in our opinion, natural and interesting space measure

    Nullstellensatz Size-Degree Trade-offs from Reversible Pebbling

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    We establish an exactly tight relation between reversible pebblings of graphs and Nullstellensatz refutations of pebbling formulas, showing that a graph GG can be reversibly pebbled in time tt and space ss if and only if there is a Nullstellensatz refutation of the pebbling formula over GG in size t+1t+1 and degree ss (independently of the field in which the Nullstellensatz refutation is made). We use this correspondence to prove a number of strong size-degree trade-offs for Nullstellensatz, which to the best of our knowledge are the first such results for this proof system

    Bounds on monotone switching networks for directed connectivity

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    We separate monotone analogues of L and NL by proving that any monotone switching network solving directed connectivity on nn vertices must have size at least n(Ω(lg(n)))n^(\Omega(\lg(n))).Comment: 49 pages, 12 figure

    Average Case Lower Bounds for Monotone Switching Networks

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    An approximate computation of a function f : {0, 1} n → {0, 1} by a computaional model M is a computation in which M computes f correctly on the majority of the inputs (rather than on all inputs). Lower bounds for approximate computations are also known as average case hardness results. We obtain the first average case monotone depth lower bounds for a function in monotone P, tolerating errors that are asymptotically the best possible for monotone circuits. Specifically, we prove average case exponential lower bounds on the size of monotone switching networks for the GEN function. As a corollary, we establish that for every i, there are functions computed with no error in monotone NC i+1 , but that cannot be computed without large error by monotone circuits in NC i